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From the College of Natural Sciences
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Happy Holidays from the College of Natural Sciences

Happy Holidays from the College of Natural Sciences

Each December, we select a scientific image to help convey the joy of science amid all of the other wonders of the season. This year's selection comes via the Texas Advanced Computing Center and physicist Wendell Horton.

Although it looks like something sculpted from a frosty winter landscape, this image in fact represents an attempt to unlock mysteries of the sun. 

UT Austin Physicist Wendell Horton used Stampede, one of the world's most powerful supercomputers housed here at The University of Texas at Austin, to simulate how hot gases on the sun, called plasma, flow. This modeling holds promise for improving GPS communications and for the development of fusion energy. 

Read "A Deep Dive Into Plasma" by the Texas Advanced Computing Center's Makeda Easter to learn more about the research. 

This time of year brings much more than the winter's chill: It brings the spirit of discovery, of unlocked mysteries, and of togetherness also seen in the amazing network of people who are friends of this College. We are happy to count you as an important part of our College of Natural Sciences community.

Happy Holidays from the College of Natural Sciences!

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