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From the College of Natural Sciences
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Kopp's Weekly - There Is No Wizard

Kopp's Weekly - There Is No Wizard

You have the stuff to succeed here in the College of Natural Sciences. We here just need to convince you of it.

Dear Students,

We are off in the swing of things here in Spring semester.  I hope it is going well for you so far.  For me my second semester of college was such a relief because I finally had a little confidence that I could make it ok.  There is such a big progression to get in to and adjust to college, I think back to the mystique of going to see the Wizard in the Wizard of Oz.  But just as the characters there learn there is no Wizard behind the curtain and that all along they possessed the traits they sought, that often feels like our message to you.  All along, you've had the stuff to succeed here in the College of Natural Sciences, we here just need to convince you of it.

That said, I hope you will all be using your Spring semester to expand your sights.  Classes matter a lot, but UT is a whole lot more.  Research your internship possibilities, start volunteering in a lab (it's hard to get a professor to hire you in summer unless they have some experience of you now!), or think about summer certificate programs (more on this one in a future weekly email).  Take a few risks, as the extracurriculars can expand your professional credentials a great deal.  On this note, I wanted to mention a few things coming up this week:

The first Science for Change lecture is by Dr. Josh Mandell (World Bank), Tues Jan 31 at 5pm in ACES Avaya Auditorium.  In this series we explore how scientists inform/become part of the policymaking leadership at state, national, and international levels.  In this first installment, we learn how scientists can play a role in the process of international development.  Join us for this first of a 5 part series this semester.

Feb. 1 is the 12th Class Day.  This is the last day an undergraduate student may add a class except for rare and extenuating circumstances.  More information about adding and dropping classes may be found here.

Spring Career Fair is on Thurs Feb 2 1-6pm at the Erwin Center.   There will be numerous employers on hand looking to recruit for this spring.  To make the most of the event, follow these tips on tips, and be sure to follow the dress code described on the site.  By attending, you may either seek a position or do your own research on the kinds of careers that will be rewarding in your future.  The Career Design Center office has also hired a professional photographer 1-2:30pm and 4-6pm to assist you in preparing headshots for your resume on LinkedIn.  Even I have a LinkedIn page, and you should too.

Friday Feb 3 at 5pm is the deadline to apply join the Natural Sciences Council.  The NSC serves as a representative of the students of the College of Natural Sciences and the Natural Sciences faculty.  It organizes such events as Natural Sciences Week, a week dedicated to celebrating our college and all the opportunities it offers to its students; student/faculty luncheons throughout the semester to promote student/faculty relations; and town halls every semester where students can voice their opinions about the college and receive responses from the college leadership.  The application to join can be found here.

Best of luck in the coming week,
- Dr. Kopp

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