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From the College of Natural Sciences
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Welcome to a new semester

Welcome to a new semester

Dear Students,

I hope this email finds you well rested and energized for a new semester. We're starting this semester in a way that has begun to feel all too familiar, with classes meeting remotely. I know that remote classes are a challenge for students and faculty alike, so here are a few tips to help make the most of this current round of remote learning:

  • We all know by now that remote learning is mentally draining. Allow yourself time for breaks, and set realistic expectations for yourself.
  • Multitasking during remote learning makes concentration even more difficult. Focus on one thing at a time. Turn off social media and other distractions during classes and study time.
  • Be engaged. It's easier to pay attention and learn when you're an active participant. Ask questions. Post on discussion boards. Reach out to your instructors, TAs and classmates.

Finally, keep in mind that this current round of remote learning has an end in sight. The plan is to resume in-person classes on January 31st. Be ready to attend in-person at the end of January, and make sure you know where and when your classes will meet.Good luck in the first week of classes, and I look forward to seeing you on campus again soon!


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