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From the College of Natural Sciences
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You Did It

You Did It

Dear Students,

Well, you did it. Classes for the spring 2020 semester are over. Granted, some of you still have finals, but classes are done. With that in mind, I have three messages this week:

To everyone:You have shown a tenacity, dedication, and resilience I am floored by. For some of you, finding internet connection proved challenging, but you did it. For some of you, creating routine was your Herculean task, yet you found a way. Some of you saw needs in your family or community, and you shifted focus to help them. And there are many other obstacles you faced and overcame. Hold onto those skills you cultivated — they may just look like survival right now, but they're abilities that will see you through future challenges.

To continuing students: Good luck finishing out the semester and with your summer plans. I'm going to continue these newsletters through the summer as a way to keep communication open, and I would love if you kept in touch with us, too.

To graduating students: This isn't the end to your undergraduate career that you envisioned. And yet, when I tune in to the CNS Virtual Commencement on May 23rd, I am going to get to see all of your amazing faces, degrees, and quotes. I wish we could highlight all the things you've accomplished because the world would be stunned. Actually, the world will get to see you shine soon enough, and I can't wait to hear how you've gone on to change things for the better.

I'm not kidding when I say you are among the most impressive people I've ever met.

Dr. Vanden Bout

Joke: What's the difference between a poorly dressed man on a tricycle and a well-dressed man on a bicycle? Attire!

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