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From the College of Natural Sciences
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Kopp's Weekly - Take the Survey!

Kopp's Weekly - Take the Survey!

Take the survey on computer facilities and campus study lounge needs

Dear Students,

We are trying to make more study lounges and computer cluster stations in the college. Can you TAKE OUR SURVEY on computer facilities and campus study lounge needs as we begin this process? Your input will help us understand the needs better. The survey is available here:

Read more about this below.

The CNS TOWN HALL MEETING was a very productive event again this year. Your Natural Sciences Council student organization did a great job putting this together and creating a forum for dialog of the students with the leadership in the College. Students asked questions about entrepeneurship in the College, what can be done to facilitate study abroad, access to advising, access to key classes in their major, the creation of additional FIG groups, and many others. We will be working with some of those present on the ideas they brought up. As a first step, we're asking you to take a survey (see below).

STUDY LOUNGES AND COMPUTER CLUSTERS: One question that came up concerns access to study space in the College -- places to sit and read, work in groups, check email, study for tests, etc. This is an important question, and we want your input. We want to know what are priorities for you, how you currently use such spaces, and what the College could provide to do better. The Dean's office has constructed a short survey which we would like you to complete (2 minutes!). It is online here. I still remember with great detail all the places I worked and studied while in college, and I think I owe my academic survival to those amenities. Thank you in advance for your time.

INTERDISCIPLINARY PLAN FELLOWS: At the Town Hall we also talked a lot about the opportunity to do so much more than just take classes here in the College of Natural Sciences. There are so many ways to get involved, work with faculty, engage in research. As another example, some of you might enjoy checking out the IP Fellows program, which allows you to build an interdisciplinary minor on top of your CNS major. You pick the field of study for your minor and write a thesis on the project. Past theses have included "Lessons from the Developing World: Chile's Solution to the U.S. Healthcare Crisis," "Ethnic Disparities in Infant Mortality," "What did Heisenberg Know? The story of the German Atomic Bomb Project,"and "Legalizing Euthanasia and Physician Aid-in-Dying: Improving the Quality of End-of-Life Care." In the IP Fellows program, you can create a plan of courses to build out your interdisciplinary interest, and work with an academic coach who will assist in identifying faculty with similar interest with whom to work on your thesis. If interested, contact Assistant Dean Sue Harkins or Madison Searle.

Best of luck for a successful week,

Dr. Sacha Kopp

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