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From the College of Natural Sciences
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Spring is a busy time

Spring is a busy time
Dear Students,
Spring can be a remarkably busy time.  Classes are winding down and yet the work load is still going strong (or accelerating).  Students are making plans for summer, fall, and potentially graduation all at the same time.  So to help you sort through this I’ll simply point you to our CNS student newsletter.  Each week this newsletter is updated with upcoming events as well as important dates and reminders.  Here are a few of the highlights from this week. Be sure to check out the link at the top of the email for all the details.
Summer Opportunities
Graduating and not sure what you are going to do?  You might be interested in a career in Health IT.  There are two information sessions this week about UT’s nine week summer certificate program in Health IT.  Monday, April 20 NHB 1.304 from 4:30-5:30pm or Thursday, April 23 NHB 1.304 from 12-1pm.
Campus Events
This week is Research Week on campus.  There are events all week long all over campus.
College Events
April 23rd is the Fusion Fashion Show organized by the School of Human Ecology and featuring the work of 24 apparel design students.
It is time again for the annual CNS Visualizing Science contest.  Deadline to submit is 5/22.  Contest details can be found here.
Interested in Public Health as a major?  You can apply here or use this link for more information.
So be sure to check out the full CNS Student Newsletter.  Not just this week, but every week. 
-Dr. Vanden Bout
P.S. For one final time….the weekly newsletter link is at the top of the email.  
P.P.S.  A state trooper sees Heisenberg speeding down the highway.  He can’t get him to pull-over so he pulls along side him and shouts “Do you know how fast you are going?”  Heisenberg replies “No, but I know where I am”

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