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You might want to take a transfer course in the upcoming summer or count a course you already took toward a degree requirement. These requests are called petitions. All petitions for degree requirements, except the University core curriculum, are handled through the college's on-line petition system.

Guidelines for All Petitions

  • Start with your academic advisor to discuss options
  • Seek permission before enrolling in a course at UT or another university
  • Understand that petitions are approved for sound academic reasons only

College Policies

Petitioning a Degree Requirement
Petition Results
Petitioning a University Core Curriculum Requirement
Foreign Language Requirement
Concurrent Enrollment (simultaneous enrollment at another university)
Enrolling as an Undergraduate in a Graduate Course

Petitioning a Degree Requirement

Petition types include substituting transfer courses and in-residence courses for degree requirements, reductions in residency degree requirements, and outright waivers. Note, waivers are rare and only for unusual circumstances.

Your academic advisor is responsible for submitting the online petition. You may be asked to provide a copy of your syllabus, a write-up of your research results, or a written statement explaining the reason for your request. Your petition will be reviewed by your faculty advisor. The Dean's Office makes all final decisions on petitions and notifies you through the Natural Sciences Secure Web Services.

Petition Results

View the results of your petition at the Natural Sciences Secure Web Services page.

Foreign Language Requirement

International, permanent resident, and U.S. citizen undergraduates who speak languages besides english have a variety of options for meeting foreign language requirements besides taking courses at UT or elsewhere. Options include:

Standardized placement exams - The Center for Teaching and Learning offers standardized placement exams for which you can earn college credit. The center provides a general yearly schedule of the exams they offer and the times they are offered. You can earn college credit through these exams.

Proficiency exams - The Texas Language Center in the College of Liberal Arts proctors oral and written exams in which your proficiency level can be determined. You cannot earn college credit through a proficiency exam. However, the college will waive the portion of foreign language requirements that are equivalent to your proficiency level. However, the total hours for the degree will not be reduced. Proficiency levels are defined below.

Novice High = 1st semester proficiency
Intermediate Mid = 2nd and 3rd seemster proficiency
Intermediate High or above = 4th semester proficiency

Instruction in a language other than english - Students who can provide documentation that they were instructed through high school in a language other than english in all subjects can have their foreign language requirements waived. You can't earn college credit through this option.

Petitioning a University Core Requirement

Petitions for University core curriculum requirements are the responsibility of the School of Undergraduate Studies (UGS). Your academic advisor and a designated advisor in the School of Undergraduate Studies can assist you with this process. For more information, see the UGS website.

Concurrent Enrollment

Concurrent enrollment refers to the act of enrolling simultaneously at more than one college or university, including through online education. Each college at UT has its own policy for the conditions in which you can be concurrently enrolled. Talk to your academic advisor to ensure you know the policy and options before you consider concurrent enrollment.

In the College of Natural Sciences, summer concurrent enrollment is permitted without conditions. Concurrent enrollment is permitted in limited circumstances during fall and spring semesters. You do not need advance approval if you meet both conditions A and B during a fall or spring semester:

A. You are registered in-residence at UT for a minimum of 9 hours, and
B. You want to concurrently enroll in a non-mathematics or non-science course.

To be certain that your courses will satisfy degree requirements, please consult with your academic advisor prior to any concurrent enrollment.

In addition, you do not need advance approval if you meet both conditions C and D:

C. You are registered in residence at UT for a minimum of 9 hours, and
D. You want to concurrently enroll in a mathematics or science course through UT Extension. However, UT Extension will not allow you to take a mathematics or science course through UT Extenion if you have already enrolled in it twice at UT.

If you feel you have an academically sound reason to seek an exception to the fall and spring conditions, ask your advisor to  initiate a petition prior to enrollment. The Dean's Office will make a final decision and notify you through the Natural Sciences Secure Web Services.

Multiple Degree Seekers: Please note that each college at the University has different policies regarding concurrent enrollment. If you are seeking degrees in more than one college, it is your responsibility to ensure that you are meeting the policies of both colleges.

Enrolling as an Undergraduate in a Graduate Course

You may discover graduate courses that can enrich your education and provide new challenges.

With prior approval, graduate courses can count toward an undergraduate degree and possibly toward a specific degree requirement. Students must be upper-division (completion of 60 hours) and have a minimum 3.0 university grade point average. Your academic advisor can talk to you more about this option.