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CNS Advising and Student Services Staff is providing full services, we are just changing how those services are administered during Fall 2022 and Spring 2023. Registration advising will be offered both in person and via virtual meetings by Zoom appointment.

Contact the College of Natural Sciences Student Services Office

If you need assistance, click here to access our virtual office.
Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm. (The front office is virtual Fridays.)

E-mail and Phone:
CNSinfo@austin.utexas.edu, please include your UT EID in all communications.  

If you would like to speak to someone on the phone, please contact the CNS front desk at 512-471-4536. Our staff will do our best to assist with what we are able.


Visit the University FAQ page here for answers to common questions. 

Students are encouraged to discuss drop and pass/fail changes with their advisor prior to submitting the request. 

Adding Courses

Adding a Course

To add a course before the fourth class day: 

To add a course by 5pm the 4th class day - submit via the online registration page.

Verify your schedule here

To add a course during the 5th – 12th class day of the session, you must request permission from the department offering the course. A list of CNS departmental contacts are below. In order to find a department outside of CNS please use our friend Google to search for the appropriate contact email. Adding a course after the second class day is not guaranteed and depends completely on departmental permission.


Online waitlists will be active through the fourth class day, you can only be added to a course if a spot becomes available and you are next on the list.  

Check your waitlist status often and resolve any errors that may be preventing you from being added. Contacting the professor or your advisor does not help bypass the waitlist process.  After the fourth class day the waitlist is no longer used and you must follow procedures listed above for adding a course after the fourth class day.  

If you are graduating and still need to get into a course to graduate, please contact your academic advisor immediately.

CNS Departmental Contacts

Biosciences (including biology, biochemistry, medical lab science, and neuroscience): bioscienceinfo@utexas.edu for advising questions and biology@austin.utexas.edu for course adds and research credit adds

Chemistry: css@cm.utexas.edu - Phone: 512-354-5045 M-F 9:00AM-12:00PM and 1:00PM-4:00PM

Math: mpaadv@austin.utexas.edu

Physics: ugaffairs@physics.utexas.edu

Astronomy: studentinfo@astro.as.utexas.edu

Statistics: stat.admin@austin.utexas.edu

Computer Science: under-info@cs.utexas.edu

Human Ecology: headvising@austin.utexas.edu 

Textiles & Apparels: angela.patterson@austin.utexas.edu

Public Health: angela.patterson@austin.utexas.edu

Human Development & Family Science: angela.patterson@austin.utexas.edu

Nutrition: jill.lawler@austin.utexas.edu

Adding courses may change your tuition, please be sure to verify if any additional funds are charged. Click here to see how adding a course can impact your financial aid