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From the College of Natural Sciences

David Vanden Bout is the dean and a professor of chemistry in the College of Natural Sciences.

Being Thankful

Dear Students, Some of you will get the chance to get home for Thanksgiving. Some of you might have headed home already! Others will stay in Austin. Wherever you are, take the time to do one thing. Sit down and think about something you are thankful for. Do it in a tangible way. Write it down. Share it with a friend. Putting your thanks into w...

What's Ahead

Dear Students, I had a plan to write something about our amazing student services this week. And while we still have a dedicated staff that work tirelessly for CNS students, it seemed impossible not to write something this week about the election results. First, this is a community that had a responsibility to one another before the elect...

Citizens of the World

Dear Students, Tomorrow is Election Day, and the citizens of our city, state, and nation will be electing new leaders. Some of you can and will exercise your right to vote. Others of you likely already have, given the long lines I've seen at the FAC for early voting. But now is a great time for everyone to reflect on the larger purpose of your...

Now That is Scary

Dear Students, You find yourself alone in your room. It is dark. Quiet. Too quiet. It is uncomfortably warm and you toss and turn trying to sleep. You bolt up out of bed with a fright! The spring semester is over, and you haven't made any summer plans!!!! Now that is scary. Don't let this spooky Halloween nightmare come true next spring. ...

Your Spring Courses, Rethought

Dear Students, It is time to start thinking seriously about courses in the spring. As I am a bit under the weather this morning, I will keep it short. Make sure you are being thoughtful about what you want to take as you plan out your spring. The College works very hard to make sure we are offering all the courses that students need to progres...

Talking Shop

Dear Students, A few weeks ago, I was in Russia for a scientific conference. While it was a chance to visit with some research collaborators, as well as see a bit of Moscow, most of my time was spent in a hotel conference room listening to talks. The meeting was on organic electronics and covered topics ranging from solar cells to LED lighting...

Audit, Questions, Notes

Dear Students, While we still have a good chunk of the fall semester that remains, now is the time to start planning for the spring. Before registration arrives you should be sure to make an appointment to see your advisor. Earlier is better than later. In case you missed it, there are a bazillion students in CNS, and our tireless advising sta...

You are CNS

Dear Students, We are a ways into the semester and it is a good time to check on where you are standing. Some of you may be cruising along. Others might have run into some difficulties. It is important to remember that there are a whole host of folks here who are ready to help you: from academic advisors to faculty, graduate teaching assistant...

Hey, look over there — it’s a distraction

Dear Students, Just when you are getting down to some serious studying, your phone sends an alert. Actually, your phone is sending you an alert every three seconds as another Snap arrives, your photo was liked on Instagram, or some other notification is pushed to you. Not only are we constantly bombarded electronically, but there are distracti...

Off the couch

Dear Students, This is a big week on campus: We have the CNS Technology and Science Career Fair tomorrow, Sept. 20, from 1-6pm in the Erwin Center, where there will be over 200 employers. Wednesday night we have super-star alum of the College, David Reitze, giving a public lecture on Gravitational Waves. It is 7:30-8:30pm in Hogg Aud...