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From the College of Natural Sciences
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Time to Take Stock

Time to Take Stock

Dear Students,

As we head into October, many of you are finishing your first round of exams. If so, now's a great time to take stock. Whether your performance was fantastic or disappointing, take a moment to acknowledge yourself for taking on the challenge. Also, think about what you did to prepare, what worked and what didn't. Remember that exams are not just about learning the material on the exam; they're about learning how to learn. If you're disappointed in your exam performance, keep your head up, and use this as an opportunity to discover new ways to support your learning. There are lots of people here who can help, including your professors, TAs, fellow students and, of course, the Sanger Learning Center.

Now, switching gears, I'd like to address a controversial topic. Texas scientists are a diverse group in almost every way, but I have come to realize there is one thing we all share: Strong opinions about the Texas Science t-shirt. For some the t-shirt is a classic, bold and iconic in its simplicity. For others it's a bit too plain and, well, due for an overhaul. I have my own opinions, to be sure, but this week I'd like to hear what you think.Is it time to update the Texas Science t-shirt? 

Next week I'll report back on the voting results.


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