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From the College of Natural Sciences
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Celebrating Black History Month

Celebrating Black History Month

Dear Students,

February is Black History Month, and UT has an amazing line-up of events celebrating the contributions and experiences of African Americans on campus and in Austin. In honor of Black History Month, I invite Texas Science students to join me in doing two things.

1) First, I hope everyone will participate in at least one of the events taking place online or on or near campus. Here are three that caught my attention:

2) My second ask is that you join me in spending some time reflecting on what your individual role can be in advancing a shared goal of our Texas Science community: making our campus a truly inclusive, supportive and friendly place that welcomes everyone. That hasn't always been UT's history, as I'm sure you know. (You can take UT Austin's Racial Geography Tour to learn more about our institution's history.) Consider taking bystander training through Be Vocal to learn how you can intervene when you observe harmful treatment of others, or find other opportunities to get involved. There are many ways here at UT to help our campus be a place where each and every person comes to know they are celebrated for who they are, and, above all, you belong here.


Dr. Drew

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