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From the College of Natural Sciences

Posts highlighting some of the many articles mentioning College of Natural Sciences faculty and students in the media.

Does Eating Organic Make a Difference?

Nutritional Sciences faculty discusses the benefits of eating organic.

Improved Loblolly Pines Better for the Environment

Researchers use genetics to increase the carbon-absorbing properties of the loblolly pine.

Scaling Up Student Research Requires New Thinking

The college's Freshman Research Initiative is at the vanguard of higher ed reform.

Ants go marching...

...under the watchful eye of Texas' top scientist. This is a great article in the Statesman about Larry Gilbert and his being named this year's Texas Distinguished Scientist.

UT Alumna Creates, Sells Jewelry on Etsy

Textiles and apparels grad finds success in jewelry making business.

Students Get Hands-on Opportunity with Surgical Robot

Bioengineering takes us one step closer to robotic surgery — and students get to test drive it.

Ladybugs, spiders, crickets, ants and bees...

...Insecta Fiesta has plenty of these.

Meet the New Dean: A Q&A with the Alcalde

The college's new dean, Linda Hicke, speaks with the Texas Exes Alcalde magazine about some of her plans for steering the helm of natural sciences.

The Stars Aligned for UT Couple

Two UT researchers have a relationship from heaven (well, the stars).

Origami Paper Sensor Could Detect Malaria, HIV for 10 Cents

Chemists' paper sensor "is about medicine for everybody."

UT Research Successful in DNA Binding

Long-term binding could mean treatment for diseases such as HIV.

Method to Separate Much-Needed Medical Isotopes Proposed

Isotopes are useful in medicine but have to be isolated first.

H5N1 Bird Flu May Be Less Deadly Than Previously Thought — Or Not

The mortality rate of H5N1 bird flu is still up in the air.

Molecule May Improve Treatments for HIV, Cancer

Brent Iverson receives more publicity for his research into DNA binding.

Forget the New iPad - Check Out the oPAD

The origami Paper Analytical Device (oPAD) is easy to fold and may cheaply save lives.