Button to scroll to the top of the page.

All CNS students are required to meet entry-level requirements prior to declaring a specific degree and major option. In order to meet entry-level requirements, all entry-level courses must be completed with a grade of C- or better and maintain good standing in CNS. Computer Science and Environmental Science have additional program requirements and require higher than a 2.0 GPA.




Astronomy M 408C/D M 408N/S or M 408K/L
  PHY 301/101L PHY 303K/103M
Biochemistry M 408C M 408N or M 408K
  CH 301/302 CH 301H/302H
  BIO 311C/D BIO 315H
  BIO 325 BIO 325H
Biology M 408C M 408N or M 408K
  CH 301/302 CH 301H/302H
  BIO 311C/D BIO 315H
  BIO 325 BIO 325H
Chemistry M 408C/D M 408N/S or M 408K/L
  CH 301/302 CH 301H/302H
Computer Science CS 312 CS 307
  CS 311 CS 313K
  CS 314 CS 315
Note: CS students are advised in the Computer Science Advising Center. Students must apply to CS for upper-division status.
Environmental Sciences M 408C M 408N or M 408K
  CH 301 CH 301H
  BIO 311C BIO 315H
  GEO 401 GEO 303 or GRG 401C
Human Development M 408N or SDS 302F M 408C, M 408K, SDS 304, or SDS 306
& Family Sciences HDF 304 WGS 301 - Topic 4
  HDF 313/113L WGS 301 - Topic 5
  HDF 315L  
Human Ecology M 408N or SDS 302F M 408C, M 408K, SDS 304, or SDS 306
  HDF 304 HDF 313/113L
  NTR 306 NTR 312
  TXA 205/105L  
Mathematics M 408C/D M 408N/S or M 408K/L
Medical Laboratory Science M 408C M 408N or M 408K
  CH 301/302 CH 301H/302H
  BIO 311C/D BIO 315H
  BIO 325 BIO 325H
Neuroscience M 408C M 408N or M 408K
  CH 301/302 CH 301H/302H
  BIO 311C/D BIO 315H or NEU330/335
Nutrition M 408N or SDS 302F M 408C, M 408K, SDS 304, or SDS 306
  CH 301/302 CH 301H/302H
  CH 204  
  BIO 311C BIO 315H
  NTR 312/112L NTR 311/111L*
Note: NTR 311/111L is an acceptable subsitution in only the 2006-2008 catalog.
Physics M 408C/D M 408N/S or M 408K/L
  PHY 301/101L PHY 303K/103M
Public Health M 408C M 408N or M 408K or M 408R
  BIO 311C/D BIO 315H
  CH 301/302 CH 301H/302H
  PBH 317  
Statistics and Data Science M 408C/D M 408N/S or M 408K/L
  C S 303E C S 312
  SDS 313  
  SDS 315  
Textiles & Apparel M 408N or SDS 302F M 408C, M 408K, SDS 304, SDS 306, M 316 or EDP 371
  CH 301 CH 301H
  TXA 205/105L  


1. Who is my academic advisor?

Advisor assignments are typically complete by the second week of a given semester. Unless your status changes (met entry-level, different major, or entered second academic year), your advisor assignment should remain the same. 

2. How do I make an appointment with my advisor?

You can make an appointment with your advisor by calling your assigned advising center. Plan ahead! It can be difficult to get an appointment during peak advising times (first week, week of Q-drop, registration).

  • Center for First-Year Advising - If you have an assigned advisor, you should make your appointment on-line at: https://utexas-insight.symplicity.com. If you do not have an assigned advisor, please call 512-471-3796 for assistance.
  • Biological Sciences Advising Center - 512-471-4920
  • Chemistry Advising Center - 512-471-3097
  • CNS Honors Center - 512-232-1048
  • Computer Science Advising Center - 512-471-9509
  • Human Ecology Advising Center - 512-471-7219
  • Mathematics, Physics, & Astronomy Advising Center - If you have an assigned MPA advisor, you should make your appointment on-line at: https://utexas-insight.symplicity.com. If you do not have an assigned MPA advisor, please call 512-471-0900 for assistance.
  • Texas Interdisciplinary Plan (TIP) - If you have an assigned advisor, you should make your appointment on-line at: https://utexas-insight.symplicity.com. If you do not have an assigned advisor, please call 512-232-6493 for assistance.
  • UTeach -512-232-2770

3. How can I prepare for the meeting with my academic advisor?

It is important to view existing resources to be fully prepared for the meeting with your academic advisor. Consider visiting UT and CNS resources pages, such as CNS Degree Plans, UT Course Schedule, and the Interactive Degree Audit (IDA).

The IDA allows students to view how coursework applies to any given degree. Be sure to input a specific major and major-option (do not use entry-level audits) and the correct catalog year (usually when you entered UT).

4. How do I meet entry-level requirements?

All CNS majors require a set of courses to be completed in order to meet entry-level requirements. To find out more about entry-level requirements, visit The Entry-Level Process portion of this web site.

5. Can I enroll at UT and ACC (or other institution) concurrently?

You must meet with your academic advisor to submit a petition for concurrent enrollment.

6. How do I know if a course will transfer?

The Office of Admissions has an Automated Transfer Equivalency (ATE) website that allows you to input either the UT or other Texas institution course number to determine if a course will transfer.

7. How do I accept AP credits?

Due to financial and academic reasons, it is recommended you speak with a CNS advisor prior to accepting AP credit. You can view the credits earned for specific AP scores and read about how to claim AP credits.

8. How do I calculate my GPA?

You can find a GPA calculator on the registrar's website at the following address:

9. How do I transfer to another college or school at UT-Austin?

Each college/major at the University of Texas has unique internal transfer requirements. Many also have internal transfer sessions that discuss the entrance requirements for internal transfer.  Some of these sessions are mandatory for program admission.

10. Can my academic information be shared with others?

Academic information is split into two categories: directory and non-directory. Directory information that can be shared with others includes your name, address, major field of study, enrollment status, and other general information. Non-directory information is covered by FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974) that protects the release of most educational records.

Be aware that CNS advisors cannot share information protected by FERPA without a release signed by the student.


11. What is UT Math Assessment (UTMA)?

CNS assesses prerequisite math placement through the UT Math Assessment.  This assessment is required as a prerequisite for precalculus and calculus enrollment.  The necessary UTMA score will vary depending on the course.  Prerequisite requirements for precalculus and calculus courses can be found on the Math Prerequisites page.

12. What is the Chemistry assessment?

CNS assesses appropriate knowledge of chemistry through the Chemistry Assessment. All CNS students who register for CH301 are required to complete this two-part assessment.  

13. How do I register for classes?

In order to register for classes, you must first meet with your academic advisor. You can check your registration time and date by visiting your RIS (Registration Information Sheet).

14. Where can I find the Advising Worksheet?

Note: students on grade contract (academic probation) are not eligible to complete an advising worksheet to remove a registration bar.

15. What if I cannot register for a specific class?

The advisors in CFYA cannot help you register for a class that is wait listed or closed. We recommend you visit the department of the course to inquire about availability. For example, if you are attempting to access a biology course, you will need to speak with the biology department.

16. How do I Q-drop a class?

Q-drop forms may be picked up at the front counter in WC Hogg (1.106). If you are unsure of whether or not to Q-drop a course, a conversation with your instructor and academic advisor is recommended.

17. Do I qualify for the One-Time-Exception (OTE) policy?

Undergraduate students who may not have urgent, substantiated, nonacademic reasons will be allowed to drop a single class or withdraw from the University after the deadline to drop or withdraw for academic reasons under the provisions of the One-Time-Exception (OTE).  The OTE may be invoked only once during the student's entire undergraduate career regardless of college the student was enrolled in at the time the exception was allowed.  The OTE and the former CNS One-time drop are considered to be separate drops.  The provisions of the OTE are as follows:

General Provisions

  1. The OTE does not apply to students in the Graduate School, the College of Pharmacy, the LBJ School of Public Affairs, the School of Law, or the School of Information.
  2. A student must request the OTE from the student's dean's office by the last class day.  Forms must be returned to the student's dean's office by 5 p.m. on the last class day.
  3. Any drop or withdrawal allowed under the OTE will be subject to the same academic and financial aid rules governing other drops or withdrawals taken during the semester.

Provisions for Drops

  1. A student may not drop a class in which a final grade has been assigned.  This will be verified by the student's dean's office with the instructor of the course.
  2. A student may not drop a class if there are any pending investigations of scholastic dishonesty for the class in question; this will be verified by the student's dean's office with the instructor of the course.
  3. Drops allowed under the provisions of the OTE will be considered academic drops and will count toward the six-drop limit.  Students who have reached the six-drop limit are not eligible to use the OTE to drop a course.

Provisions for Withdrawals

  1. Students who are requesting to use the OTE for a withdrawal will be allowed to withdraw regardless of current grades in classes.
  2. No instructors' signatures will be required on the form.
  3. Pending scholastic dishonesty will be verified by the student's dean's office with the Dean of Students Office.  Withdrawal will not be approved if there is a pending scholastic dishonesty case.
  4. Per University policy, withdrawals require a meeting with a non-academic counselor in the CNS Dean’s Office. Call 512-471-3796 to schedule an appointment with a non-academic counselor.

18. How do I create a degree audit?

    • Go to IDA.  Log-in with your UTEID and password.
    • To create a new audit, select the "Create" option from the IDA's main menu.
    • Under "All Degree Plans" at the bottom of the page, select Natural Sciences to view all degree plan options.
    • From the list, select your major.  Be as specific as possible - do not run an audit that says "entry-level," these audits contain incorrect information.
    • Once you select your major, you are prompted to choose a catalog.  Your catalog dates coincide with the dates you started at UT (or with dates you attended at another Texas public institution - post high school).  For example, if you arrived at UT as a freshman in fall 2010, you will choose the 2010-2012 catalog.  If you transfered to UT from UTSA, and you were taking courses at UTSA in 2009, you have the option to utilize the 2008-2010 catalog.
    • Once you select your catalog, review your request information and click "Submit Audit."
    • Click OK to create your audit.
    • Under the main menu, select "View an Existing Degree Audit."
    • Click on your audit, and select the "Detail" view option, which provides the most comprehensive review of your degree requirements.
    • Compare your degree audit to a degree plan, checking off courses you have completed.  Your remaining coursework can serve as a registration guide or planning tool for creating a time line to graduation.
    • After you have registered each semester, rerun or create a new audit to see if your courses will apply to your degree as you expected.


19. Why are students placed on academic probation?

Students with a cumulative UT GPA of below 2.0 are placed on academic probation. Academic probation provides the student with a chance to raise his or her GPA to avoid dismissal.

20. Where can more information be found on probation and dismissal?

The chart below displays the criteria for university dismissal. Students in the College of Natural Sciences are subject to the Table of Scholastic Standards, but also fall under the terms of the CNS grade contract.

Table of Scholastic Standards

Total College Hours Undertaken

UT Austin GPA for Scholastic Probation

UT Austin GPA for Scholastic Dismissal

Below 15

Less than 2.0

Less than 1.50

15 - 44

Less than 2.0

Less than 1.70

45 - 59

Less than 2.0

Less than 1.85

60 or more

Less than 2.0

Less than 2.00

Source: http://catalog.utexas.edu/general-information/academic-policies-and-procedures/scholastic-probation-and-dismissal/

The CNS grade contract can be found at the following link: https://utdirect.utexas.edu/ns/contract.WBX

CNS Advising and Student Services Staff is providing full services, we are just changing how those services are administered during Fall 2022 and Spring 2023. Registration advising will be offered both in person and via virtual meetings by Zoom appointment.

Contact the College of Natural Sciences Student Services Office

If you need assistance, click here to access our virtual office.
Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm. (The front office is virtual Fridays.)

E-mail and Phone:
CNSinfo@austin.utexas.edu, please include your UT EID in all communications.  

If you would like to speak to someone on the phone, please contact the CNS front desk at 512-471-4536. Our staff will do our best to assist with what we are able.


Visit the University FAQ page here for answers to common questions. 

Students are encouraged to discuss drop and pass/fail changes with their advisor prior to submitting the request. 

Adding Courses

Adding a Course

To add a course before the fourth class day: 

To add a course by 5pm the 4th class day - submit via the online registration page.

Verify your schedule here

To add a course during the 5th – 12th class day of the session, you must request permission from the department offering the course. A list of CNS departmental contacts are below. In order to find a department outside of CNS please use our friend Google to search for the appropriate contact email. Adding a course after the second class day is not guaranteed and depends completely on departmental permission.


Online waitlists will be active through the fourth class day, you can only be added to a course if a spot becomes available and you are next on the list.  

Check your waitlist status often and resolve any errors that may be preventing you from being added. Contacting the professor or your advisor does not help bypass the waitlist process.  After the fourth class day the waitlist is no longer used and you must follow procedures listed above for adding a course after the fourth class day.  

If you are graduating and still need to get into a course to graduate, please contact your academic advisor immediately.

CNS Departmental Contacts

Biosciences (including biology, biochemistry, medical lab science, and neuroscience): bioscienceinfo@utexas.edu for advising questions and biology@austin.utexas.edu for course adds and research credit adds

Chemistry: css@cm.utexas.edu - Phone: 512-354-5045 M-F 9:00AM-12:00PM and 1:00PM-4:00PM

Math: mpaadv@austin.utexas.edu

Physics: ugaffairs@physics.utexas.edu

Astronomy: studentinfo@astro.as.utexas.edu

Statistics: stat.admin@austin.utexas.edu

Computer Science: under-info@cs.utexas.edu

Human Ecology: headvising@austin.utexas.edu 

Textiles & Apparels: angela.patterson@austin.utexas.edu

Public Health: angela.patterson@austin.utexas.edu

Human Development & Family Science: angela.patterson@austin.utexas.edu

Nutrition: jill.lawler@austin.utexas.edu

Adding courses may change your tuition, please be sure to verify if any additional funds are charged. Click here to see how adding a course can impact your financial aid