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From the College of Natural Sciences
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Kopp's Weekly - Graduation

Kopp's Weekly - Graduation

We are proud of those who are finishing this year, excited about their prospects for next stages of life, and a little sad to see them go.

Dear Students,

Graduation is upon us.  We are proud of those who are finishing this year, excited about their prospects for next stages of life, and a little sad to see them go.

Graduation is a chance to thank those you're leaving behind, the friends and staff at UT made it possible for you to become the person you are.  Or it's a chance for those of us who will remain here next year to thank those who are leaving.  As we look at their time here, it's great to remind them of their many accomplishments and gifts to the university.  To this end, we've created a memory board for the College.  Parents can congratulate their students, classmates can embarrass their friends.  Graduates can reflect on their experiences or thank their professors.

A few examples are here. To submit, click here.

For you graduates, more than the content, you learned your own techniques for assimilating ideas and creating new ideas out of them.  That will serve you the most as your careers take you in directions that don't exist yet.  Leaders who've made a difference have an innate curiosity which drives them to learn more about the world, a desire to get all the information before making decisions, and a sense that sometimes the best ideas come from 'out there' rather than within.  More than anything, I hope you learned the skills of being a lifelong learner.

Graduates, you have a mid-life reinvention about to happen. Who are you?  What will you become?  The 20's can be a defining decade -- not one in which you have to have it figured out, but one in which you start identity-forming experiences.  You'll try internships.  You'll build networks of contacts.  You'll explore several jobs and build new skills each time.  You'll try grad school.  You'll maybe meet the love of your life.  All this can be a little stressful (change is always so), but it is a chance to invent and re-invent yourself, and hopefully you can relish the process as much as the end goals.  Enjoy. Good luck.

Best wishes to our graduates, and best wishes to us all for a great summer.
Sacha Kopp
Associate Dean

PS:  You may have seen a recent TV interview with Karen Landolt, Director of our Career Design Center.  She spoke about jobs and the 2012 economy:

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