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Has a CNS research administrator gone above and beyond for you? Is one of your colleagues deserving of a shout-out for their stellar work? Have YOU accomplished something that you are particularly proud of? Did you help submit a proposal that was awarded?

Take a moment to recognize a deserving CNS research administrator or pat yourself on the back for a job well done!
Use the CNS Research Administrator Shout Out online submission form to help us celebrate research administrators in our college. 
Shout-outs will be shared at CNS Research Administrator meetings, via email to the recognized research administrator and their supervisor, and select shout-outs will be added to the Strategic Research Initiatives website. 





Jeremiah has helped me over the last several years with writing, organizing, and submitting research grants to fund my laboratory at UT. Over the years, he has helped me with many tens of grant submissions, many tens of fellowship submissions in concert with my lab members, and even helped with submitting literally hundreds of reference letters. Both in his current position in the Department of Molecular Biosciences and in his former position in the Center for Systems and Synthetic Biology, he has been a rock of competence and reliability. The never-ending "treadmill" of grant writing is often stressful and harried; Jeremiah's help has allowed us to keep our operation going. I think it's hard to overstate how valuable his contributions have been to the functioning of my research and mentoring efforts at UT. He is absolutely among the best individual Research Administrators with whom I've had the pleasure of working.

~Dr. Edward Marcotte




Cindy is fiercely protective of her PIs and their proposals. Like a mother lion protecting her cubs, but she only roars a little bit because she has already done the hard work of studying her guidelines and making her proposals are so airtight that on review they rarely require revisions. She provides everything reviewers could possibly need. I'm sure everyone has heard of her working frantically from the emergency room and later from her hospital room to complete an incredibly difficult submission. (I know this is a shout out for Cindy, but I must mention how Cindy, Chris Fry, Tera Sherrard and Meghan Thomson of other departments all come to each others' rescue whenever help is needed). Cindy is sharp as a tack and has a great sense of humor. Finally, when Cindy heard of our move to a totally electronic system she asked for our file naming conventions so that she could start using them to make our job easier.

~Submitted by Margaret Hoard, Sr. Grants & Contracts Specialist, Office of Sponsored Projects




New to research administration, Dolores' very first proposal was a real doozy: a $7,500,000 center proposal which included a subcontract; the guidelines and application instructions were a bit unconventional in comparison with your standard NSF and NIH opportunities. Dolores hit the ground running and demonstrated a commitment to submit a complete and accurate proposal. Late last Fall, UT received news that the proposal will be funded! Way to go, Dolores! 

~Anonymous submission



Shout-out to Kim for her participation in the Subaward Best Practices panel which presented to the ARA meeting held in November. Kim's expertise in subaward reporting, invoicing, and contract modifications (such as NCE) proved an excellent contribution to the panel and the conversation surrounding post-award administration of subcontracts. Her input will also be valuable in developing the subaward best practices guide. 

~Anonymous submission



I am so grateful for Angel and her NRSA workshop. It is wonderful to work with the students in her class as they are infinitely more equipped to write a daunting NIH proposal than their peers. Thanks for all you do, Angel!

~Anonymous submission