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From the College of Natural Sciences
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Kopp's Weekly — The Role of Science in Society‏

Kopp's Weekly — The Role of Science in Society‏

Don't miss the fourth Science for Change lecture Monday, April 16.

Dear Students,

The accomplishments and approaches of science and mathematics touch upon many aspects of society. As astronaut George Nelson said when he visited campus a couple of years ago, "Most of the jobs around today were not even invented when I was in school," evidence that there are so many technologies now routinely in use that we didn't even know about 20 or 30 years ago, and evidence of the need for us all to adapt and grow. This week is an exciting lecture which I hope you can attend. Whether you consider yourself a future academic, innovator, entrepreneur, or educator, I hope you'll enjoy:

American science policy:


From order to disorder – time for a change?


Dr. Neal Lane


Mon Apr 16, 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm


AVAYA Auditorium, ACES 2.302





The U.S. government's role in managing science and technology was established during the years of the Cold War at the end of WWII, according to Dr. Lane, and has not changed much in over 60 years. Meanwhile, essentially every aspect of our lives in this country and around the world has changed in profound ways, much of that due to science and technology! How should we as a society continue to invest in science in technology? If innovation is to be driven by the private sector, is there a role for the federal government?

Dr. Neal Lane is currently the endowed Malcolm Gillis University Professor at Rice University, but has served as President Bill Clinton's Science Advisor and before that as Director of the U.S. National Science Foundation. He is one of the most innovative thinkers in the role of science and technology in the growth of society, and in the need for a changing role for the federal government in supporting science and technology. His presentation will be the fourth in our "Science for Change" lecture series.

Sacha Kopp


Associate Dean,


College of Natural Sciences

PS: As a reminder, registration for summer starts this week. The College of Natural Sciences is making a big push to make summer at UT a special opportunity, such as

Additional seats in some courses where seating has been limited in Fall/Spring

Complete 8-hr two semester sequences in chemistry, organic chem, physics, calculus, and bio (yours truly is teaching an all-summer intro intro-level physics 302K+302L, for example)

We will offer an MCAT content prep course taught by Dean Laude, Brent Iverson, Ruth Buskirk, and myself).

The 5th annual Statistics Institute is May 21-24.

The CNS Health Information Technology Certificate program, which should allow students of many majors to pursue careers in the transition of health care to digital records.

See a complete listing of courses at the College's summer web page.

PPS: You and your favorite CNS professor are cordially invited to Natural Sciences Council's 11th Annual Faculty & Staff Appreciation Banquet on Monday, April 30th, from 5-7 pm at the San Jacinto Multi-Purpose Room. This is a banquet that is provided for free that allows you to honor and get to know your professor. To attend, invite your favorite CNS professor, and RSVP with you and your professor's name to nsc.sf.chair@gmail.com by this Friday, April 20th.

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