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From the College of Natural Sciences

The Cancer-Obesity Connection

Nutritional scientist discusses his research on obesity and cancer and their relationship to children’s health.

Professor Ted Huston Named Fulbright Scholar

Ted Huston, professor of human development and family sciences, will travel to Croatia during the Spring 2010 semester as a Fulbright Scholar.

Tim Loving to Receive Prestigious Teaching Excellence Award

Tim Loving AUSTIN, Texas — Dr. Tim Loving, assistant professor in the Department of Human Development and Family Sciences, is one of six faculty members from The University of Texas at Austin that have been selected to receive the President's Associates Teaching Excellence Award for 2009-2010 for demonstrating a consistent level of excellence in t...Tim Loving

Nutrition Junior Named Truman Scholar

Marissa Duswalt, a junior nutrition and Plan II honors major at The University of Texas at Austin, has been selected as a 2009 Truman Scholar.

Higher Ground

Aletha Huston,professor in the School of Human Ecology, is one of the co-authors of "Higher Ground: New Hope for the Working Poor and Their Children," which was published in 2007. The year was 1995. Bill Clinton, a Democrat, had campaigned for the presidency on the promise to end welfare as we knew it. The Republican party had just taken control...Aletha Huston,professor in the School of Human Ecology,  is one of the co-authors in Higher Ground: New Hope for the Working Poor and Their Children, which was published in 2007.

Can't Help Falling in Love with You

Dr. Tim Loving, assistant professor of human development and family sciences in the School of Human Ecology, studies romantic relationships and the physiological basis of attraction. Photo: Christina Murrey For Dr. Tim Loving, Valentine's Day is more than just chocolates, flowers, a nice dinner, smooches and long, loving gazes at your partner. It'...Dr. Tim Loving, assistant professor of human development and family sciences in the School of Human Ecology, studies romantic relationships and the physiological basis of attraction. Photo: Christina Murrey

Peeking Inside Lunch Boxes

The food that parents are packing for their children in childcare may be lacking in nutrients, reveals a study by nutritionists Sara Sweitzer and Margaret Briley published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association. Sweitzer, a graduate student in nutritional sciences, evaluated sack lunches that parents were preparing for their children ...Harry_S._Truman_Lunch_Box

Calorie Restricted Diet Prevents Pancreatic Inflammation and Cancer

Prevention of weight gain with a restricted calorie diet sharply reduced the development of pancreatic lesions that lead to cancer in preclinical research reported today by researchers from The University of Texas at Austin and The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center at the American Association for Cancer Research annual meeting. The ...

Scientists find popular acne drug leads to depression-related behavior in mice

AUSTIN, Texas—A drug commonly used to treat severe acne can lead to depression-related behavior in mice, according to research published in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology by scientists from The University of Texas at Austin and the University of Bath. The scientists gave 13-cis-retinoic acid, the active ingredient in Accutane, to mice over si...