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From the College of Natural Sciences
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Just get out and do something

Just get out and do something

Dear Students, 

Part of the life at a University is experiencing the cultural, academic, and enrichment opportunities that take place outside of the classroom. These are the opportunities that make a University a vibrant community. There are countless events happening each week on campus. So many, that often it is easier to simply do nothing than it is to choose what to do. I'm here to encourage you to fight that urge. Get out there and do something. 

Where to start? If you are feeling adventurous, look at all of the possibilities from across campus on the UT Events Calendar. Want to narrow it down? For some student-oriented events, check out the Union's Event and Entertainment Calendar. If you want to stick closer to home, read this email each week; we have events highlighted at the bottom. 

For example, this week and next there are two great events from the Natural Sciences Council (NSC). 

This Thursday evening is The Curie Diaries: A Women in STEM Event. This event, co-hosted by NSC and Women in Natural Sciences (WINS), is a new event aiming to empower and inspire undergraduate women in STEM by giving them an opportunity to listen to distinguished faculty members tell their stories. 

Next week, Tuesday, is Success in Science with Dr. Iverson. NSC is hosting Dr. Brent Iverson, Dean of the School of Undergraduate Studies and renowned professor in the Department of Chemistry, as he shares his personal insights and expertise on teaching, innovating, and communicating science throughout his career. 

Having too many choices is not a good excuse. So just get out and do something. 

Dr. Vanden Bout

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