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From the College of Natural Sciences

Aaron Dubrow is the science and technology writer for the Texas Advanced Computing Center. He previously was a public affairs specialist at the U.S. National Science Foundation, where he was responsible for communications and media relations for NSF's Computing and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) Directorate, as well as creating and implementing strategic communications plans in support of the agency's $1 billion computing research portfolio. Aaron has extensive experience writing and developing print, video, multimedia and social media content for scientific organizations and publications. He contributes regularly to the Huffington Post and Futurity and is a leading voice in explaining the value of high performance computing and modern data platforms for science, society and industry to lay audiences.

Amanda Figueroa-Nieves is the Spring 2021 Science Communications intern. She's a sophomore majoring in Public Health and Plan II Honors who enjoys spending time outdoors in the many parks around Austin. She is a news desk editor at The Daily Texan and was their Fall 2020 Senior Research News Reporter. This semester, she hopes to hone her reporting and writing skills while helping scientists communicate their research effectively. 

Cason Hunwick is a senior Rhetoric and Writing major and Science Communication minor at UT Austin. His favorite scientists include Stephen Hawking, Marie Curie and Linus Pauling. He plays piano, plays soccer, rock climbs and enjoys working with researchers to communicate their discoveries in compelling and insightful ways.