There's always good news coming out of UTeach, and I was just handed a report with strong numbers regarding participation and reach of the 22 universities across the U.S. that are replicating the program.
Here are a few highlights (all as of Spring 2011):
The number of new students who started in UTeach-like programs in the U.S. this year (excluding UT Austin)
The total number of students enrolled in all aspects of UTeach programs in the U.S., including UT Austin[/pullquote]4,776
The total number of students enrolled in all aspects of UTeach programs in the U.S., including UT Austin
Number of UTeach students enrolled at UT Austin
Number of UTeach students enrolled at Louisiana State University
Number of UTeach students enrolled at the University of Houston
Number of years the schools in the first cohort of UTeach replications have been implementing the program
The number of science and math teachers expected to graduate annually from UTeach replication programs
The year at which more than 5400 UTeach teachers will have graduated that will have served over 2 million students across the U.S.
The numbers speak for themselves. A great program that's on the road to making a big impact. [Data provided by the UTeach Institute.]