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From the College of Natural Sciences
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Thanksgiving Week

Thanksgiving Week

This week we'll have a few days break for the Thanksgiving holiday. After a long semester it will be a welcome break. We could wish it came closer to the middle of the semester than the end. So take a break, but stay focused. Spend some time discussing what you have learned this semester with friends and family.

Some of you will get the chance to go home for Thanksgiving. Others will stay in Austin. Wherever you are, I hope that you get the chance to spend the day with friends and family. And as corny as it might sound I hope you take the chance to say "thanks" to someone who has helped you this past year.

While it takes a great deal of personal effort to succeed at the University, most students succeed in part as a result of help and support that they have received over the years. This could be from family, friends, neighbors, or other individuals. Whoever it might be, everyone has some one to thank for helping them be the person they are today. So take this chance to let those people know you are thankful for their help. Tell them in person, send them a text, write them a card, or give them a call. It doesn't need to be long. A few words are enough to let them know that you are thankful. It will only take a minute. So just do it.

Enjoy your break.

Don't forget to study.

And remember: the University is holding classes on Wednesday.

– Dr. Vanden Bout

P.S. Send me a picture of your Thanksgiving feast @StudentDeanCNS

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