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The resources, examples, and petition forms gathered here are in two groups: the first set is intended for students who haven't yet proposed a field of study, and the second set is for those who have.

pre-proposal materials

University of Texas Disciplines Map created by Polymathic Scholars
This map offers basic information about all of the disciplines and degrees offered at UT in an interactive format that’s perfect for exploration. There are also links for each of these disciplines if you find one that you’d like to know more about. While designing your field, you may find that you want to see what other disciplines you can incorporate. This tool can help show you what UT has to offer. It can also be useful for students trying to decide on a major or minor. You can find this interactive map here.

Previously Approved Student Proposals
For those wondering what a completed proposal looks like or to see what other students have come up with, here are a few recent examples.

Conservatism in the United States

Food Culture in America

The Fourth Dimension in Modern Art

Information Interfaces and Friction

Public Transit in the United States

We also have a diverse range of proposals available to browse in the PS office (PAI 5.35). Reading through these can help you discover new possible fields of interest, see what a completed proposal looks like, and learn what other students in the program are doing. You can find the full list of student fields with short pull quotes here.

Opposing Viewpoints in Context Database
As a student, you can access the Gale Opposing Viewpoints in Context Database from the library website portal here. By browsing this database one can find a list of numerous controversial topics and different viewpoints on interesting and important issues.


post-proposal materials

Petition to Add Course to Curriculum
It's not unusual to find out about a relevant course after you've submitted your proposal. If you'd like to petition to add an additional course to your approved certificate curriculum, complete this form. Members of the faculty panel meet each semester to review petitions. There is no limit to the number of courses you can petition to add. 

UGS 310 / 320, Undergraduate Research Experience
If you would like to propose an independent research project within your field of study and receive course credit for your work, read these guidelines for UGS 310 and 320. Remember that you'll need to complete the petition to add it to your approved curriculum.