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From the College of Natural Sciences
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Computer Scientist Brent Waters Selected as Microsoft Research Faculty Fellow

Computer Scientist Brent Waters Selected as Microsoft Research Faculty Fellow

Microsoft Research has selected Assistant Professor Brent Waters as one of eight Microsoft Research Faculty Fellows of 2011. Waters studies cryptography and computer security. His research is laying the foundation for a new vision of encryption called Functional Encryption. Instead of encrypting to individual users, in a Functional Encryption syst...

Border Fence Poses Risk to Wildlife

Biology grad student Jesse Lasky speaks to Good Day Austin about how the border fence poses risks to wildlife.

About 150 attend Marine Science Institute's opening of new Estuarine Research Center

Estuarine Research Center Expands Research and Education Programs at Marine Science Institute

Estuarine Research Center Expands Research and Education Programs at Marine Science Institute

New sustainably designed building features three floors of state-of-the-art marine laboratories and serves as home for the Mission-Aransas National Estuarine Research Reserve.

Cuisine of the cosmic order

As a theoretical physicist at the University of Texas, Navin Sivanandam spends his days thinking about the birth of the universe. When he comes home, he tackles an entirely different problem: chicken-fried queso. Read more on Austin360.com.

US-Mexico border disturbs ecology

A UT study reveals that barriers on the U.S.-Mexico border are disturbing ecosystems and endangering animal species in the area. More at the Daily Texan: "US-Mexico border disturbs ecology."

Asexual Ants Have Sex

Turns out that the asexual ants we wrote about a few years ago sneak in some sexual reproduction every now and then. Read more about professor Ulrich Mueller's research at The Scientist: "Asexual Ants Have Sex."
Astronomers Discover Stars Locked in Fatal Dance

Astronomers Discover Stars Locked in Fatal Dance

Astronomers have discovered a pair of burnt-out stars spiraling into one another at breakneck speeds.
Border Fences Pose Threats to Wildlife on U.S.-Mexico Border, Study Shows

Border Fences Pose Threats to Wildlife on U.S.-Mexico Border, Study Shows

Current and proposed border fences pose significant threats to wildlife populations, with those animals living in border regions along the Texas Gulf and California coasts showing some of the greatest vulnerability.

The Story Of Texas Longhorns

Grad student Emily Jane McTavish talks about reconstructing the history of longhorns through their DNA on Science Friday.  Check it out there: "The Story Of Texas Longhorns, As Told By Their DNA." Or listen to it right here: [audio:http://web5.cns.utexas.edu/news/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/scifri201107082-longhorn2.mp3|titles=The Story of the Te...