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From the College of Natural Sciences
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Pay it Forward

Pay it Forward

Dear Students, 

A couple of weeks ago it was great to have the chance to get together with an inspiring recent graduate of the College who is now in his first year of medical school. We asked him to come back and give some advice to current students on how to succeed. His message was simple: "I know what it is like to sometimes doubt yourself. Make sure you ask for help." 

I can offer no better advice. There is a tremendous community here in the College and at the University ready and willing to help. So be sure to take advantage of classmates, study groups, student organizations, teaching assistants, faculty, advisors, counselors, and everyone who is looking to help you succeed. I would also encourage you all to be at the ready to help your fellow students. If you are in a position to help out a classmate, support a friend, or mentor a younger student, now is your chance to pay it forward. 

Your help doesn't need to be limited to students on campus either. This Saturday, February 27th, is "The Project." It is UT's biggest day of service for the year. There are spots for 1,900 volunteers at 44 sites to spend a few hours helping out in our larger community. This is a great way to help the University give back and to be part of the larger Austin Community. So sign up today. Or better yet, get a group of friends and pay it forward together. 


– Dr. Vanden Bout 

P.S. As I mentioned last week, this week is the Health Professions Fair on Wednesday, February 24, from 10am-2:30pm in the Union Ballroom. This is a great opportunity to come and talk with admission representatives from practically every health professions school in the state and many from across the country. Business casual attire is encouraged as you would like to make the best impression. 

P.P.S. I wanted everyone to see the new series of courses offered by CNS Career Services called "Adulting 101." They will be having two classes this week: 

Adulting 101: Offer Evaluation & Negotiation, Presented by Brooksource 

Adulting 101: Money Management IRL, Presented by University Federal Credit Union

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