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From the College of Natural Sciences
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Four things to do this summer

Four things to do this summer

Dear Students, 

I hope that the end of the semester brings time for a bit of rest and recharging. Many of you will be away from campus for some or all of the summer, so I wanted to offer some suggestions for how you can make the most of the coming months and ease the transition back here in the fall. 

  • Change your pace – Whether you're in summer school, doing an internship, working, researching, or traveling, summer as an undergraduate should also mean doing things a little differently than in the long academic year. Use the time to your advantage. Ask questions you never had time to look into during the long semesters. Research those career or post-graduate opportunities you have been meaning to explore. And, by all means, allow yourself some space to slow down, since that's part of what summer is for. 
  • Read a good book – Remember summer reading lists? Why not make your own list this summer? This time of year can be a great time to catch up on what interests you, be it popular science, novels, biographies, or current events. I'll be tweeting some of my recommendations over the summer (another great reason to follow @StudentDeanCNS). 
  • Stay connected – If you're away from Austin this summer, many resources are still available to you. If you need help and want to talk, you can call UT's Counseling and Mental Health Center Crisis Line any day of the year, 24 hours a day: (512) 471-CALL (2255). You can also keep up with happenings on campus, by following and engaging with CNS on social media, using the buttons that appear above "Dear Students" here. 
  • Be safe – As always, we look forward to welcoming you back to our campus community for an excellent new academic year in the fall. I am counting on you to take care of yourselves. Please have a wonderful summer. 

Dr. Vanden Bout

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