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From the College of Natural Sciences
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Kopp's Weekly - It's Natural Sciences Week!‏

Kopp's Weekly - It's Natural Sciences Week!‏

Events throughout the week will celebrate some of the goings-on in the college and give you opportunities to network with student groups and with our faculty

Dear Students,

This week is Natural Sciences Week! Events throughout the week will celebrate some of the goings-on in the college and give you opportunities to network with student groups and with our faculty. Check out the events below and on the Natural Sciences Council website or on their Facebook page. There will be free food, t-shirts, and much more!

You are an important and proud part of the largest college at UT. I urge everyone this week to haul out those CNS t-shirts, or t-shirts from your department, from FRI, TIP, or all the other programs in the college. Let others on campus know where your home is. I look forward to seeing you around.

Best wishes for a fun and informative week,
Sacha Kopp
Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education,
College of Natural Sciences

Monday 10/1:

Natural Sciences Kick-Off! 5-7pm; East Mall
NS Week starts off with a Kick-Off Party, free pizza and music as well as a large array of some the amazing student organizations within our very own College. Get ready for some fun battle of science from our Physics Circus and Chemistry Circus teams!

Tuesday 10/2:

Computing Today 3-4pm; WEL 2.256
Lecture by Dr. Emmett Witchel: "What, Me Worry?: What You Need to Know About Computer Security"
Learn how to protect your assets online and about threats ranging from viruses to identity fraud. Free Tiff's Treats and t-shirts!

TACC Visualization Lab Tours 2-3pm; ACES 4.204A
Bet you didn't know that UT houses the highest resolution tiled display in the WORLD! Spanning over 15 feet, the Stallion display is one among the many exciting visualization resources available to CNS students, as well as the Texas Advanced Computing Center Ranger computing cluster. Come for an exclusive tour!

Opportunities Abroad 6-8pm; WEL 2.308
Learn about resources available for study abroad, hear about Dr. Mark Bierner's faculty perspective, listen to student testimonials, and even learn more about organizations that have a focus in going abroad through the College of Natural Sciences.

Wednesday 10/3:

TACC Visualization Lab Tours 2-3pm; ACES 4.204A

Quiz Bowl 5-6:30pm; WEL 2.246
Test your mettle or watch others face professors in CNS. Completely free and open to all, it is bound to be a fun time for all who attend.

Star Party 7-9pm; RLM 4.202 & RLM Rooftop Telescope
Lecture by Dr. Karl Gebhardt at 7pm on black holes. Afterward join us on the roof of the RLM for stargazing and liquid nitrogen ice cream.

Thursday 10/4:

TACC Visualization Lab Tours 11am-noon; ACES 4.204A

The Look To Land the Job 6:30-8pm; Welch 3.502
Dr. Nancy Prideaux coaches on the question of what to wear for that interview? Avoid making a bad first impression, learn what is appropriate attire in the business world from interviews to on-the-job and more! Free food and prizes! Sponsored by Brooks Brothers, CNS Career Design Center, and the Department of Textile and Apparel

Friday 10/5:

Dean's Scholars Luncheon 12-12:50pm; JGB 2.324
Join the Dean's Scholars for their free weekly luncheon, open this week to all CNS students! Distinguished Senior Lecturer Dr. Leanne Field will be speaking about on the risks and ramifications of the West Nile Virus.

SURGe presents Roads to Research 3-5pm; SAC Legislative Assembly Room
Distinguished researchers and UT alumni from the UNT Sciences Graduate School program give short presentations on top-notch research and advice to undergraduates about what to expect after college and what you can do now to prepare. Following will be a tabling session for you to browse and ask questions from different recruiting companies and UT offices. Light refreshments, as well as door prizes!

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