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Anneke Chy
Program Coordinator

WCH 2.212


No upcoming events

 cornerstones 2015 2a

Welcome to your second year! Hopefully your first year was full of new experiences (and probably some lessons learned). Your second year is your opportunity to get more deeply involved at UT and explore your professional development (build that resume!). You may be feeling secure in your academic footing at this point, or you may still be struggling. Either way, look at your second year as your chance to take your experience to the next level.

If your academics are going well, what else can you get involved with that will help you broaden your experience? If your academics are not going as well as you had hoped, set that appointment with your academic advisor or a career coach to talk about where you are and how to get to the destination you have in mind. No destination in mind yet? Start that conversation today and navigate your experience!  

Staying (or Getting) on Track

At the end of this year, you will be halfway to graduation! Now is the perfect time to do a self-audit: are you on track with your courses and degree plan, with your resume, with the experiences you want to cultivate during your four years at UT?