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From the College of Natural Sciences
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If You Don't Send This to Your Parents...

If You Don't Send This to Your Parents...
We'll fail this dog.
Don't let this puppy down.

When Insight, the undergraduate newsletter of the College of Natural Sciences, was transformed last year from a paper to an electronic publication, it saved a lot of trees, saved the college money, and enabled us to talk to students in a way that was more in tune with the ways that students were (and are) talking to each other.

What was lost, however, was one means we had of letting parents know what was going on with the college. We'd like to fix that. And so we're asking you to forward the URL for this page to your parents. Or just send them two links.

One is to the page where the most recent issue of Insight is published.

The other, more important link is to an online form that will allow your parents to subscribe to Insight. Don't worry. We're not going to be bombarding them with email, and we're not going to be emailing them about your latest test grade. It's just a few times a year, and it's just a newsletter, and perhaps an occasional invitation to an event (like Family Day, for instance).

So help us out. Or we'll fail this dog.
Walk on the Wild Side
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