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linkIn all academic and research pursuits, the College and University are committed to the highest standards of integrity, ethics, and the responsible conduct of research. Sound practices in these areas are fundamentally necessary for academic and research excellence, maintaining the reputation of the College and University, and fostering public trust in science.

  1. Anti-Plagiarism Policies
  2. Responsible Conduct of Research Training (RCR)
  3. Responding to Academic Misconduct

Anti-Plagiarism Policies

It is the responsibility of every graduate student (as well as every undergraduate) to ensure that plagiarism, whether intentional or unintentional, is scrupulously avoided. This tutorial from the University of Texas Libraries is designed to educate all students about plagiarism issues.


Responsible Conduct of Research Training (RCR)

Information about RCR training may be found here.


Responding to Academic Misconduct

If you are concerned about potential academic misconduct in a class, you should first contact the instructor of record. The instructor may decide either to confer directly with the student(s) or else to refer the case to the Office of the Dean of Students. This flowchart provides a summary of approved processes for investigation and possible disciplinary action: StudentConductProcess.pdf