Submit Your Ideas
Suggest discussion topics
- Provide a suggestion for facilitated discussions on hot-topics if you are a faculty member. SUBMIT TOPIC IDEAS HERE
Showcase your work
- We have heard many great ideas for presenting content, engaging students, assessment, communicating with students, and setting up Canvas.
- We would like to showcase your solutions on our website and in our summer offerings.
- To share, please send a brief video (aim for two minutes or less) that tells what specific strategy you tried, why you tried it, and how it worked out.
What to do to get ready
Consider collaborating with colleagues who teach the same course as you engage with these resources and prepare to teach in a new school year
Use the Online Education Task Force Resources
- The OETF "Transitioning to Online Teaching and Learning" Canvas page is a one-stop-shop for information about moving your class online, and is full of good advice for teaching in general.
- To gain entry to the resources, ENROLL HERE
Practice Using the Technology
- Resources for learning Zoom
- Resources for learning Canvas
Get Together with Colleagues in Your Department
- Contact your department's Associate Chair for Undergraduate Education or other designate for suggestions and to find out about opportunities to get together with your colleagues for discussion and idea sharing.
- The department contacts are listed in the table below.
Collaborate with Your Trained TAs
- We offer teaching assistant training for new TAs and for any TA who wants to learn more about supporting online learning.
- Self-paced resources are available in a four-part Canvas course. To access the resources, SELF-ENROLL in the Canvas course.
- The training materials consist of
- Part 1: Self-paced essentials required for new TAs
- Part 2: A template for use during a conversation about expectations with the course instructor
- Part 3: Pick-and-choose, self-paced, specialized training and practice
- Part 4: One 90-minute synchronous Zoom interactive session required for new TAs (participants will get their questions answered and role-play how to handle difficult situations). Zoom links are in the Canvas site. Meetings are currently scheduled:
- August 23rd, 2021, 3-5pm
- September 2nd, 2021, 3-5pm
See Resources for Lab Instructors
- Teaching a lab course during a pandemic will have its own challenges. Here is a LAB REDESIGN GUIDE from Summer 2020 with the information you need in one place.
Participate in our Course Design Institute
The Course Design resources on Canvas include a path for course design. The path starts with identifying the value or purposes of your course. As you continue down the path, you will build the course structures to align with each other and with the course purpose to support student learning. Along the way we provide some ideas for how you might build in some flexibility to support student learning even if all students cannot participate in exactly the same way as others for one reason or another.
cns departmental contacts
Contact these people to find out what is happening in your department.
OUR team
Have teaching-related questions? A member of our team will be sure to respond.
See our BIO page to learn a bit more about us:
- Dr. Keely Finkelstein
- Dr. Kristin Patterson