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From the College of Natural Sciences
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Kopp's Weekly - What Is Your Story?

Kopp's Weekly - What Is Your Story?

"The universe is made of stories, not atoms." -Muriel Rukheyser

Dear Students, 

Friday was a spectacular day in CNS.  The Undergraduate Research Forum in Welch Hall featured over 200 posters summarizing undergraduate research projects from across the college and celebrated students' creativity and original research (read about the winners here).  Additionally, the CNS Honors Day ceremony in the Erwin Center Friday evening, and the UT-wide Honors Ceremony on Saturday, celebrated students' academic achievements.  Implicitly, these events celebrate the struggles along the way and the stories of how these achievements came to be; in fact, stories which surround our work communicate its meaning, its significance, and our aspirations for where it may take us.

Stories were the subject of Prof. Steven Dietz's remarks at the UT Honors Day ceremony.  As he noted, they are the connection between statements such as "I have to..." and "I get to..."  We all have obligations -- the "have to's" -- on the path toward our dreams -- the "get to's".  By cherishing and cultivating our stories, we refine the dreams that guide us.

Poet and author Muriel Rukheyser once wrote "The universe is made of stories, not atoms."  Even for a particle physicist like me, this is a welcome thought.

Sacha Kopp
Associate Dean
College of Natural Sciences

PS:  As a reminder, registration for summer starts this week.  The College of Natural Sciences is making a big push to make summer at UT a special opportunity, such as:

    • -Additional seats in some courses where seating has been limited in Fall/Spring


    • -Complete 8-hr two semester sequences in chemistry, organic chem, physics, calculus, and bio


  • -The 6th annual Statistics Institute is May 20 - May 23.  The courses run four days in the mornings or afternoons, at a discounted fee of $175 per course for UT students.  Registration closes May 3.

-See a complete listing of courses at the College's summer web page.

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