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From the College of Natural Sciences
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It has arrived

It has arrived

Dear Students,

It has arrived. The last day of class this semester! And while for some of you that means donuts and CIS sheets, I know for others it is likely that last exam. So keep up the good work as we head into finals.

I could drone on and on about finals but I will offer only my same few small pieces of advice.

  1. Take care of yourself. Take advantage of the variety of stress relief activities around campus like De-Stress CNS.
  2. Sleep. You may think staying up all night studying is the best way to learn a semester's worth of subject matter, but your mind and body think otherwise. Get some rest. It is good for learning.
  3. Press on. You can always make progress. You may feel like there is too much to review and not enough time. You can always make good use of the time that you have. Don't waste it worrying. Use it studying.

Work hard. Help each other follow the three pieces of advice above. Get some sleep. Ace your finals.

Dr. Vanden Bout

P.S. If you have any online Course Instructor Surveys, be sure to fill them out.

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