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From the College of Natural Sciences
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We Are All Very Fortunate

We Are All Very Fortunate

What do you appreciate about UT Austin the College of Natural Sciences?

Dear Students,

This week UT President Bill Powers joined college and university administrators at the White House to meet with President Obama and members of his administration to discuss increasing educational opportunities for students. In short, how can more students have access to the benefits of a college education. As President Powers said, "Ensuring that ... students are able to attend top universities like UT Austin helps these students and their families succeed. More than that, it bolsters our economy and improves society by ensuring that our brightest young minds have the chance to receive a world-class education and flourish," An article in The Economist confirms that education is central to individuals' prosperity and the prosperity of the fast-growing Texas economy.

The Martin Luther King, Jr., holiday reminds us that the national discussion about access and participation in the American dream have been with us a long time. We've made great strides since Dr. King's time. This week, if you're feeling overwhelmed with homework, midterms, and papers, take a moment to appreciate the great privilege each of us enjoys here at the University of Texas. Many would like to be in our shoes, pursuing careers that stem from their creative desires or the education that can launch them on that path. May each of us each day recognize the opportunity we have been given and seek to share those gifts with the world around us.

Best wishes for the coming week,
Dr. Kopp

PS: Each week I let you know about important deadlines, career opportunities, scholarships, and opportunities. Check out this week's deadlines here at this link.

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