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From the College of Natural Sciences
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Thanksgiving Week

Thanksgiving Week

Dear Students,

Many of us will leave campus this week to visit with family or friends for the Thanksgiving holiday.  After a long semester with few (if any breaks) it will be a welcome respite.  It comes unfortunately very near the end of the semester.  It is easy to let up on studying right when your learning should be hitting its highest gear. So take a break, but stay focused. 

As we head into this week, I was thinking about things I am thankful for.  One of them is the amazing support that students in this college provide for one another. I had the pleasure to join a student organization for their regular meeting last week.  It was a chance to see first hand the assistance that students provide for each other.  The upper classman offered helpful advice to younger students while they were themselves nourished by larger group.  Amidst these exchanges of support and encouragement I heard some very interesting comments from the juniors and seniors.  The juniors couldn’t wait to graduate.  The seniors all wanted to more time. Personally, I’d listen to the seniors.  College will be done soon enough.  Savor your chance to learn new things.  Take advantage of your opportunities to grow and stretch yourself.  Be thankful for the chance to discover something every day. 

Enjoy your break.

Don’t forget to study.

And remember: the University is holding classes on Wednesday.


-Dr. Vanden Bout


P.S. Download CNS Student Newsletter

P.P.S.  Resistance is not futile:  it is voltage divided by current.

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