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From the College of Natural Sciences

Posts highlighting some of the many articles mentioning College of Natural Sciences faculty and students in the media.

Making Every Raindrop Count

Ecologist Mark Simmons talks about adapting to the drought.

Linking the Classroom More Tightly to a Realistic Career

Op-ed highlights how the IE program is helping natural sciences students to find their calling.

Ecologists Discuss World’s Problems in Austin

Climate change expert Camille Parmesan talks to KUT about the state of the planet.

9 out of 10 preschoolers' lunches reach unsafe temperatures

Nutritional Sciences' graduate student Fawaz Almansour featured on the NBC Today Show.

Frogs’ Songs Attract Females, and Predators

Male túngara frogs gather in shallow pools of water at night and let out long mating calls. Females visit these pools, listen to a few calls and then quickly pick mates. It’s a bit like speed dating. Read the full article, "Frogs’ Songs Attract Females, and Predators," at the New York Times.

Border Fence Poses Risk to Wildlife

Biology grad student Jesse Lasky speaks to Good Day Austin about how the border fence poses risks to wildlife.

About 150 attend Marine Science Institute's opening of new Estuarine Research Center

Cuisine of the cosmic order

As a theoretical physicist at the University of Texas, Navin Sivanandam spends his days thinking about the birth of the universe. When he comes home, he tackles an entirely different problem: chicken-fried queso. Read more on Austin360.com.

US-Mexico border disturbs ecology

A UT study reveals that barriers on the U.S.-Mexico border are disturbing ecosystems and endangering animal species in the area. More at the Daily Texan: "US-Mexico border disturbs ecology."

Asexual Ants Have Sex

Turns out that the asexual ants we wrote about a few years ago sneak in some sexual reproduction every now and then. Read more about professor Ulrich Mueller's research at The Scientist: "Asexual Ants Have Sex."

The Story Of Texas Longhorns

Grad student Emily Jane McTavish talks about reconstructing the history of longhorns through their DNA on Science Friday.  Check it out there: "The Story Of Texas Longhorns, As Told By Their DNA." Or listen to it right here: [audio:http://web5.cns.utexas.edu/news/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/scifri201107082-longhorn2.mp3|titles=The Story of the Te...

Collapsing Coastlines

Marine scientist Ken Dunton speaks with Science News about how Arctic shores are pulled a-sea.

UT campaign aims to save dinosaur tracks

Check out this Statesman article about the Glen Rose Dinosaur Tracks.

UT System plans a fast track through medical school

University of Texas officials believe they have an antidote for aspiring physicians daunted by four more years of college after earning a bachelor's degree: Shave off a year or two. David Laude, senior associate dean for academic affairs, speaks with the Statesman about the initiative. Read more: "UT System plans a fast track through medical scho...

As IBM marks its first century, Austin remains in a key role

Collaborations with the Department of Computer Science have been key to the success of IBM in Austin and beyond. Read more in the Statesman story: "As IBM marks its first century, Austin remains in a key role."