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From the College of Natural Sciences
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Finals Week

Finals Week

Dear Students,

I have only two quick items to pass on for finals week.

1.  Today was Fall Commencement! (“Graduation” for those not familiar with academic lingo.)  What a great day of celebration.  Congratulations to our all of our CNS graduates.  You should be proud of all you have accomplished at UT and on the successful completion of your degree.  To the rest of you, I look forward to reading your names as you walk across the stage in years to come.

2.  This week is Final Exams.  Even our “graduates” need to finish this semester before they can actually get their degrees.  I could drone on and on about finals but I will offer only two small pieces of advice.

Sleep.  You may think staying up all night studying is the best way to learn a semester’s worth of subject matter, but your mind and body think otherwise.  Get some rest.  It is good for learning.

Press on.  You can always make progress.  You may feel like there is too much to review and not enough time.  You can always make good use of the time that you have.  Don’t waste it worrying.  Use it studying. 

Work hard.  Get some sleep.  Ace your finals.


-Dr. Vanden Bout


P.S. There is no weekly newsletter, as you should only be working on your final exams this week.

P.P.S.  How many mathematicians does it take to screw in a light bulb?  The answer is trivial and left as an exercise to the reader.

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