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From the College of Natural Sciences
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Teach and Learn

Teach and Learn

Dear Students,

I remember the first time I had to teach Physical Chemistry I (CH353).  I was worried.  It had been more than a few years since I had taken this course as an undergraduate.  Despite the fact that in this course I received the highest final grade of any class during my four years in college, I didn’t really remember any of it.  I learned a lot that semester while teaching.  In fact, while it has been a while since I’ve taught CH353, I remember almost all of it.  And that is because we can learn so much through experience.

Teaching not only helps you with the subject, but it provides you with valuable practice in other areas such as communication, leadership, and organization.  It allows you to positively impact the lives of others.  It can also be a lot of fun.  I would encourage each of you to step in as peer leaders in the college.  There are many opportunities.  It could be helping as an undergraduate learning assistant in chemistry or physics.  It could be serving as a mentor in TIP, WINS, or CNS 101.  Or you might help extend the University into the community through UTeach Outreach. 

UTeach Outreach is one of the best opportunities the college has to offer. The program not only gives you the chance to teach hands-on science lessons in area elementary schools, but it also allows you to get course credit (because you will learn a lot). The UTeach Outreach course is open to all majors.  You can receive two credit (CH207K – UN#50600) or three credit hours (CH371K) of science or elective credit, depending on your major and prerequisites. I invite you to be a part of this unique course that is planned around your schedule, provides a network with other UT students in a small classroom setting, and opportunities to boost your resume with leadership roles in your area of interest.

To register visit http://outreach.uteach.org

For more information check out this video http://youtu.be/VUUWBb4JjkQ  or email uteach.outreach@austin.utexas.edu 

Most importantly, all of these opportunities will help you make an impact in other people’s lives.  Give back.  Lend a hand.  You never know whose life you may change for the better (in addition to your own).


- Dr. Vanden Bout

P.S. Download this week's CNS Student Newsletter

P.P.S. There are three kinds of mathematicians: those who can count and those who can’t.

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