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From the College of Natural Sciences
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What will get sick from the slick?

Lee Fuiman and Joan Holt provide insights into possible effects of the oil spill on bluefin tuna and whale sharks as part of this Nature News story.

Stormwater Capacity of Vegetated Roofs Studied

The Austin City Council approved $10,000 to the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center to study how much rainwater manufactured green roof products can capture.

New ways to double phone battery life

Doctoral student Eric Rozner says that battery capacity isn't keeping up with the rest of the technology. Read more on CNN.com.

Game theory could help conservation efforts

Biologist Sahotra Sarkar (along with a colleague in the philosophy department) are using game theory to assist biodiversity efforts. Read the full story.

RoboCup 2010: Could Robot versus Human Be Far Behind?

Peter Stone's artificial intelligence team makes an appearance in this Scientific American article about the RoboCup 2010.

Quantum Dots, Obama and the Energy Quest

Xiaoyang Zhu's new research could significantly increase solar cell efficiency. It's covered in this New York Times Dot Earth blog post.

Seductive Frogs and Sexual Selection

In this video, we take a brief look at one of the ways that Darwin's theory of sexual selection plays out. Male túngara frogs, as biologist Mike Ryan has shown in pathbreaking experiments, can make themselves more attractive to females by making more complex calls. They also, as the video demonstrates, make themselves more vulnerable to the predati...

McDonald Observatory Introduces Dark Skies Initiative

FORT DAVIS, Texas — The University of Texas at Austin McDonald Observatory is kicking off a campaign to promote awareness of the causes, effects and solutions to light pollution — stray light shone into the sky where it's wasted, rather than down on the ground where it's useful. The observatory will be promoting dark skies awareness through its ...

Along the Texas coast, they’ve lived this before

Tony Amos has seen this disaster before. Mexico’s Ixtoc I oil spill in 1979 showed what could happen to our beaches...Read the full Houston Chronicle article.

Gulf oil spill keeping UT researchers busy

Professors such as marine scientist Zhanfei Liu spring to action in aiding in disaster. Read the full story.