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Recognition of Excellence

Recognition of Excellence

CNS Newsletter

Dear Students,

It’s always nice to know when your work is making a difference.   It is especially gratifying when that recognition comes directly from the people you’re working for.  For faculty and staff in the College of Natural Sciences, that group is you.   Helping students learn and grow is the reason we are all here.  

If there is an individual in the college who has made a positive impact on your a life, I would encourage you to recognize that person’s effort.  A great way to do this is the Natural Science Council Excellence Awards.  Each year the NSC organizes entirely student-nominated and student-selected awards for professors, teaching assistants, assistant instructors, and advisors for their outstanding dedication to CNS students. If you have had a CNS faculty or staff member from one of the above areas who has made a positive impact on you, consider nominating them for a NSC award.

Nominations across the different categories can be made at the following link through March 12 at 11:59PMhttps://utexas.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_3qFvqDzJkuGAZcF 

If you have any questions, you can contact the NSC Academic Affairs Chair, Melissa Huynh, at nsc.aa.chair@gmail.com

Recognition comes in ways both small and large.  These awards are special, but not every nominee will win.   So you might also consider dropping that advisor a note thanking them for the help they provided as you sorted out your major.  Or swing by office hours to let the professor know you really appreciated their class.  You might send an email to the TA from whom you learned so much in office hours last semester.  It is often the small thanks that mean the most.


-Dr. Vanden Bout


P.S. The weekly newsletter link is at the top of the email.  Thanks for great feedback on the format as we continue to tweak the presentation. 

P.P.S.  Let’s take all these bad chemistry jokes and barium.


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