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FRI students and Research Educators routinely make great contributions to scientific research. In fact, the core purpose of the FRI program is to enable undergraduate students to actively participate in the research activities going on in their departments, beginning their first year. 

Hundreds of published peer-reviewed papers and conference proceedings have included FRI students as co-authors!** 

Publications, Products & Presentations 



259. Kompella P., Gracia B., Leblanc L., Engelman S., Kulkarni C., Desai N., June V., March S., Pattengale S., Rodriguez-Rivera G., Ryu S., Strohkendle I., Clark G. (2020) Interactive Youth Science Workshops benefit student participants and graduate student mentors. PLOS Biology, 18(3): e3000668.

258. Bhadra S, Riedel T. E., Lakhotia S., Tran, N. D, Ellington A. D. (2020) High-surety isothermal amplification and detection of SARS-CoV-2, including with crude enzymes. BioRxiv.

257. Zamora-Olivares, D., Kaoud, T. S., Zeng, L., Pridgen, J. R., Zhuang, D. L., Ekpo, Y. E., Nye, J. R., Elles, M., Anslyn, E. V.; Dalby, K. N., (2020) Quantification of ERK Kinase Activity in Biological Samples Using Differential Sensing. ACS Chemical Biology 15 (1), 831.

256. Brewster, I. I,, James T., Gregory D. ,Thiabaud, Harvey, P., Zafar, H., Reuther, J. F., Dell'Acqua, S., Johnson, R. M. Root, H. D.,  Metola, P., Jasanoff, A., Casella, L., Sessler, J. L.. (2020) Metallotexaphyrins as MRI-Active Catalytic Antioxidants for Neurodegenerative Disease: A Study on Alzheimer’s Disease. Chem.

255. Boulgakov, A. A., Moor, S., Moor, A., Jo, H. H. Metola, P., Joyce, L. A., Marcotte, E., Welch, C. J. Anslyn, E. A.  (2020) Next-Generation TLC: A Quantitative Platform for Parallel Spotting and Imaging. The Journal of Organic Chemistry.

254. Thomason, J., Padmakumar, A., Sinapov, J., Walker, N., Jiang, Y., Yedidsion, H., Hart, J., Stone P., Mooney, R. (2020) Jointly improving parsing and perception for natural language commands through human-robot dialog. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 67, 327-374. 

253. Wallace K. E., Rausch R. T., Ramsey M. E., Cummings M. E. (2020). Sex differences in cognitive performance, style and domain relationships in mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis). Animal Cognition.

252. Bagchi, D. N. , Battenhouse, A. N., Park, D., Iyer, V.R.. (2020). The Histone Variant H2A.Z in Yeast Is Almost Exclusively Incorporated Into the +1 Nucleosome in the Direction of Transcription. Nucleic Acids Research, 48(1).

251. Montgomery, M. H., Hermes, J. J., Winget, D. E., Dunlap, B. H., & Bell, K. J., (2020) Limits on Mode Coherence in Pulsating DA White Dwarfs Due to a Nonstatic Convection Zone, ApJ, 890(1), 11.

250. Vanderbosch, Z., Hermes, J. J., Dennihy, E., Dunlap, B. H., Izquierdo, P., Tremblay, P. E., Cho, P. B., Gaensicke, B. T., Bell, K. J., Montgomery, M. H., & Winget, D. E., (2020) A White Dwarf with Transiting Circumstellar Material Far Outside Its Tidal Disruption Radius



249. Schaeuble, M. A., Nagayama, T., Bailey, J. E., Gomez, T. A., Montgomery, M. H., Winget, D. E. (2019) H-beta and H-gamma Absorption-line Profile Inconsistencies in Laboratory Experiments Performed at White Dwarf Photosphere Conditions, ApJ, 885(1), 86.

248. Ramsey M. E., Fry D., Cummings M. E. (2019) Isotocin increases female avoidance of males in a coercive mating system: assessing the social salience theory of oxytocin Human Behavior. 

247. Bell, K. J., Corsico, A. H., Bischoff-Kim, A., Althaus, L. G., Bradley, P. A., Calcaferro, L. M., Montgomery, M. H., Uzundag, M., Baran, A. S., Bognr, Z., Charpinet, S., Ghasemi, H., & Hermes, J. J. (2019) TESS first look at evolved compact pulsators. Asteroseismology of the pulsating helium-atmosphere white dwarf TIC 257459955 A&A, 632, A42.

246. Gutierrez, A. E., Shah, P., Rex, A., Nguyen T., Kenkare, S. P.,  Barrick, J.,  Mishler, D. M. (2019) Bioassay for determining the concentrations of caffeine and individual methylxanthines in complex samplesApplied & Developmental Microbiology 85, 23. 

245. Yedidsion, H., Deans, J., Connor, S., Chillara, M., Hart, J., Stone, P. Mooney, R. Optimal Use of Verbal Instructions for Multi-robot Human Navigation Guidance. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR). November 26-29, 2019. Madrid, Spain.

244. Shah, R., Jiang, Y., Karnan, H., Briscoe-Martinez, G., Mulder, D., Gupta, R., Schlossman, R. Murphy, M., Hart, J. W.,  Sentis, L., Stone, P. Solving Service Robot Tasks: UT Austin Villa@ Home 2019 Team Report. In Proceedings of the AAAI Fall Symposium on Artificial Intelligence for Human-Robot Interaction (AI-HRI). November 7-9, 2019.

243. Hart, J., Mirsky, R., Tejeda, S., Mahajan, B.,Mahajan, B., Goo, J.,  Baldauf, K., Owen, S., Stone, P. Unclogging Our Arteries: Using Human-Inspired Signals to Disambiguate Navigational Intentions. In Proceedings of the AAAI Fall Symposium on Artificial Intelligence for Human-Robot Interaction (AI-HRI). November 7-9, 2019.

242. Sammons, R. M.; Perry, N. A.; Li, Y.; Cho, E. J.; Piserchio, A.; Zamora-Olivares, D. P.; Ghose, R.; Kaoud, T. S.; Debevec, G.; Bartholomeusz, C.; Gurevich, V. V.; Iverson, T. M.; Giulianotti, M.; Houghten, R. A.; Dalby, K. N. (2019) A Novel Class of Common Docking Domain Inhibitors That Prevent ERK2 Activation and Substrate Phosphorylation. ACS Chemical Biology, 14 (6), 1183-11943.

241. Kaoud, T. S.; Johnson, W. H.; Ebelt, N. D.; Piserchio, A.; Zamora-Olivares, D.; Van Ravenstein, S. X.; Pridgen, J. R.; Edupuganti, R.; Sammons, R.; Cano, M.; Warthaka, M.; Harger, M.; Tavares, C. D. J.; Park, J.; Radwan, M. F.; Ren, P.; *Anslyn, E. V.; Tsai, K. Y.; Ghose, R.; Dalby, K. N., (2019) Modulating multi-functional ERK complexes by covalent targeting of a recruitment site in vivo. Nature Communications, 10 (1), 5232.2.


240. Ghanem, E.; Long, S. R.; Rodenbusch, S. E.; Shear, R. I.; Beckham, J. T.; Procko, K.; DePue, L.; Stevenson, K. J*.; Robertus, J. D.*; Martin, S*. Teaching through Research: Alignment of Core Chemistry Competencies and Skills within a Multidisciplinary Research Framework. Journal of Chemical Education, 95 (2), 248–258.

239. Bhadra, S., Riedel, T. E., Saldaña, M. A., Hegde, S., Pederson, N., Hughes, G. L., & Ellington, A. D. (2018). Direct nucleic acid analysis of mosquitoes for high fidelity species identification and detection of Wolbachia using a cellphonePLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases.

238. Corwin, L.A.; Runyon, C.R.; Ghanmen, E.; Sandy, M.; Clark, G.; Palmer, G.C.; Reichler, S.; Rodenbusch, S.E*.; Dolan, E*. (2018)  Effects of Discovery, Iteration, and Collaboration in Laboratory Courses on Undergraduates’ Research Career Intentions Fully Mediated by Student OwnershipCBE Life Sciences Education, 17, ar20.

237. Johnson, T. E.,  Lee, J-H., Myler, L. R., Zhou, Y., Mosley, T. J., Yang, S. H. The Biobricks for Molecular Machines FRI Stream, Uprety, N., Kim, J. Paull, T. T. (2018) Homeodomain proteins directly regulate ATM kinase activityCell Reports, 24:6.

236. Corwin, L. A., Runyon, C. R., Ghanem, E., Sandy, M., Clark, G., Palmer, G. C., Reichler, S., Rodenbusch, S. E., Dolan, E. L. (2018). Effects of Discovery, Iteration, and Collaboration in Laboratory Courses on Undergraduates’ Research Career Intentions Fully Mediated by Student Ownership. CBE-Life Sciences. 17:2.


235. Barmak, K., Liu, J., Harlan, L., Xiao, P., Duncan, J., & Henkelman, G. (2017). Transformation of topologically close-packed $β$-W to body-centered cubic $α$-W: Comparison of experiments and computations. The Journal of Chemical Physics147(15), 152709. 

234. Beckham, J. T., Metola, P., & Strong, L. (2017). Year-long Research Experiences in Drug Discovery May Lead to Positive Outcomes for Transfer Students. FASEB J.

233. Clark, G., Rodenbusch, S., & Roux, S. (2017). Teaching Cell Signaling Through Research: The Freshman Research Initiative at The University of Texas at Austin. FASEB Journal31.

232. Clark, G., Rodenbusch, S., & Roux, S. (2017). Middle School Science Educational Outreach Programs: “Present your Ph.D. thesis to a 12-year-old” and “Shadow a scientist.” In American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

231. Connor, E. W., Sandy, M., & Hawkes, C. V. (2017). Microbial Tools in Agriculture Require an Ecological Context: Stress-Dependent Non-Additive Symbiont InteractionsAgronomy Journal109(3), 917. 

230. Friesen, C. N., Ramsey, M. E., & Cummings, M. E. (2017). Differential sensitivity to estrogen-induced opsin expression in two poeciliid freshwater fish speciesGeneral and Comparative Endocrinology246, 200–210. 

229. Ghanem, E., Afsah, S., Fallah, P. N., Lawrence, A., LeBovidge, E., Raghunathan, S., … Anslyn, E. V. (2017). Differentiation and Identification of Cachaça Wood Extracts Using Peptide-Based Receptors and Multivariate Data AnalysisACS Sensors2(5), 641–647. 

228. Ghanem, E., Long, S. R., Rodenbusch, S. E., Shear, R. I., Beckham, J. T., Procko, K., … Simmons, S. L. (2017). Teaching through Research: Alignment of Core Chemistry Competencies and Skills within a Multidisciplinary Research Framework. Journal of Chemical Education, acs.jchemed.7b00294. 

227. Hart, J., Sheikholeslami, S., Gleeson, B., Croft, E., MacLean, K., Ferrie, F. P., … Laurandeau, D. (2017). Developing Robot Assistants with Communicative Cues for Safe, Fluent HRI. Foundations of Trusted Autonomy, 247–270.

226. Hernandez, S. L., Shrestha, S., Beckham, J. T., & Fast, W. L. (2017). Investigation of Possible Inhibitors Against Multidrug-Resistant New Delhi Metallo-Beta Lactamase (NDM-1)FASEB J. 

225. Hernandez, S. L., Shrestha, S., Beckham, J. T., & Fast, W. L. (2017). INVESTIGATION OF POSSIBLE INHIBITORS AGAINST MULTIDRUG-RESISTANT NEW DELHI METALLO-BETA LACTAMASE (NDM-1)National Conference on Undergraduate Research

224. Hua, N., & Riedel, T. E. (2017). Analysis of the protective effects of tooth brushing against biofilm-forming bacteria. In SLAS 2017

223. Jiang, Y. S., Riedel, T. E., Popoola, J. A., Morrow, B. R., Cai, S., Ellington, A. D., & Bhadra, S. (2017). Portable platform for rapid in-field identification of human fecal pollution in waterWater Research

222. Khandelwal, P., Zhang, S., Sinapov, J., Leonetti, M., Thomason, J., Yang, F., … Stone, P. (2017). BWIBots: A platform for bridging the gap between AI and human–robot interaction research. The International Journal of Robotics Research36(5–7), 635–659. 

221. Konopka-Postupolska, D., & Clark, G. (2017). Annexins as Overlooked Regulators of Membrane Trafficking in Plant Cells. International Journal of Molecular Sciences18(4), 863.

220. Kumar Tripathy, M., Weeraratne, G., Clark, G., & Roux, S. J. (2017). Apyrase inhibitors enhance the ability of diverse fungicides to inhibit the growth of different plant-pathogenic fungiMolecular Plant Pathology18(7), 1012–1023.

219. Laura, L., Beckham, J. T., & Fast, W. L. (2017). Finding Novel Inhibitors of 6- phosphogluconate-dehydrogenase of Leishmania major through Virtual Screening. In Texas Academy of Science

218. Laura, L., Makkapati, N., Beckham, J. T., & Fast, W. L. (2017). FINDING NOVEL INHIBITORS OF 6-PHOSPHOGLUCONATE-DEHYDROGENASE OF LEISHMANIA MAJOR THROUGH VIRTUAL SCREENING. In National Conference on Undergraduate Research

217. Lloyd, A., Brockman, A., Aguirre, L., Campbell, A., Bean, A., Cantero, A., & Gonzalez, A. (2017). Advances in the MYB–bHLH–WD Repeat (MBW) Pigment Regulatory Model: Addition of a WRKY Factor and Co-option of an Anthocyanin MYB for Betalain RegulationPlant and Cell Physiology58(9), 1431–1441. 

216. Monk, J. W., Leonard, S. P., Brown, C. W., Hammerling, M. J., Mortensen, C., Gutierrez, A. E., … Barrick, J. E. (2017). Rapid and Inexpensive Evaluation of Nonstandard Amino Acid Incorporation in Escherichia coliACS Synthetic Biology6(1), 45–54.

215. Mozaffari, S., Guchhait, S., & Markert, J. T. (2017). Spin–orbit interaction and Kondo scattering at the PrAlO 3 /SrTiO 3 interface: effects of oxygen content. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter29(39), 395002.  

214. Narvekar, S., Sinapov, J., & Stone, P. (2017). Autonomous task sequencing for customized curriculum design in reinforcement learning. IJCAI International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (August), 2536–2542.

213. Quan, M. (2017). Discovering Novel Inhibitors for Nacetylneuraminic Acid Synthase in Neisseria meningitidis. In Texas Academy of Science

212. Quan, M., Beckham, J. T., & Fast, W. L. (2017). DISCOVERING NOVEL INHIBITORS FOR N-ACETYLNEURAMINIC ACID SYNTHASE IN NEISSERIA MENINGITIDIS. In National Conference on Undergraduate Research

211. Reitz, Z. L., Sandy, M., & Butler, A. (2017). Biosynthetic considerations of triscatechol siderophores framed on serine and threonine macrolactone scaffoldsMetallomics9(7), 824–839. 

210. Santiago, G., Vijay, C., Jivko, S., & Peter, S. (2017). CC-Log : Drastically Reducing Storage Requirements for Robots Using Classification and CompressionHotStorage

209. Shrestha, S., & Hernandez, S. L. (2017). Discovering New Inhibitors against New Delhi Metallo $β$-lactamase (NDM-1) through Virtual Screening. In Texas Academy of Science

208. Shrestha, S., Hernandez, S. L., Beckham, J. T., & Fast, W. L. (2017). Discovering New Inhibitors against New Delhi Metallo $β$-lactamase (NDM-1) through Virtual Screening. In National Conference on Undergraduate Research

207. Sixta, A., Choate, A., Maeker, J., Bogat, S., Tennant, D., Mozaffari, S., & Markert, J. (2017). Dynamical Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Micron-scale Liquids. In APS Physics

206. Svetlik, M., Leonetti, M., Sinapov, J., Shah, R., Walker, N., & Stone, P. (2017). Automatic Curriculum Graph Generation for Reinforcement Learning Agents. AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (1), 2590–2596.

205. Thomason, J., Padmakumar, A., Sinapov, J., Hart, J., Stone, P., & Mooney, R. (2017). Opportunistic Active Learning for Grounding Natural Language Descriptions. In Conference on Robot Learning

204. Weber, N. B., Trieu, C., & Beckham, J. T. (2017). High-Throughput Virtual Screening to Identify Novel Inhibitors of 6-Phosphogluconate Dehydrogenase in Plasmodium vivaxFASEB J. 

203. Yu, E. A., Yeom, J., Tutum, C. C., Vouga, E., & Miikkulainen, R. (2017). Evolutionary decomposition for 3D printing. In Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference on - GECCO ’17 (pp. 1272–1279). New York, New York, USA: ACM Press.

202. Zhang, S., Jiang, Y., Sharon, G., & Stone, P. (2017). Multirobot Symbolic Planning under Temporal Uncertainty. In AAMAS ’17 Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems (pp. 501–510). International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems.

201. Zhang, S., Sinapov, J., Wei, S., & Stone, P. (2017). Robot Behavioral Exploration and Multimodal Perception using POMDPs.

200. Zhou, A., Beckham, J. T., & Fast, W. L. (2017). VIRTUAL DRUG SCREENING FOR NOVEL INHIBITORS OF D-ALANINE LIGASE IN LISTERIA MONOCYTOGENES. In National Conference on Undergraduate Research


199. Brockman, A., & Gonzalez, A. (2016). B111 - Effects of the TTG2 Transcription Factor on Proanthocyanidin Pathways. In ABRCMS.

198. Campbell, A., & Gonzalez, A. (2016). B106 - Functional Analysis of Anthocyanin Genes in Beets. In ABRCMS

197. Clark, G., Russell, J., Enyeart, P., Gracia, B., Wessel, A., Jarmoskaite, I., … Roux, S. (2016). Science Educational Outreach Programs That Benefit Students and ScientistsPLOS Biology14(2), e1002368. 

196. Clark, G., Vanegas, D., Cannon, A., Hage, W., Jankovic, M., Huang, R., … Roux, S. (2016). Using a Self-referencing Biosensor and Kinematics to Assay Physiological Differences in Apyrase Transgenic Roots. In ASPB Plant Biology.

195. Corona, B., Howard, M., Zhang, L., & Henkelman, G. (2016). Computational screening of core@shell nanoparticles for the hydrogen evolution and oxygen reduction reactions. The Journal of Chemical Physics145(24), 244708.  

194. Duncan, J., Harjunmaa, A., Terrell, R., Drautz, R., Henkelman, G., & Rogal, J. (2016). Collective Atomic Displacements during Complex Phase Boundary Migration in Solid-Solid Phase TransformationsPhysical Review Letters116(3), 35701.  

193. Gaudioso, G., Leonetti, M., & Stone, P. (2016). State Aggregation through Reasoning in Answer Set Programming. In Proceedings of the IJCAI Workshop on Autonomous Mobile Service Robots.

192. Gonzalez, A., Brown, M., Hatlestad, G., Akhavan, N., Smith, T., Hembd, A., … Lloyd, A. (2016). TTG2 controls the developmental regulation of seed coat tannins in Arabidopsis by regulating vacuolar transport steps in the proanthocyanidin pathwayDevelopmental Biology419(1), 54–63. 

191. Hernandez, M. E., & Gonzalez, A. (2016). B107 - Elucidating Possible Roles of PLC in TTG2-dependent Epidermal Cell Fate Pathways in Arabidopsis thaliana. In ABRCMS

190. Lee, S., & Stevens, S. W. (2016). Spliceosomal intronogenesisProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences113(23), 6514–6519. 

189. Roopadarshini, V., Clark, G., & Roux, S. (2016). Ectopic Expression of psntp9, an Apyrase Gene from Pea, Confers Drought Tolerance and Protects Against Osmotic Stress in ArabidopsisASPB Plant Biology

188. Sixta, A., Bogat, S., Wright, D., Mozaffari, S., Tennant, D., Paster, J., & Markert, J. (2016). Force-Detected Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Micron-Scale Liquids (Vol. 61). 

187. Sunnadeniya, R., Bean, A., Brown, M., Akhavan, N., Hatlestad, G., Gonzalez, A., … Lloyd, A. (2016). Tyrosine Hydroxylation in Betalain Pigment Biosynthesis Is Performed by Cytochrome P450 Enzymes in Beets (Beta vulgaris)PLOS ONE11(2), e0149417.

186. Tennant, D. M. (2016). Four wave mixing as a probe of the vacuumPhysical Review D, 93(12), 125032. 

185. Thompson, J., Sinapov, J., Svetlik, M., Stone, P., & Mooney, R. J. (2016). Learning Multi-Modal Grounded Linguistic Semantics by Playing “I Spy.” In Proceedings of the 25th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-16) (pp. 3477–3483).

184. Zinapov, J., Khante, P., Svetlik, M., & Stone, P. (2016). Learning to order objects using haptic and proprioceptive exploratory behaviors. In IJCAI’16 Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 3462–3468). AAAI Press ©2016. 


183. Beckham, J. T., Simmons, S. L., Stovall, G. M., & Farre, J. (2015). The Freshman Research Initiative as a Model for Addressing Shortages and Disparities in STEM Engagement. In Directions for Mathematics Research Experience for Undergraduates (pp. 181–212). WORLD SCIENTIFIC. 

182. Bell, K. J., Hermes, J. J., Bischoff-Kim, A., Moorhead, S. (EXT12), Montgomery, M. H. (RE), Østensen, R., … Winget, D. E. (PI). (2015). KIC 4552982: Outbursts and Asteroseismology from the Longest Pseudo-Continuous Light Curve of a ZZ CetiThe Astrophysical Journal

181. Boll, J. M., Tucker, A. T., Klein, D. R., Beltran, A. M. (FRI12), Brodbelt, J. S., Davies, B. W., & Trent, M. S. (2015). Reinforcing Lipid A Acylation on the Cell Surface of Acinetobacter baumannii Promotes Cationic Antimicrobial Peptide Resistance and Desiccation Survival. mBio6(3), e00478--15.

180. Brown, K. a., Yang, X. (RE), Schipper, D. (FRI09), Hall, J. W., DePue, L. J. (RE), Gnanam, A. J., … Jones, R. A. (PI). (2015). A self-assembling lanthanide molecular nanoparticle for optical imagingDalton Trans.44(6), 2667–2675.

179. Cannon, A., Salmi, M., Clark, G., & Roux, S. J. (PI). (2015). New insights in plant biology gained from research in spaceGravitational and Space Research3(2), 3–19.  

178. Clark, G. (RE), Russell, J., Enyeart, P., Graci, B., Wessel, A., Jarmoskaite, I., … Roux, S. J. (PI). (2015). Middle school science educational outreach programs: “Present your Ph.D. thesis to a 12-year-old” and “Shadow a scientist.” PLoS Biology.

177. Des Marais, D. L., Skillern, W. D. (FRI10), & Juenger, T. E. (PI). (2015). Deeply Diverged Alleles in the Arabidopsis AREB1 Transcription Factor Drive Genome-Wide Differences in Transcriptional Response to the EnvironmentMolecular Biology and Evolution32(4), 956–969. 

176. Ghanem, E. (RE), Hopfer, H., Navarro, A. (FRI09), Ritzer, M. (FRI10), Mahmood, L. (FRI12), Fredell, M. (FRI10), … Anslyn, E. V. (PI). (2015). Predicting the Composition of Red Wine Blends Using an Array of Multicomponent Peptide-Based SensorsMolecules20(5), 9170–9182. 

175. Huynh, V., Wei, E., Ellington, A. D., & Stovall, G. M. (2015). Alternative ELISA Using a RNA Aptamer against Calf Intestinal Alkaline PhosphataseFASEB Journal29

174. Karpov, I. V. (RE), Johnson, L. M., & Miikkulainen, R. (PI). (2015). Evaluating team behaviors constructed with human-guided machine learning. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG-2015) (pp. 1–7). Tainan, Taiwan.

173. Macalpine, P., Depinet, M. (FRI10), & Stone, P. (PI). (2015). UT Austin Villa 2014 : RoboCup 3D Simulation League Champion via Overlapping Layered Learning. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-15).

172. Meyer, A. J., Garry, D. J., Hall, B. (RE), Byrom, M. M., McDonald, H. G. (FRI11), Yang, X., … Ellington, A. D. (PI). (2015). Transcription yield of fully 2′-modified RNA can be increased by the addition of thermostabilizing mutations to T7 RNA polymerase mutantsNucleic Acids Research, gkv734.

171. Montgomery, M. H., Falcon, R. E., Rochau, G. A., Bailey, J. E., Gomez, T. A., Carlson, A. L., … Winget, D. E. (PI). (2015). An experimental platform for creating white dwarf photospheres in the laboratory: Preliminary resultsHigh Energy Density Physics17, 168–174.

170. Peterson, M. A., & Rubinstein, Y. A. (2015). Directions for Mathematics Research Experience for Undergraduates. WORLD SCIENTIFIC. 

169. Umali, A. P. (RE), Ghanem, E. (RE), Hopfer, H., Hussain, A. (FRI09), Kao, Y. (FRI09), Zabanal, L. G. (FRI08), … Anslyn, E. V. (PI). (2015). Grape and wine sensory attributes correlate with pattern-based discrimination of Cabernet Sauvignon wines by a peptidic sensor arrayTetrahedron71(20), 3095–3099. 

168. Wang, B., Kluwe, C. A., Lungu, O. I., DeKosky, B. J., Kerr, S. A., Johnson, E. L., … Georgiou, G. (2015). Facile Discovery of a Diverse Panel of Anti-Ebola Virus Antibodies by Immune Repertoire MiningScientific Reports5(1), 13926. 

167. Xiao, P., Duncan, J., Zhang, L., & Henkelman, G. (2015). Ridge-based bias potentials to accelerate molecular dynamicsThe Journal of Chemical Physics143(24), 244104.

166. Yang, X., Wang, B., Farris, B., Clark, G., & Roux, S. J. (2015). Modulation of Root Skewing in Arabidopsis by Apyrases and Extracellular ATPPlant and Cell Physiology56(11), 2197–2206. 


165. Bedenbaugh, R. S. (FRI11), Hughes, T. G. (FRI09), Piasecki, S. K., Ellington, A. D. (PI), & Stovall, G. M. (RE). (2014). Aptamers in the study of Fibroblast Growth Factor 8b. In ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY (Vol. 247). AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA.

164. Chill, S. T., Welborn, M. (FRI07), Terrell, R., Zhang, L. (RE), Berthet, J.-C., Pedersen, A., … Henkelman, G. (PI). (2014). EON: software for long time simulations of atomic scale systemsModelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering22(5), 55002.

163. Depinet, M. (FRI10), Macalpine, P., & Stone, P. (PI). (2014). Keyframe Sampling , Optimization , and Behavior Integration : Towards Long-Distance Kicking in the RoboCup 3D Simulation League. In Proceedings of the RoboCup International Symposium 2014 (Vol. 2014).

162.  DeSai, C., Stovall, G. M., Ellington, A. D., & Pierce-Shimomura, J. (2014). Inhibiting amyloid precursor protein to prevent neurodegeneration in Down syndrome and Alzheimer’s disease. In UT Longhorn Research Bazaar.

161. Dupre, R. E. (FRI12), Rodenbusch, S. E. (RE), & Stevenson, K. J. (PI). (2014). Catalytic characterization of PdRh dendrimer-encapsulated nanoparticles in the reduction of 4-nitrophenol. In 247th ACS National Meeting. Dallas, TX. 

160. Gutierrez, A., Rodenbusch, S. E., & Stevenson, K. J. (2014). Copper dendrimer-encapsulated nanoparticles as catalysts of the production of nitric oxide. In 247th ACS National Meeting (p. Doc ID 16056). Dallas, TX.

159. Hart, J. W., & Scassellati, B. (2014). Robotic Self-Modeling. In The Computer After Me (pp. 207–218). IMPERIAL COLLEGE PRESS. 

158. Hatlestad, G. J., Akhavan, N. a, Sunnadeniya, R. M., Elam, L. (FRI08), Cargile, S., Hembd, A. (FRI08), … Lloyd, A. M. (PI). (2014). The beet Y locus encodes an anthocyanin MYB-like protein that activates the betalain red pigment pathwayNature Genetics47(1), 92–96. 

157. Hausknecht, M., Lehman, J. (RE), Miikkulainen, R. (PI), & Stone, P. (PI). (2014). A Neuroevolution Approach to General Atari Game PlayingIEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in GamesPP(99), 1. 

156. Huynh, V. D. (FRI11), Wei, E. Z., Ellington, A. D. (PI), & Stovall, G. M. (RE). (2014). Is it a ligand switch or a dipstick diagnostic tool? Yes! RNA aptamer against calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase. In ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY (Vol. 247). AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA.

155. Jones, R. A. (PI), Gnanam, A. J., Arambula, J. F., Jones, J. N., Swaminathan, J., Yang, X. (RE), … Brown, K. A. (2014). Lanthanide nano-drums: a new class of molecular nanoparticles for potential biomedical applicationsFaraday Discuss.175, 241–255.

154. Kaculini, C. (FRI13), Pham, J. T. (FRI13), Procko, K., & Martin, S. F. (2014). Analysis of nitrogen heterocycle binding and thermodynamics in MUP-I. In ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY (Vol. 247). AMER CHEMICAL SOC 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA. 

153. Long, R. S., Ghanem, E. (RE), Rodenbusch, S. E. (RE), Beckham, J. T. (RE), Shear, R. I., Anslyn, E. V. (PI), … Simmons, S. L. (2014). Teaching through research: Revolutionizing the freshman experience. In 247th ACS National Meeting (Vol. 247). AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA.

152. Macalpine, P., Depinet, M. (FRI10), Liang, J., & Stone, P. (PI). (2014). UT Austin Villa : RoboCup 2014 3D Simulation League Competition and Technical Challenge Champions. In Proceedings of the RoboCup International Symposium 2014 (Vol. 2014).

151. Nejad, L. (FRI12), Hua, B., Jordan, E. J., Mahmood, A. (FRI12), Procko, K., & Martin, S. F. (2014). Thermodynamic effects of structural changes in protein-ligand interactions. In ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY (Vol. 247). AMER CHEMICAL SOC 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA.

150. Nguyen, J. M., Weitekamp, C. A., & Hoffman, H. A. (2014). Dopaminergic Regulation of Social Competence in a Cichlid Fish. In Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology

149. Patrick, R. M., Mayberry, L. K., Choy, G. (RE), Woodard, L. E., Liu, J. S., White, A. (EXTXX), … Browning, K. S. (PI). (2014). Two Arabidopsis Loci Encode Novel Eukaryotic Initiation Factor 4E Isoforms That Are Functionally Distinct from the Conserved Plant Eukaryotic Initiation Factor 4EPLANT PHYSIOLOGY164(4), 1820–1830.

148. Seifert, E. J., Rodenbusch, S. E., & Stevenson, K. J. (2014). Surface restructuring of palladium and gold dendrimer-­encapsulated nanoparticles. In 247th ACS National Meeting (p. Doc ID 15981). Dallas, TX.

147. Stovall, G. M. (RE), Bedenbaugh, R. S. (FRI11), Singh, S. (FRI11), Meyer, A. J., Hatala, P. J., Ellington, A. D. (PI), & Hall, B. (RE). (2014). In Vitro Selection Using Modified or Unnatural Nucleotides. In Current Protocols in Nucleic Acid Chemistry (p. 9.6.1--9.6.33). Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley {&} Sons, Inc. 

146. Topper, S. M., Aguilar, S. C., Topper, V. Y., Elbel, E. (FRI07), & Pierce-Shimomura, J. T. (2014). Alcohol disinhibition of behaviors in C. elegans. PLoS ONE9(3).

145. Vidal-Gadea, A. G., Topper, S. M., Young, L., Kressin, L., Elbel, E. (FRI07), Brettmann, L. (FRI09), … Pierce-Shimomura, J. T. (2014). Dopamine and serotonin are responsible for locomotor gait transitions in C. elegans. In Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. Austin, TX.

144. Ward, M. L. (FRI12), Rodenbusch, S. E. (RE), & Stevenson, K. J. (PI). (2014). Evaluating various dendrimer-­encapsulated nanoparticles as catalysts for production of hydrogen gas from sodium borohydride using methyl viologen as a redox indicator. In 247th ACS National Meeting (Vol. 8, p. Doc ID 15867). Dallas, TX.

143. Wei, E. Z., Huynh, V. D. (FRI11), Ellington, A. D. (PI), & Stovall, G. M. (RE). (2014). Novel molecular reporter system using an anti-calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase aptamer. In ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY (Vol. 247). AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA.

142. Xu, J., Tack, D., Hughes, R. A., Ellington, A. D., & Gray, J. J. (2014). Structure-based non-canonical amino acid design to covalently crosslink an antibody–antigen complexJournal of Structural Biology185(2), 215–222.

141. Yang, X. (RE), Li, Z., Wang, S., Huang, S., Schipper, D. (FRI09), & Jones, R. A. (PI). (2014). Self-assembly of NIR luminescent 30-metal drum-like and 12-metal rectangular d–f nanoclusters with long-chain Schiff base ligandsChem. Commun.50(98), 15569–15572. 

140. Yang, X. (RE), Schipper, D. (FRI09), Zhang, L., Yang, K., Huang, S., Jiang, J., … Jones, R. A. (PI). (2014). Anion dependent self-assembly of 56-metal Cd–Ln nanoclusters with enhanced near-infrared luminescence properties. Nanoscale6(18), 10569. 


139. Carlino, D. (FRI10), Boyles, S. D., & Stone, P. (PI). (2013). Auction-based autonomous intersection management. IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Proceedings, ITSC, (October), 529–534. 

138. Chen, X., Briggs, N. (FRI08), McLain, J. R., & Ellington, A. D. (PI). (2013). Stacking nonenzymatic circuits for high signal gain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America110(14), 5386–5391.

137. Ching, C. (FRI11), Hua, B., Ryman, K., Jordan, J., Procko, K., & Martin, S. F. (2013). Effects of ligand basicity on protein binding and thermodynamics. In ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY (Vol. 245). AMER CHEMICAL SOC 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA. 

136. Covert, A. W. (RE), Lenski, R. E., Wilke, C. O. (PI), & Ofria, C. (2013). Experiments on the role of deleterious mutations as stepping stones in adaptive evolutionProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America110(34), E3171--8.

135. Dasari, R., Walther, B., Robinson, D. a., & Stevenson, K. J. (2013). Influence of the redox indicator reaction on single-nanoparticle collisions at mercury- and bismuth-modified pt ultramicroelectrodesLangmuir29, 15100–15106. 

134. Falcon, R. E., Rochau, G. A., Bailey, J. E., Ellis, J. L. (FRI08), Carlson, A. L., Gomez, T. A., … Pille, T. M. (2013). Creating White Dwarf Photospheres in the Laboratory: Strategy for Astrophysics Applications. In 18th European White Dwarf Workshop. Proceedings of a conference held 13-17 August, 2012, at the Pedagogical University of Cracow, Poland. (pp. 1–7).

133. Falcon, R. E., Rochau, G. a, Bailey, J. E., Ellis, J. L. (FRI08), Carlson, A. L., Gomez, T. a, … Nash, T. J. (2013). An experimental platform for creating white dwarf photospheres in the laboratoryHigh Energy Density Physics9(1), 82–90. 

132. Gaddikoppula, M. (FRI12), Ellington, A. D. (PI), & Stovall, G. M. (RE). (2013). Next Generation of Beta-Glucuronidase (GUS) Reporter Assay Using an Aptamer Inhibitor. In Rice Regional Undergraduate Symposium. Houston, TX.

131. Goran, J. M., Favela, C. A., & Stevenson, K. J. (2013). Optimizing the Electrocatalytic Oxidation of NADH at Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Nanotubes. In The 224th Electrochemical Society Meeting (p. 2518).

130. Goran, J. M., Favela, C. A., & Stevenson, K. J. (2013). Electrochemical Oxidation of Dihydronicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide at Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Nanotube ElectrodesAnalytical Chemistry.

129. Huynh, V. D. (FRI11), Ellington, A. D. (PI), & Stovall, G. M. (RE). (2013). Is It a Ligand Switch or a Dipstick Diagnostic Tool? Yes! RNA Aptamer against Calf Intestinal Alkaline Phosphatase. In Rice Regional Undergraduate Symposium. Houston, TX.

128. Jackson, E. L., Ollikainen, N., Covert, A. W. (RE), Kortemme, T., & Wilke, C. O. (PI). (2013). Amino-acid site variability among natural and designed proteins. PeerJ1, e211.  

127. Jamali, T. (FRI12), Ellington, A. D. (PI), & Stovall, G. M. (RE). (2013). Anti-FGF8b aptamers for utilization in cancer diagnostics. In Rice Regional Undergraduate Symposium. Houston, TX.

126. Johnson, J. A. (FRI07), Makis, J. J. (FRI07), Marvin, K. A. (RE), Rodenbusch, S. E. (RE), & Stevenson, K. J. (PI). (2013). Size-dependent hydrogenation of p-nitrophenol with Pd nanoparticles synthesized with poly(amido)amine dendrimer templatesJournal of Physical Chemistry C117(44), 22644–22651.

125. Jones, R. A. (PI), Schipper, D. (FRI09), Holliday, B. J. (PI), & Yang, X. (RE). (2013). Chemistry of supramolecular self-assembled lanthanide cages. In ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY (Vol. 245). AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA.

124. Kidd, M. R., O’Connell, L. a., Kidd, C. E., Chen, C. W., Fontenot, M. R. (FRI07), Williams, S. J., & Hofmann, H. a. (2013). Female preference for males depends on reproductive physiology in the African cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoniGeneral and Comparative Endocrinology180(1), 56–63. 

123. Klein, K. (FRI12), Ellington, A. D. (PI), & Stovall, G. M. (RE). (2013). Nucleic acid aptamer selection against fibroblast growth factor 8b for development of diagnostics and therapeutics for cancer. In Rice Regional Undergraduate Symposium.

122. Kumar, R. (FRI10), Zhang, L. (RE), Rodenbusch, S. E. (RE), & Stevenson, K. J. (PI). (2013). Synergistic Catalytic Activity of Palladium-Gold Dendrimer Encapsulated Nanoparticles. In Rice Regional Undergraduate Symposium. Houston, TX.

121. Ledbetter, M. P. (FRI09), Hwang, T. W., Stovall, G. M. (RE), & Ellington, A. D. (PI). (2013). Continuous in vitro evolution of a ribozyme ligase: A model kit for the eveolution of a biomolecule. In 2013 Synthetic Biology Conference. Imperial College, London, England.

120. Ledbetter, M. P. (FRI09), Hwang, T. W., Stovall, G. M. (RE), & Ellington, A. D. (PI). (2013). Continuous In Vitro evolution of a ribozyme ligase: A model experiment for the evolution of a biomoleculeBiochemistry and Molecular Biology Education41(6), 433–442. 

119. Long, S. R., Bonizzoni, M., Ray, B. M. (FRI08), & Anslyn, E. V. (PI). (2013). Differentiation of functional groups and biologically relevant anions using AT-PAMAM dendrimersSupramolecular Chemistry25(9–11), 641–649.

118. MacAlpine, P., Barrera, F. (FRI07), & Stone, P. (PI). (2013). Positioning to win: A dynamic role assignment and formation positioning system. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) (Vol. 7500 LNAI, pp. 190–201). 

117. MacAlpine, P., Collins, N., Lopez-mobilia, A. (FRI07), & Stone, P. (PI). (2013). UT Austin Villa: RoboCup 2012 3D simulation league champion. In Proceedings of the RoboCup International Symposium 2012 (RoboCup 2012), (Vol. 7500 LNAI, pp. 77–88). 

116. Mahmood, A. (FRI12), Ly, P. (FRI12), Beckham, A., Jin, S. (FRI10), Procko, K., Clements, J., & Martin, S. F. (2013). Binding thermodynamics of para-substituted phenols to the mouse major urinary protein. In ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY (Vol. 245). AMER CHEMICAL SOC 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA.

115. Marvin, K. A. (RE), Thadani, N. N., Atkinson, C. a., Keller, E. L. (FRI09), & Stevenson, K. J. (PI). (2012). Preparation and catalytic evaluation of ruthenium–nickel dendrimer encapsulated nanoparticles via intradendrimer redox displacement of nickel nanoparticlesChemical Communications48(50), 6289. 

114. Nourani, A. (FRI12), Ellington, A. D. (PI), & Stovall, G. M. (RE). (2013). Aptamer selection against Hcp-6 for diagnosis and detection of Burkholderia pseudomallei. In Rice Regional Undergraduate Symposium. Houston, TX.

113. O’Connell, L. a., Fontenot, M. R. (FRI07), & Hofmann, H. a. (2013). Neurochemical profiling of dopaminergic neurons in the forebrain of a cichlid fish, Astatotilapia burtoniJournal of Chemical Neuroanatomy47, 106–115.

112. Obliosca, J., Liu, C., Batson, R., Babin, M., Werner, J., & Yeh, H.-C. (2013). DNA/RNA Detection Using DNA-Templated Few-Atom Silver NanoclustersBiosensors3(2), 185–200. 

111. Oladoyin, V. (FRI11), Ellington, A. D. (PI), & Stovall, G. M. (RE). (2013). Aptamer Research. In American Medical Student Association (AMSA) Convention. Washington, DC.

110. Pozun, Z. D. (RE), Rodenbusch, S. E. (RE), Keller, E. L. (FRI09), Tran, K. (FRI07), Tang, W. (RE), Stevenson, K. J. (PI), & Henkelman, G. (PI). (2013). A Systematic Investigation of p -Nitrophenol Reduction by Bimetallic Dendrimer Encapsulated NanoparticlesThe Journal of Physical Chemistry C117(15), 7598–7604.

109. Yang, X. (RE), Schipper, D. (FRI09), Jones, R. A. (PI), Lytwak, L. a., Holliday, B. J. (PI), & Huang, S. (2013). Anion-Dependent Self-Assembly of Near-Infrared Luminescent 24- and 32-Metal Cd–Ln Complexes with Drum-like ArchitecturesJournal of the American Chemical Society135(23), 8468–8471.

108. Yang, X. (RE), Schipper, D. (FRI09), Liao, A. (FRI08), Stanley, J. M., Jones, R. A. (PI), & Holliday, B. J. (PI). (2013). Anion dependent self-assembly of luminescent Zn–Ln (Eu and Tb) salen complexes. Polyhedron52(3), 165–169.  


107. Allen, P. B., Arshad, S. (FRI07), Li, B., Chen, X., & Ellington, A. D. (PI). (2012). DNA circuits as amplifiers for the detection of nucleic acids on a paperfluidic platformLab on a Chip12(16), 2951. 

106. Au, T. C., Quinlan, M. (RE), & Stone, P. (PI). (2012). Setpoint scheduling for autonomous vehicle controllers. Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2055–2060. 

105. Brahmaroutu, A. (FRI11), Ellington, A. D. (PI), & Stovall, G. M. (RE). (2012). Aptamer Research. In Rice Regional Undergraduate Symposium. Houston, TX.

104. Carlino, D. (FRI10), Depinet, M. (FRI10), Khandelwal, P. (RE), & Stone, P. (PI). (2012). Approximately orchestrated routing and transportation analyzer: Large-scale traffic simulation for autonomous vehiclesIEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Proceedings, ITSC, (September), 334–339. 

103. Chantranupong, L. (FRI07), & Heineman, R. H. (RE). (2012). A common, non-optimal phenotypic endpoint in experimental adaptations of bacteriophage lysis timeBMC Evolutionary Biology12(1), 37. 

102. Falcon, R., Rochau, G. A., Bailey, J. E., Ellis, J. L. (FRI08), Carlson, A. L., Gomez, T., … Gomez, M. R. (2012). Developing an Experimental Platform to Create White Dwarf Photospheres in the Laboratory. In American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting {#}219, {#}238.07.

101. Fok, C. L., Hanna, M., Gee, S. (EXT10), Au, T. C., Stone, P. (PI), Julien, C., & Vishwanath, S. (2012). A platform for evaluating autonomous intersection management policies. In Proceedings - 2012 IEEE/ACM 3rd International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems, ICCPS 2012 (pp. 87–96). 

100. Gallagher, L. T. (FRI08), Heo, J. S. (FRI09), Lopez, M. A. (FRI08), Ray, B. M. (FRI08), Xiao, J., Umali, A. P. (RE), … Anslyn, E. V. (PI). (2012). Pattern-based discrimination of organic acids and red wine varietals by arrays of synthetic receptorsSupramolecular Chemistry24(2), 143–148. 

99. Ilyas, A., Asghar, W., Allen, P. B., Duhon, H. (FRI08), Ellington, A. D. (PI), & Iqbal, S. M. (2012). Electrical detection of cancer biomarker using aptamers with nanogap break-junctions. Nanotechnology23(27), 275502.

98. Ivy, M. A., Gallagher, L. T. (FRI08), Ellington, A. D. (PI), & Anslyn, E. V. (PI). (2012). Exploration of plasticizer and plastic explosive detection and differentiation with serum albumin cross-reactive arraysChemical Science3(6), 1773. 

97. Karpov, I. V. (RE), Johnson, L., Valsalam, V. K. (RE), & Miikkulainen, R. (PI). (2012). Evaluation Methods for Human-Guided Neuroevolution in Games. In 2012 AAAI Fall symposium on Robots that Learn interactively from Human Teachers. Crystal City, VA.

96.  Karpov, I. V. (RE), Schrum, J., & Miikkulainen, R. (PI). (2012). Believable bot navigation via playback of human traces. In P. F. Hingston (Ed.), Believable Bots (pp. 151–170). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer. 

95. Keller, T. E., Mis, S. D. (FRI09), Jia, K. E. (FRI09), & Wilke, C. O. (PI). (2012). Reduced mRNA secondary-structure stability near the start codon indicates functional genes in prokaryotesGenome Biology and Evolution4(2), 80–88.

94. Khandelwal, P. (RE), & Stone, P. (PI). (2012). A low cost ground truth detection system for RoboCup using the kinectLecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)7416 LNCS(July), 515–527. 

93. Ledbetter, M. P. (FRI09), Hwang, T. W., Stovall, G. M. (RE), & Ellington, A. D. (PI). (2012). Continuous In Vitro evolution of a ribozyme ligase: A model experiment for the evolution of a biomolecule. In C. Adami, D. M. Bryson, C. Ofria, & R. T. Pennock (Eds.), Artificial Life 13. The MIT Press.

92. Li, W., Cantor, J. R., Yogesha, S. D., Yang, S., Chantranupong, L. (FRI07), Liu, J. Q., … Zhang, Y. (2012). Uncoupling intramolecular processing and substrate hydrolysis in the N-terminal nucleophile hydrolase hASRGL1 by circular permutation. ACS Chemical Biology7(11), 1840–1847. 

91. Macalpine, P., Urieli, D., Barrett, S., Kalyanakrishnan, S., Barrera, F. (FRI07), Lopez-mobilia, A. (FRI07), … Stone, P. (PI). (2012). UT Austin Villa 2011: A Champion Agent in the RoboCup 3D Soccer Simulation Competition. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS). Valencia, Spain.

90. Marvin, K. A. (RE), Johnson, J. A. (FRI07), Rodenbusch, S. E. (RE), Gong, L. (FRI07), Vanden Bout, D. A. (PI), & Stevenson, K. J. (PI). (2012). Spectrophotometric titration of bimetallic metal cation binding in polyamido(amine) dendrimer templatesAnalytical Chemistry84(11), 5154–5158.

89. McDonald, H. G. (FRI11), Ellington, A. D. (PI), & Stovall, G. M. (RE). (2012). Aptamer Research. In Rice Regional Undergraduate Symposium. Houston, TX.

88. Miikkulainen, R. (PI), Feasley, E., Johnson, L., Karpov, I. V. (RE), Rajagopalan, P., Rawal, A., & Tansey, W. (2012). Multiagent learning through neuroevolution. In J. et al Liu (Ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) (Vol. 7311 LNCS, pp. 24–46). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.

87. Montgomery, M. H. (RE), Bailey, J. E., Blancard, C., Carlson, A. L., Cohen, D., Cosse, P., … Winget, D. E. (PI). (2012). The Z Astrophysical Plasma Properties (ZAPP) Collaboration. In American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting {#}219, {#}238.06

86. Nam, G. (FRI11), Ellington, A. D. (PI), & Stovall, G. M. (RE). (2012). Aptamer Research. In Rice Regional Undergraduate Symposium. Houston, TX.

85. Provencal, J. L., Montgomery, M. H. (RE), Kanaan, A., Thompson, S. E., Dalessio, J., Shipman, H. L., … Fraga, L. (2012). EMPIRICAL DETERMINATION OF CONVECTION PARAMETERS IN WHITE DWARFS. I. WHOLE EARTH TELESCOPE OBSERVATIONS OF EC14012-1446The Astrophysical Journal751(2), 91. 

84. Romero, P. a, Stone, E. M., Lamb, C., Chantranupong, L. (FRI07), Krause, A., Miklos, A. E., … Georgiou, G. (2012). SCHEMA-Designed Variants of Human Arginase I and II Reveal Sequence Elements Important to Stability and CatalysisACS Synthetic Biology1(6), 221–228.

83. Schrum, J., Karpov, I. V. (RE), & Miikkulainen, R. (PI). (2012). Humanlike Combat Behavior via Multiobjective Neuroevolution. In P. F. Hingston (Ed.), Believable Bots (pp. 119–150). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer. 

82. Stone, E. M., Chantranupong, L. (FRI07), Gonzalez, C., O’Neal, J., Rani, M., Vandenberg, C., & Georgiou, G. (2012). Strategies for optimizing the serum persistence of engineered human arginase i for cancer therapyJournal of Controlled Release158(1), 171–179. 

81. Tabor, D. P. (FRI07), Harding, M. E., Ichino, T., & Stanton, J. F. (2012). High-accuracy extrapolated ab initio thermochemistry of the vinyl, allyl, and vinoxy radicalsJournal of Physical Chemistry A116(29), 7668–7676. 

80. Terrell, R., Welborn, M. (FRI07), Chill, S. T., & Henkelman, G. (PI). (2012). Database of atomistic reaction mechanisms with application to kinetic Monte CarloJournal of Chemical Physics137(1), 1–7. 

79. Yang, X. (RE), Chan, C. K. (FRI08), Lam, D. (FRI08), Schipper, D. (FRI09), Stanley, J. M., Chen, X., … Chen, Q. (2012). Anion-dependent construction of two hexanuclear 3d–4f complexes with a flexible Schiff base ligand. Dalton Transactions41(37), 11449.


78. Beuermann, K., Buhlmann, J., Diese, J., Dreizler, S., Hessman, F. V, Husser, T.-O., … Winget, K. I. (2011). The giant planet orbiting the cataclysmic binary DP LeonisAstronomy {&} Astrophysics526, A53. 

77. Ciota, A. T., Koch, E. M. (FRI08), Willsey, G. G., Davis, L. J., Jerzak, G. V. S., Ehrbar, D. J., … Kramer, L. D. (2011). Temporal and spatial alterations in mutant swarm size of St. Louis encephalitis virus in mosquito hostsInfection, Genetics and Evolution11(2), 460–468. 

76. Clark, G. (RE), Fraley, D., Steinebrunner, I., Cervantes, A., Onyirimba, J. (FRI06), Liu, A., … Roux, S. J. (PI). (2011). Extracellular nucleotides and apyrases regulate stomatal aperture in ArabidopsisPlant Physiology156(4), 1740–1753. 

75. Dziuk, A. (FRI07), & Miikkulainen, R. (PI). (2011). Creating intelligent agents through shaping of coevolution. In 2011 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) (pp. 1077–1083). New Orleans, LA.

74. Ellis, J. L. (FRI08), Falcon, R. E., Rochau, G. a., Winget, D. E. (PI), Bailey, J. E., & Montgomery, M. H. (RE). (2011). Creation of white dwarf photospheres in the laboratory. In Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society (p. 43).

73. Hatlestad, G. J., Elam, L. (FRI08), Gonzalez, A. (RE), & Lloyd, A. M. (PI). (2011). Mirabilis jalapa mottle virus: A new carlavirus infecting four o’clocksArchives of Virology156(11), 2109–2111.

72. Hessman, F. V, Beuermann, K., Dreizler, S., Marsh, T. R., Parsons, S. G., Copperwheat, C. M., … Littlefair, S. P. (2011). The planets around the post-common envelope binary NN Serpentis. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 1331, pp. 281–286).

71. Karpov, I. V. (RE), Valsalam, V. K. (RE), & Miikkulainen, R. (PI). (2011). Assisting Machine Learning Through Shaping , Advice and Examples. In Proceedings of the 2011 IJCAI Workshop on Agents Learning Interactively from Human Teachers

70. Karpov, I. V. (RE), Valsalam, V. K. (RE), & Miikkulainen, R. (PI). (2011). Human-Assisted Neuroevolution through Shaping, Advice and Examples. In Proceedings of the 13th Annual Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2011). Dublin, Ireland.

69. O’ Keefe, B. M., Simmons, N. (FRI06), & Martin, S. F. (2011). Facile access to sterically hindered aryl ketones via carbonylative cross-coupling: Application to the total synthesis of luteolinTetrahedron67(24), 4344–4351. 

68. O’Connell, L. a., Fontenot, M. R. (FRI07), & Hofmann, H. a. (2011). Characterization of the dopaminergic system in the brain of an African cichlid fish, Astatotilapia burtoniJournal of Comparative Neurology519(1), 75–92. 

67. Pozun, Z. D. (RE), Tran, K. (FRI07), Shi, A. (FRI09), Smith, R. H., & Henkelman, G. (PI). (2011). Why silver nanoparticles are effective for olefin/paraffin separationsJournal of Physical Chemistry C115(5), 1811–1818.

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64. Suspène, R., Aynaud, M.-M., Guétard, D., Henry, M., Eckhoff, G. (FRI06), Marchio, A., … Wain-Hobson, S. (2011). Somatic hypermutation of human mitochondrial and nuclear DNA by APOBEC3 cytidine deaminases, a pathway for DNA catabolismProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America108(12), 4858–4863. 

63. Umali, A. P. (RE), LeBoeuf, S. E. (FRI06), Newberry, R. W. (FRI07), Kim, S. (FRI07), Tran, L. (FRI08), Rome, W. a. (FRI06), … Anslyn, E. V. (PI). (2011). Discrimination of flavonoids and red wine varietals by arrays of differential peptidic sensorsChemical Science.

62. Vidal-Gadea, A. G., Topper, S. M., Young, L., Crisp, A., Kressin, L., Elbel, E. (FRI07), … Pierce-Shimomura, J. T. (2011). Caenorhabditis elegans selects distinct crawling and swimming gaits via dopamine and serotonin. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences108(42), 17504–17509.

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59. Antoine, K. M., Mortazavi, S. (FRI07), Miller, A. D., & Miller, L. M. (2010). Chemical differences are observed in children’s versus adults’ latent fingerprints as a function of timeJournal of Forensic Sciences55(2), 513–518. 

58. Beuermann, K., Hessman, F. V, Dreizler, S., Marsh, T. R., Parsons, S. G., Winget, D. E. (PI), … Hermes, J. J. (2010). Two planets orbiting the recently formed post-common envelope binary NN SerpentisAstronomy {&} Astrophysics, (15472), 4.

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55. Clark, G. (RE), Wu, M., Wat, N. (FRI06), Onyirimba, J. (FRI06), Pham, T. (FRI07), Herz, N. (FRI06), … Roux, S. J. (PI). (2010). Both the stimulation and inhibition of root hair growth induced by extracellular nucleotides in Arabidopsis are mediated by nitric oxide and reactive oxygen speciesPlant Molecular Biology74(4), 423–435.  

54. Codrea, V., Hayner, M. (FRI08), Hall, B. (RE), Jhaveri, S., & Ellington, A. D. (PI). (2010). In Vitro Selection of RNA Aptamers to a Small Molecule Target. In Current Protocols in Nucleic Acid Chemistry (Vol. 75, pp. 153–155). Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley {&} Sons, Inc. 

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52. Falcon, R. E., Rochau, G. a., Bailey, J. E., Ellis, J. L. (FRI08), Montgomery, M. H. (RE), Winget, D. E. (PI), … Rauch, T. (2010). Creating White Dwarf Photospheres in the Laboratory. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 436, pp. 436–439). 

51. Glazer, E. S., Stone, E. M., Kaluarachchi, W. D., Chantranupong, L. (FRI07), Massey, K. L., Georgiou, G., & Curley, S. A. (2010). Bioengineered Human L-Arginase Is Cytotoxic to Hepatocellular and Pancreatic Carcinoma Cells through Induction of Proapoptotic PathwaysJournal of Surgical Research158(2), 338–339. 

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49. Hall, B. (RE), Arshad, S. (FRI07), Seo, K. (FRI07), Bowman, C. (FRI07), Corley, M. (FRI07), Jhaveri, S. D., & Ellington, A. D. (PI). (2010). In Vitro Selection of RNA Aptamers to a Protein Target by Filter Immobilization. In Current Protocols in Nucleic Acid Chemistry. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley {&} Sons, Inc. 

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47. Hermes, J. J., Mullally, F., Winget, D. E. (PI), Montgomery, M. H. (RE), Miller, G. F. (FRI08), & Ellis, J. L. (FRI08). (2010). A Status Report on a Planet Search Around White Dwarf Stars. American Institute of Physics Conference Series1273(2010), 446–449.

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45. Knox, W. B. (EXT06), & Stone, P. (PI). (2010). Combining Manual Feedback with Subsequent MDP Reward Signals for Reinforcement Learning. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (pp. 5–12).

44. Lellis, A. D., Allen, M. L., Aertker, A. W. (FRI06), Tran, J. K. (FRI06), Hillis, D. M., Harbin, C. R., … Browning, K. S. (PI). (2010). Deletion of the eIFiso4G subunit of the Arabidopsis eIFiso4F translation initiation complex impairs health and viability. Plant Molecular Biology74(3), 249–263. 

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41. Newberry, R. W. (FRI07), LeBoeuf, S. E. (FRI06), Tran, L. (FRI08), Taing, D. (FRI06), Hong, J. (FRI08), Tian, T. (FRI06), … Anslyn, E. V. (PI). (2010). Fingerprinting of tannins and wines by arrays of differential peptidic colorimetric sensors. In ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY (Vol. 239). AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA.

40. Quinlan, M. (RE), Au, T. C., Zhu, J. (FRI08), Stiurca, N. (EXT10), & Stone, P. (PI). (2010). Bringing simulation to life: A mixed reality autonomous intersection. In IEEE/RSJ 2010 International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2010 - Conference Proceedings (pp. 6083–6088). 

39. Setapen, A. (EXT07), Quinlan, M. (RE), & Stone, P. (PI). (2010). Marionet: Motion acquisition for robots through iterative online evaluative trainingProceedings of the 9th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems: Volume 1-Volume 1, 1435–1436.

38. Shin, J. (FRI07), Tibbetts, A. S. (RE), & Appling, D. R. (PI). (2010). Identifying the Cox24 protein as a factor involved in mitochondrial protein synthesis. FASEB J.24, 685.2.

37. Stanley, J. M., Chan, C. K. (FRI08), Yang, X. (RE), Jones, R. A. (PI), & Holliday, B. J. (PI). (2010). Synthesis, X-ray crystal structure and photophysical properties of tris(dibenzoylmethanido)(1,10-phenanthroline)samarium(III)Polyhedron29(12), 2511–2515. 

36. Steinmeyer, S. H. (EXT08), Wilke, C. O. (PI), & Pepin, K. M. (2010). Methods of modelling viral disease dynamics across the within- and between-host scales: the impact of virus dose on host population immunityPhilosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences365(1548), 1931–1941. 

35. Stone, E. M., Chantranupong, L. (FRI07), & Georgiou, G. (2010). The second-shell metal ligands of human arginase affect coordination of the nucleophile and substrateBiochemistry49(49), 10582–10588.

34. Stone, E. M., Glazer, E. S., Chantranupong, L. (FRI07), Cherukuri, P., Breece, R. M., Tierney, D. L., … Georgiou, G. (2010). Replacing Mn 2+ with Co 2+ in Human Arginase I Enhances Cytotoxicity toward l -Arginine Auxotrophic Cancer Cell LinesACS Chemical Biology5(3), 333–342. 

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31. Wang, Y. (FRI05), Khaing, Z. Z., Li, N., Hall, B. (RE), Schmidt, C. E., & Ellington, A. D. (PI). (2010). Aptamer antagonists of myelin-derived inhibitors promote axon growthPLoS ONE5(3), 1–8. 

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28. Feng, Z. V. (RE), Lyon, J. L., Croley, J. S. (FRI05), Crooks, R. M. (PI), Vanden Bout, D. A. (PI), & Stevenson, K. J. (PI). (2009). Synthesis and catalytic evaluation of dendrimer-encapsulated Cu nanoparticles. An undergraduate expirement catalytic nanomaterialsJournal of Chemical Education86(3), 368–372. 

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24. Hall, B. (RE), Micheletti, J. M. (FRI06), Satya, P. (FRI07), Ogle, K. (FRI07), Pollard, J., & Ellington, A. D. (PI). (2009). Design, Synthesis, and Amplification of DNA Pools for In Vitro Selection. In Current Protocols in Molecular Biology (Vol. Oct, p. 24.2.1--24.2.27). Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley {&} Sons, Inc. 

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21. O’Keefe, B. M., Simmons, N. (FRI06), & Martin, S. F. (2009). Carbonylative cross-coupling of ortho-disubstituted aryl iodides: Convenient synthesis of sterically hindered aryl ketones. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY238.

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19. Shestopalov, N. V, Henkelman, G. (PI), Powell, C. T. (FRI05), & Rodin, G. J. (2009). Optimal control of electrostatic self-assembly of binary monolayers. New Journal of Physics11, 1–10.

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16. Beeson, P. (RE), Quin, J. O., Gillan, B. (EXT06), Nimmagadda, T. (EXT06), Ristroph, M., Li, D. (EXT06), & Stone, P. (PI). (2008). Multiagent Interactions in Urban DrivingJournal of Physical2(1), 15–29. 

15. Gnanam, A. J., Hall, B. (RE), Shen, X. (FRI05), Piasecki, S., Vernados, A. (FRI05), Galyov, E. E., … Brown, K. a. (2008). Development of aptamers specific for potential diagnostic targets in Burkholderia pseudomalleiTransactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene102(SUPPL. 1), S55--S57. 

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13. LeBoeuf, S. E. (FRI06), Rome, W. a. (FRI06), Smith, C. K. (FRI06), Kwan, M. Y. (FRI06), Umali, A. P. (RE), & Anslyn, E. V. (PI). (2008). CHED 277-Peptidic colorimetric sensors for the analysis of wine. In ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY (Vol. 236). AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA.

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7. Karpov, I. V. (RE), D’Silva, T., Varrichio, C., Stanley, K. O., & Miikkulainen, R. (PI). (2007). Integration and evaluation of exploration-based learning in games. In Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Games, CIG’06 (pp. 39–44).

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