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From the College of Natural Sciences
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Scholarship and Scholarships

Scholarship and Scholarships

Dear Students, 

Two quick messages this week. 

First, one thing that is great about being part of a University is the opportunity to further a wide array of scholarship. In the College of Natural Sciences it should come as no surprise that we generally focus our scholarly attention on scientific questions in the natural sciences. However, as we seek to improve our educational mission we often turn to scholarly studies of higher education. Here is a chance for you to help with such research by taking a short survey on factors that influenced your choice to go to college. It is short. I can't offer you any extra credit or bonus points for participation beyond the knowledge that you are helping to further research that will allow universities to make data-driven decisions about the future of higher education.

Second, did you know that the College of Natural Sciences has a substantial number of scholarships to award to our best students? That is "scholarships," the financial kind that allow you to pursue your "scholarship," the learning kind. We have college-level scholarships, Health Professions Scholarships, and even a few Out-of-State Tuition Waivers. Better yet, there is a single application that allows you to apply for all of these in one place. The application is now open with a firm deadline of 4/1/17. Please note that letters of recommendation are now an optional component of the application. Complete information can be found on the CNS scholarship webpage.

Dr. Vanden Bout

P.S. Don't forget the CNS Science and Technology Fair is coming up and Career Services has a wide array of events planned for the next two weeks.

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