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From the College of Natural Sciences
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Kopp's Weekly — News around the College‏

Kopp's Weekly — News around the College‏

Students have multitudes of opportunities to get involved and ahead.

Dear Students,

It feels like a busy week. There are many announcements in this message, so please read through in case one of them pertains to you.

Best wishes for the coming week,
Sacha Kopp
Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education,
College of Natural Sciences

The College of Natural Sciences provides numerous scholarships recognizing student excellence at all levels (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior). I encourage you to apply, especially if it enables the kinds of volunteer, lab, research, or internship experiences that are sometimes sacrificed when financial obligations take priority. The common application is used to award college-level scholarships as well as the Health Professions Scholarships (for pre-medical students) and Out-of-State Tuition Waivers. Students can access the online application at https://www.utexas.edu/cns/scholap. The application deadline is April 15, 2013. IMPORTANT UPDATE regarding CNS Fifth-Year Seniors: Students currently enrolled in their first through third years are invited to apply. Students in their third year should indicate within the application their plan for completing their CNS degree within the 4th year. Students currently in their 4th year may apply in certain circumstances but must first contact the Scholarship Coordinator. Please contact Adrianne Chacon (adrianne.chacon@cns.utexas.edu) with questions or concerns.

JOIN THE NATURAL SCIENCES COUNCIL — your student organization and liaison to the College
The Natural Sciences Council is the student organization which serves students across CNS. It provides information, hosts events across the college, and is your voice to the College. NSC accepts applications during the first 2 or 3 weeks of every semester. The link to the application is here at this link. Applications are due on Friday February 1 at 5pm. NSC leaders will have 2 information sessions: Tuesday January 22, 5-6pm in WEL 3.502 and Monday January 28, 5-6pm WEL 2.308 for those maybe interested in joining. If you have any questions, they can contact Vice President Juan Herrejon at nsc.ut.vice.president@gmail.com.

The Natural Sciences Council seeks your input. Monthly it puts out the Catalyst, a student online newspaper covering topics from where are all the good study venues to profiles of great professors to debates about college tuition. It seeks your input on what makes for useful and interesting content, and through what media you best like to receive information from and about the College and UT. Please take a moment and fill out their survey.

SPRING 2013 CNS CAREER FAIR — looking for jobs or wanting to learn what's ahead?
The CNS Spring Career Fair is Thursday Jan 31 from 1-6pm in the Frank Erwin Center. A list of employers coming to this fair is given here. Even if this is not the year you're expecting to join the job market, it's worth learning about career opportunities ahead and what kinds of skills employers are looking for. The Career Fair web site has good tips on how to make the most of the event, how to dress appropriately (required for admission), and details on workshops Jan 23, 24, 29 being run by the Career Design Center on how to prepare a personal statement, how to prepare a resume, and how to work a carer fair. Just a note, the health professions fair will be March 6, so stay tuned.

THE UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH FORUM: present your work for prizes
The 2013 College of Natural Sciences Undergraduate Research Forum will be Friday, April 12, 2013. All CNS undergraduate students who have participated in research with CNS faculty or with faculty in other colleges or at other institutions are encouraged to present. The event will feature poster oral presentations by student researchers as well as cash awards. The web site is at this link. Workshops leading up to the event will show you how to present a poster. The first workshop, "Why present at the Undergraduate Research Forum?" is co-sponsored by SURGe, Friday, 1/25/13, 5-7 pm in PAI3.02. Free pizza! Register (free) to attend this workshop here. Faculty members will discuss the importance of scientific communication, and students will share their experience, advice and perspective.

PS: Please congratulate Professor Calvin Lin if you see him. Professor Lin, in the Department of Computer Science, is this year's winner of the Jean Holloway Award, a student-nominated and student-selected award recognizing one outstanding teacher each year at UT.

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