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From the College of Natural Sciences
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A Conversation About Diversity and Student Success‏

A Conversation About Diversity and Student Success‏

Have your voice heard on Wednesday at our Town Hall

Dear students,

Each of us brings experiences, culture, and community that is deeply personal to college. The College of Natural Sciences is committed to all students' success, regardless of family background, socioeconomic status, or ethnicity, and this was recently re-stated in the Dean's Strategic Plan. Last year, the college held a number of focus groups to better understand issues faced by both women and students from underrepresented groups. These conversations were informative, and we would like to share these findings with you. In addition to hearing information gathered from the focus groups, we'll hear from a student panel and we want to hear your views and experiences. I invite you to participate in:

CNS Town Hall on Diversity and Student Success

Wednesday, February 26th, 5-6:15pm

WCHogg 1.120

(pizza and give-away prizes)

We want to hear your ideas on how the college can better support students, across all family backgrounds, socioeconomic status, or ethnicities. You are critical to this conversation. You can help us act and respond based on the best ideas you bring to the discussion.

In the sciences, true progress is made when a broad community and range of views are brought to bear on a problem and diversity is seen as a vital strength. In a recent summit of university presidents at the White House, President Bill Powers said "Ensuring that low-income and underserved students are able to attend top universities like UT Austin ... improves society by ensuring that our brightest young minds have the chance to receive a world-class education and flourish."

I hope to see you there on Wednesday,
-- Dr. Kopp

PS: As a follow up to the Town Hall, the student-led College Tuition and Budget Advisory Council and the Natural Sciences Council are working together to host additional focus group meetings where you can share your opinions.

          -Thursday, Feburary 27th @ 5pm in SAC 1.118

          -Wednesday, March 5th @ 5pm in SAC 3.112

Contact NSC President Juan Herrejon at juan.herrejon@utexas.edu if you'd like to participate. Or just come. There will be free food. If you can't make these, but would like to contribute, you can fill out this survey for CTBAC.

PPS: The Natural Sciences Council puts out a weekly newsletter of articles of interested to students in CNS. Check out the February issue of the Catalyst, and consider writing an article yourself for the next issues!

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