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From the College of Natural Sciences
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Kopp's Weekly - NS Week Is Here

Kopp's Weekly - NS Week Is Here

Dear Students,

This week is Natural Sciences Week! Events throughout the week will celebrate some of the goings-on in the College and give you opportunities to network with other students in student groups and with our faculty. Check out the events below and on facebook!

This was an unusual week in science: a group at the CERN Laboratory in Switzerland reported that particles called neutrinos go faster than the speed of light. This would revolutionize all of science if it's true and Einstein was wrong about that whole space and time thing. Even jokes will change:

"We don't allow faster than light neutrinos in here" said the bartender.

A neutrino walks into a bar.".

Or they just made a mistake (see cartoon). The Wed. Star Party lecture (see below) will be all about neutrinos and Friday's Science Study Break by award-winning author Jim Ottaviani will be about the eccentric life Richard Feynman, who married special relativity, quantum theory and bongo drums. Check it out!

Best of luck in the coming week.


Dr. Sacha Kopp
NS Week Events:

AI: Driving the Future
Date: Monday, September 26, 2011
Time/Location: 3-4 PM; WAG 101
Prof. Peter Stone (Comp. Sci.) will discuss his research area of artificial intelligence.

NS Week Kick Off
Date:  Monday, September 26, 2011
Time/Location:  5-7 PM; East Mall
Description: Celebrate the beginning of NS Week with free pizza, drinks, games, and prizes.

Opportunities Abroad
Date: Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Time/Location: 7-9 PM; WEL 2.246
Description: CNS students discuss their experiences studying abroad and how you can get started.

Quiz Bowl
Date: Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Time/Location: 5-6:30 PM; SZB 330
Description: Professors and students in the battle of wits in an entertaining and competitive question answering event.

Star Party
Date: Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Time/Location: 7-9 PM; ECJ 1.202/RLM Rooftop
Description: Public lecture (this year featuring Dr. Sacha Kopp) on neutrinos and the movie 2012 and a stargazing experience using the telescope on the RLM rooftop.

The Look to Land the Job
Date: Thursday, September 29, 2011
Time/Location: 5-7 PM; SAC Black Box Theater (SAC 2.304)
Description: Learn the do's and don'ts of appropriate dress for the interview process.  Special presentation given by Mrs. Prideaux of the Department of Human Ecology (outfits will be provided by Brooks Brothers.)

Accenture Interviewing Workshop
Date: Thursday, September 29, 2011
Time/Location: 7-8 PM; WEL 2.246
Description:  Accenture, a global management consulting, technology services, will hosti a workshop on how to have a successful interview.

Dean’s Scholar’s Lunch
Date: Friday, September 30, 2011
Time/Location:  12-1pm; WEL 1.316
Description: Come listen to a distinguished faculty member give a lecture and meet Dean's Scholars students.

The Importance of Funding Research
Date: Friday, September 30, 2011
Time/Location:  2-3pm; SAC Legislative Assembly Room (SAC 2.302)
Description: Join the distinguished faculty in the College of Natural Sciences in a discussion that will revolve around the importance of funding both applied and academic research.

Roads to Research
Date: Friday, September 30, 2011
Time/Location: 3-5 PM; ACES 2.402
Description: Learn more about research opportunities by seeing what other students have been researching.  Tours of the Visualization Lab in ACES will also be given.


Science Study Break

Date:  Friday, September 30

Time/Location 6-7pm, WEL 2.224

Author Jim Ottaviani discusses his new book, a biography of Richard Feynman.   Ottaviani is a graphic novelist (sometimes known as comic books, but these are long works) and scientist.  He's written biographies of Nobel Laureates Neils Bohr, J. Robert Oppenheimer, as well as works on science such as his Two Fisted ScienceQuantum Entanglement, and Fallout (on the making of the atomic bomb).  He's has researched Feynman's work as well as family to bring the life and creativity of this great physicist to the reader.  See the reviews in Earth and Sky and the New York Review of Books.



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