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From the College of Natural Sciences
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If Coursework Is a Struggle

If Coursework Is a Struggle

Dear Students,

Four weeks into the semester, and I'll bet classes have started to "get real." Exams on the horizon…. assignments coming due… maybe you've even fallen behind in a class or can't seem to grasp an important concept. It is normal this time of the semester to feel you're struggling with coursework. So, what should you do?

First, give yourself a pat on the back, because struggling means that you are challenging yourself, and that's one of the main reasons you are here. Struggling is a normal part of the learning process. In fact, there is good research showing that struggling with coursework can help our learning. If you never found yourself struggling, it would mean that you're not getting as much out of CNS as you could be.

Second, keep going. One of the most important insights I hope you will take away from your education in CNS is that you can struggle with tough challenges and succeed. Because you can.

Third, know that you don't need to struggle alone. If you are struggling with course material, I guarantee others are as well. Talk to your TAs and professors about it. Connect with fellow students. Form a study group. Visit a tutoring center like the PCL Stem Study Center or the Sanger Learning Center.

Although you can't always tell this from TV and the movies, science is a team effort, not an individual one. Science learning is often best done in teams, too.

Best of luck as you rise to the challenges of this semester. I know it's tough—and I know you can do it.

Dr. Drew
Joke: What reassuring advice did the meninges give to the brain? A: Don't worry, I've got you covered.

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