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From the College of Natural Sciences
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This Week, Next and Beyond

​Dear Students,I'm sure you're so busy with studying, writing lab reports and collecting data that you probably don't even realize it, but I want to make sure you're aware: Next week is spring break!OK, that was a joke. I know you're aware. What I want you to remind you is that spring break is next week, not this week. So, stay focused, keep studyi...

New Support in Health Pathways

​Dear Students,"House," "ER" and "Grey's Anatomy" are among the gripping medical dramas that have helped teach us a career in medicine can be exciting, challenging and impactful. It's a shame we don't also have exciting dramas about, say, podiatry or occupational therapy. That's because podiatrists, occupational therapists and other allied health p...

A Robot Didn’t Write this Newsletter…

Dear Students,A current hot topic is ChatGPT and other new AI tools. Last week, I led a discussion with faculty about how these tools will impact education at UT. As you can imagine, professors expressed a lot of concern about how the tools can be used for cheating and to otherwise short-circuit the learning process. But I also heard a lot of excit...

Sign Up by 3/3 to Present Research

​Dear Students,Each spring, CNS hosts an Undergraduate Research Forum, where students from every corner of the college pack Welch Hall to display and present posters about their research. I attend every year, and I always leave energized at the amazing discoveries our CNS students are making and at how good they are at explaining them.If you're doi...

Making the Most of Resources

​Dear Students,As I write this email, we are still in the throes of the ice storm that halted classes and most of everything else in Austin. Many people remain without power, and ice and fallen tree branches make driving—and even walking—dangerous. By the time you read this, I hope power is back on and cleanup is well underway. If the storm continu...

Awards Season Approaches

Dear Students,Each spring, the College of Natural Sciences recognizes outstanding students, and we need your help to identify and amplify all of the incredible work that is happening in our college. Mark the nomination deadline date on your calendar now (Friday, March 3rd, at 5pm) so you don't miss this chance to share wonderful things about your p...

Research, Travel & Work (Oh My!)

Dear Students,I know we're in week two of the semester, and summer still seems far off, but it's a great time to start making plans. A few summer options to put on your radar:Gain experience this summer in scientific research. With the vast amount of research happening here in CNS, there are many opportunities on campus. But I encourage you to also...

Making the Day Off a Day On

​Dear Students,Today is MLK Day, and I hope you're enjoying the day off from classes. In this short break before the semester heats up, perhaps you are thinking about things like grades, awards, acceptances and academics. The legacy of Dr. King reminds us that perhaps the most important yardstick of our success is the impact we have on others.So to...

Charting Your Path

​Dear Students,Happy new year, and welcome back! When I was a student, the start of the semester always brought mixed emotions. There was excitement about reconnecting with friends and the new courses I was starting. But reading the course syllabi also brought anxiety as I contemplated the many tests, homework and papers that lay ahead. If you're f...

3 Tips for Finals Readiness

Dear Students,Well, we've just about made it through another semester! But I know that for many, it hardly feels that way because finals are about to begin, and there's more work ahead. As you get ready for finals, here are my top three bits of advice:Sleep: All-nighters often do more harm than good because your brain needs sleep to store informati...