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From the College of Natural Sciences

Lee is the Director of Communications for the college. He holds a B.S. in Biology from UT and an M.S. in Entomology from UW-Madison. He lives in East Austin with his partner, their dog, and a garden full of plants and bugs.

Liquid Bounce

Physics graduate student Matt Thrasher and Professor Harry Swinney recently explored the phenomenon of liquid bouncing, where a falling stream of liquid bounces off the surface of the same liquid. In the video, you will see a stream of silicone oil after it has dropped into a tank of the same oil. The long stream of oil stretches to the right und...

Fishing for Fluorescence

Juvenile polyps of staghorn coral Q & A with Misha Matz, assistant professor of integrative biology One of your main research interests is in fluorescence in corals and other marine organisms. What is your attraction to the study of fluorescent marine animals, beyond the “cool factor?” One of my projects is bioprospecting for new genetica...misha_final

Gifts of Note

Abells Support Marine Science To honor their six children and provide a permanent gift to the Marine Science Institute, Joe and Mary Abell recently pledged $50,000 to establish the Abell Family Fund Endowment. The fund will provide tuition assistance to graduate students in the Department of Marine Science. Mary, advisory council member and the in...

Directing Evolution

Andy Ellington uses evolution to create new therapeutics, train the next generation and ask questions about the origin of life. When Andy Ellington looks at the living world, he sees what most of us do: giant trees of green, birds chirping, dogs walking and people smiling. He also, however, sees the world from the bottom up, as collections of mil...infectious_ellington2
Gene Discovery Made Easier

Gene Discovery Made Easier

AUSTIN, Texas—The identification of disease-causing genes will be much easier and faster using a powerful new gene-networking model developed by researchers at The University of Texas at Austin. Edward Marcotte and his colleague, postdoctoral researcher Insuk Lee, used the gene network technique to identify new genes that regulate life span and ar...

For Creating New Field Of Science, Bard Wins International Prize

AUSTIN, Texas—Dr. Allen Bard, professor of chemistry and biochemistry at The University of Texas at Austin, was awarded the 2008 Wolf Prize in Chemistry jointly with Professor William Moerner of Stanford University. The award, announced by Israel’s minister of education, Professor Yuli Tamir, was given to the two scientists for their “creation of...

Marcotte Honored As Outstanding Young Investigator

AUSTIN, Texas—In recognition of past contributions to and future promise in the field of functional genomics and bioinformatics, University of Texas at Austin Professor Edward Marcotte will receive a 2008 Edith and Peter O’Donnell Award from The Academy of Medicine, Engineering and Science of Texas (TAMEST). The award honors outstanding young Tex...

When She's Turned On, Some Of Her Genes Turn Off

AUSTIN, Texas—When a female is attracted to a male, entire suites of genes in her brain turn on and off, show biologists from The University of Texas at Austin studying swordtail fish. Molly Cummings and Hans Hofmann found that some genes were turned on when females found a male attractive, but a larger number of genes were turned off. “When fema...
Tree of Life Revealed for Flowering Plants

Tree of Life Revealed for Flowering Plants

AUSTIN, Texas—The evolutionary Tree of Life for flowering plants has been revealed using the largest collection of genomic data of these plants to date, report scientists from The University of Texas at Austin and University of Florida. The scientists, publishing two papers in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences this week online, found...

Marine Scientists Funded to Study 'Dead Zone'

PORT ARANSAS, Texas— University of Texas at Austin marine scientists have been awarded $781,000 by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) to better understand how nutrient pollution from the Mississippi River affects the large area of low oxygen water called the “Dead Zone” in the Gulf of Mexico, and consequently its impact on comm...