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Navigating entreprenurial resources across campus:

UT Austin has a diverse entreprenuership eco-system of courses, programs, events, speaker series, practicums, internships, and more. In fact, there are so many opportunities across campus, it can often be overwhelming or confusing when trying to determine the best place to start.  

Questions to consider if you interested in exploring entrepreneurship:


  • BLACKSTONE LAUNCHPAD: Blackstone LaunchPad is a campus hub for all things entrepreneurship.  They offer mentoring, advising, general information, and directions to resources across the univesrity. This is a great place to start if you're uncertain about where to begin.

Do you want to better understand the entrepreneurial process and terminology?

Consider the following introductory entrepreneurship course options:

  • CNS INVENTORS: Freshmen Research Initiative participants interested in translating research into societal impact can take this NSC 109 seminar.  Led by Dr. Timothy Riedel, this class is designed to demystify key industry and commercialization practices and empower students to engage in commercialization activities early in their undergraduate education. 
  • START-UP SCIENCE: In partnership with the Herb Kelleher Center for Entrepreneurship, CNS students can learn the basics of entrepreneurship and business plans in a two-course sequence: MAN 327 Innovation and Entrepreneurship and MAN 327E New Venture Mechanics.  Throughout this year-long course sequence, students will be exposed to entrepreneurial spaces, speakers, and start-ups outside of the classroom. 
  • LONGHORN STARTUP SEMINAR: A Fall semester lecture-based course that features prominent entrepreneurs telling the stories of how they founded their companies and answering questions from the students. Students get to pitch their idea to the class and participate in speed-dating events to meet potential co-founders and get advice from mentors. 
  • Many different and/or new courses are offered each semester on topics including social entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial finance, innovation and technology, global entrepreneurship, design thinking, intellectual property, and more.  For a complete list of entrepreneurship courses offered across campus, visit the Herb Kelleher Center site for Academic Opportunities

Are you seeking Mentorship or advice from an expert?

  • BLACKSTONE LAUNCHPAD: One-on-one coaching is availabale, free, and confidential for individuals or startups at any stage.  Visit the Launchpad on the first floor of the Flawn Academic Center.
  • ENTREPRENEURS-IN-RESIDENCE: The Entrepreneurs-in-Residence brings highly successful entrepreneurs on campus to work with students seeking advice on launching their own entrepreneurial venture. 
  • TIDES ADVISING: Meet face-to-face with a supportive CNS staff member to determine how to best use campus resources based on your specific entrepreneurship interests and needs.  Weekly walk-in advising is available in PAI 3.04 on Tuesdays from 1-3pm and Thursdays from 10am-12pm.
  • HERB KELLEHER CENTER ADIVSING HERB KELLEHER CENTER ADVISING: Meet an HKC staff member to discuss sponsorship opportunities, business plan competitions, pitch facilitation, practicum opportunities, internship programs, and more.  By appointment only. 

Do you want to attend an entreprenurship-themed event?

Do you have an idea,  a business plan, and/or an expertise ready for a hands-on entrerprenuership practicum? 

University hubs for entrepreneurship: