Departmental Governance
Each departmentalized unit in the College of Natural Sciences is responsible for keeping a record of its governance structure, including its departmental policies and procedures. Every three years, departments are required to submit a recommendation packet to CNS Faculty Affairs that includes the following two items:
- A memo that states whether the department will continue with their existing governance, propose a new organization, or to return to a Budget Council.
- A governance document that covers its departmental policies and procedures.
Please see the steps below for more detailed instructions. For questions, please contact CNS Faculty Affairs.
Step 1: Governance Structure
There are three ways that a department may structure its governance: Budget Council, Executive Committee, or Extended Budget Council. Please see the policy on Budget Councils for a description of each and procedures for modifications to governance structure.
During the third year of operation under any of the foregoing plans and no later than each third year thereafter, the voting members of the department's existing governance structure must decide if they want to continue with their current governance structure. If so, it must be done in accordance with the provisions of Section 3 in HOP 2-1310.
If a request to change the existing governance structure is made by at least one voting faculty member, the responsibility to modify and vote on a new governance structure defaults to the tenured faculty members of the department. This must also be done in accordance with the provisions of Section 3 in HOP 2-1310.
Once the department has voted to either continue or modify the existing governance structure, the Department Chair must fill out one of the memos provided in the Forms section below as part of the recommendation packet.
Step 2: Governance Document
Departments are required to review and/or update their policies and procedures for the following sections prior to submitting their recommendation packet. Additionally, departments must ensure their governance policies and procedures align with the CNS Workload Policy.
- Promotion & Tenure
- Annual and Comprehensive Periodic Review of Faculty
- Merit Raises
- Faculty Recruiting
- Faculty Retention
- Faculty Mentoring
- Diversity and Gender Equity
- Professional-Tenure Track Faculty (must include the description of their roles in faculty governance and the procedures for evaluation and promotion in the appropriate sections.
Step 3: Submittal
The Department Chair is responsible for submitting the recommendation packet to CNS Faculty Affairs via email no later than March 31st every Spring semester. The submission should include both a governance memo as well as the completed governance document. Once received, it will be reviewed for approval by the Dean and the President.
Timeline for Updating Departmental Governance
Fall (Year 3)
CNS Faculty Affairs sends out reminders to departments whose governance structure will be up for review and renewal on August 31 of the following year.
Spring (Year 3)
Department's existing governance structure votes to continue or recommend change to departmental governance structure.
March 31st (Spring, Year 3)
Department Chair submits recommendation packet to the Dean's Office for approval.
Spring (Year 3)
Dean submits department's governance plan to the President for approval.
Summer (Year 3)
Dean communicates approval or requested changes to governance to the department.
Governance FAQs
1. Who has voting status in a governance structure?
- A faculty member will have voting status in a department on departmental matters if he or she holds a full-time appointment in the department in the rank of Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Visiting Professor, Visiting Associate Professor, Instructor, Distinguished Senior Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer, Professor of Instruction/Practice, Associate Professor of Instruction/Practice, Assistant Professor of Instruction/Practice, Clinical Professor, Clinical Associate Professor, or Clinical Assistant Professor. The release for research, career development, an endowed professorship or chair, or other such activities will not jeopardize the voting status. In addition, a voting member may be one who has a joint appointment in two or more departments that total a full-time appointment at the University, and holds any of the ranks previously mentioned. However, voting status within a department's governing body is inclusive to those serving on that committee or council only.
2. What if a unanimous vote is not achieved during the voting process?
- A modification will take effect if it is approved by a majority vote of the members and by the Dean and the President.
3. Is it possible to modify a department's governance structure, policies, and procedures prior to the third year?
- Yes, it is acceptable to modify or update before the third year as long as the proposed change is presented to the voting members of the faculty in accordance Section 3 in HOP 2-1310.
Questions or concerns: Contact CNS Faculty Affairs