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Herzka, Sharon

Sharon Z Herzka

Associate Professor
Department of Marine Science

Fish ecology, larval transport and recruitment, isotope ecology, Gulf of Mexico oceanography


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Postal Address

Sharon Herzka's research focuses on larval fish transport and recruitment, habitat use and migration of marine fishes, isotope geochemistry and ecology, and Gulf of Mexico oceanography. She has worked in estuaries, coasts, and open-water ecosystems and actively pursues interdisciplinary research by combining laboratory experiments, in situ sampling, and circulation modeling.

2000                Ph.D. Marine Science, University of Texas at Austin             

1996                M.A. Marine Science, University of Texas at Austin                         

1993                B.S. Environmental Science and Resource Management, minor in Science Writing, Lehigh University    

Ongoing projects: 

Title:  Implementing plankton imaging and stable isotope analysis to examine the fine-scale transport and recruitment of blue crab recruitment to estuarine nursery habitat.

Funding opportunity: Texas Gulf Coast Research Center Impact 2030 Award (Impact2030-24-S.Herzka)

Principal Investigator: Dr. Sharon Z Herzka

Dates: April 2024-August 2025

Amount funded: $150,000

Title:  Integration of a 50-year curated dataset of stable isotope ratios of the Texas Coastal Bend's coastal and marine ecosystems components: toward assessing ecosystem-level impacts due to anthropogenic forcing.

Funding opportunity: Texas Gulf Coast Research Center Planning Grant Award (Planning-24-S.Herzka)

Principal Investigator: Dr. Sharon Z Herzka

Dates: 1 March 2024 – 31August 2025

Amount funded: $20,000


Title: Zooplankton and ichthyoplankton community structure and organic matter flow during GOMECC-5: Partitioning the variability due to OA and other environmental drivers

Funding Opportunity: NOAA-OAR-OAP-2024-2008006

Principal Investigator: Dr. Sharon Z Herzka

Dates: April 2024-March 2027


 *SZ Herzka as Corresponding Author, SZ Herzka’s Students or posdocs  in Itallics

Samperio-Ramos G, Vidal-Nieves C, García-Esquivel Z, Herzka S. Z., Sandoval-Gil J.M., Camacho-Ibar V.F. (2024) Environmental influence on feeding and biodeposition rates of Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) throughout its culture cycle in a coastal lagoon with upwelling influence. Estuaries and.  Coasts. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12237-024-01357-4

Ramírez-Mendoza Z, Sosa-Nishizaki O, Pardo MA, Sharon Z. Herzka, R. J. David Wells, Jay R. Rooker, Brett J. Falterman, Michael J. Dreyfus-León (2024) Mesoscale features in the Gulf of Mexico drive the habitat suitability of yellowfin tuna: Seasonal and interannual predictions. Scientific Reports. 14:8256 https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-58613-7

Gaona-Hernández A, Suárez-Morales E, Linacre L, Lara-Lara R, Compaire JC and SZ Herzka* (2024). Calanoid copepod community structure in two hydrographically contrasting regions of the Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Plankton Research. 00, 1–16. fbad057, https://doi.org/10.1093/plankt/fbad057.

Contreras-Pacheco YV, Herzka SZ, Herguera García* JC (2023) Particulate organic carbon in the deep-water region of the Gulf of Mexico. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2023.1095212.

Herguera García JHC, Peters EM, Sheinbaum J, Pérez-Brunius P, Herzka SZ, Licea-Navarro AF, Ocampo-Torres FJ, Aguirre-Macedo ML, Vidal-Martínez WM, García-Nava H, Salgado T, Romero-Centeno R, Zavala-Hidalgo J, Pardo-López L, Gracia A. (2023) Ocean Monitoring, Observation Network and Modelling of the Gulf of Mexico by CIGOM. Frontiers in Marine Science. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmars.2023.1095212/full

Amon R, Ochoa J, Candela J, Herguera JC, Herzka SZ,  Pérez-Brunius P, Sheinbaum J,  Hernández-Ayon M, Camacho-Ibar VF, and Key RM. (2023) Ventilation of the deep Gulf of Mexico and potential insights to the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Science Advances. 9, eade1685. https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.ade1685

Ramírez-León MR, Sosa-Nishizaki O, Pérez-Brunius O, Romo-Curiel AE, Ramírez-Mendoza Z, Fajardo-Yamamoto A, Herzka SZ, García-Aguila MC (2023) Semi-quantitative risk assessment of marine mammal oil exposure: A case study in the western Gulf of Mexico. Frontiers in Marine Science. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmars.2023.1034647/full

Daudén-Bengoa G, Jiménez-Rosenberg SPA, Fernández Alamo MA, Ordoñez-López U, Echeverri-García LP, and Herzka SZ*. (2023) Distribution and abundance of ichthyoplankton species with contrasting life histories as a function of oceanographic variables in the deep-water region of the southern Gulf of Mexico. PLOSone.  https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0280422

Gasca-Pineda J, Galindo CE, Martínez M, Jiménez-Rosenberg SPA, Hereu C, Nakamura Y, Compaire J, Gómez-Reyes REC, Robles-Flores J, Saavedra-Flores A, Herzka SZ, Arteaga MA. (2023) Community structure and diversity of five groups of zooplankton in the Perdido region of the Gulf of Mexico using DNA metabarcoding. Aquatic Ecology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10452-022-10002-w

Hernández-Sánchez OG, Camacho-Ibar VF, Herguera JCH, Barbero L and Herzka SZ* (2023) A gulf-wide synoptic isoscape of zooplankton isotope ratios reveals the importance of nitrogen fixation in supporting secondary production in the central Gulf of Mexico. Frontiers in Marine Science. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2022.1025387

Mohan JA, Romo-Curiel A, Herzka SZ*, Wells RJD, Sosa-Nishizaki O, García-Rodriguez E. (2023) Inferring habitat use of the Pacific White Shark using vertebral chemistry. Frontiers in Marine Science. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmars.2022.1082219/full

LaFreniere BR, Sosa-Nishizaki O, Herzka SZ, Snodgrass O, Dewar H, Miller N, Wells RJD, Mohan JA (2023) Vertebral chemistry distinguishes nursery habitats of juvenile shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) in the eastern North Pacific Ocean. Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science15:e10234. https://afspubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/mcf2.10234 

Morales-Pulido JM, Galindo-Sánchez CE, Arteaga CM, Batta-Lona PG, Herzka SZ, and Jiménez-Rosenberg SPA. (2022) Identification of Bothus ocellatus and Bothus robinsi larvae using morphological and molecular approaches leads to a distribution record for two summer cruises in the Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Marine Systems. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10641-022-01370-1

Karina Chávez-Martínez, Eduardo Morteo, Isabel Hernández-Candelario, Sharon  Z Herzka, Christian A. Delfin-Alfonso. (2022) Opportunistic gillnet predation by common bottlenose dolphins in the southwestern Gulf of Mexico: testing the relationship with ecological, trophic, and nutritional characteristics of their prey. Frontiers in Marine Science. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2022.8700

Romo-Curiel AE, Ramírez-Mendoza Z, Fajardo-Yamamoto Z, Ramírez-León MR, García-Aguilar MC, Herzka SZ, Pérez-Brunius P, Saldaña-Ruiz LE, Sheinbaum J,  Koztakoulakis K, Rodríguez-Outerelo J, Medrano F, and Sosa-Nishizaki O. (2022) Assessing the ecological risk of large pelagic fish to oil spills scenarios in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Marine Pollution Bulletin. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.113434

Echeverri-García LP, Daudén-Bengoa G, Compaire JC, Jiménez-Rosenberg SPA, Pérez-Brunius P, Ferreira-Bartrina V, and Herzka SZ.* (2022) Variability of fish larvae assemblages relative to mesoscale features in the deepwater region of the southern Gulf of Mexico. Hydrobiologia. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10750-022-04797-w

Hernández-Sánchez OG, Camacho-Ibar VF, Fernández-Alamo MA, and Herzka SZ*. (2022) Nitrogen sources (NO3 vs N2 fixation) inferred from bulk δ15N values of zooplankton from the deep water region of the Gulf of Mexico (2022). Journal of Plankton Research. https://doi.org/10.1093/plankt/fbab089

Cervantes-Díaz GY, Hernández-Ayón JM, Zirino A, Herzka SZ, Camacho-Ibar VF, Norzagaray O, Montes I, Sudre J, Delgado JA (2022). Understanding upper water mass dynamics in the Gulf of Mexico by linking physical and biogeochemical features. Journal of Marine Systems. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmarsys.2021.103647

Cicala F, Arteaga MC, Herzka SZ, Hereu C, Jiménez-Rosenberg SPA, Saavedra-Flores A, Robles-Flores J, Gómez R, Batta-Lona P, and Galindo C (2021). Environmental conditions drive zooplankton community structure in the deep-water region of the southern Gulf of Mexico: a molecular approach. Molecular Ecology. https://doi.org/10.1111/mec.16251

Malpica-Cruz L, Abadía-Cardoso A, Aquino-Baleytó M, Beas-Luna R, Becerril-García E, Castillo-Géniz J, Galván-Magaña F, García-Rodríguez E; Herzka SZ; Hoyos-Padilla E, Lara-Mendoza R, Lorda J, Oñate-González E, Pérez-Weil R, Saavedra-Sotelo N, Santana-Morales O, Towns V, Zepeda-Domínguez J (2021). Empowering fishers for Great White Shark stewardship: Reply to Madigan et al. 2021. Conservation Letters. e12828. https://doi.org/10.1111/conl.12828

García-Rodríguez E, Herzka SZ*, Sosa-Nishizaki O*, Lowe CG, O’Sullivan JB (2021). Stable isotope analysis of juvenile white sharks inside a nursery area reveals foraging in demersal-inshore habitats and trophic overlap with sympatric sharks. Frontiers in Marine Science. 8:687738. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2021.687738

Martínez MA, Hereu C,  Saavedra-Flores A, Robles-Flores A, Gómez R, Batta-Lona P, Gasca J, Galindo-Sánchez G, Arteaga M, Jiménez-Rosenberg PSA and Herzka SZ (2021). Epipelagic zooplankton diversity in the deep-water region of the Gulf of Mexico: a metabarcoding survey. ICES Journal of Marine Science. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsab090

Ursella L, Pensieri S, Pallàs-Sanz E, Herzka SZ, Bozzano R, Tenreiro M, Cardin V, Candela J and Sheinbaum S (2021). Diel, lunar and seasonal vertical migration in the deep western Gulf of Mexico evidenced from a long-term data series of acoustic backscatter. Progress in Oceanography. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2021.102562.

Compaire JC, Pérez-Brunius P, Jiménez-Rosenberg SPA, Rodríguez-Outerelo J, Echeverri-García LP and Herzka SZ* (2021). Connectivity of coastal and neritic fish larvae to the deep waters of the Perdido region (western Gulf of Mexico) inferred from in situ sampling and ocean circulation modelling. Limnology and Oceanography. 9999:1–19. https://doi.org/10.1002/lno.11762

Dirani K, Wowk K, Medina-Centina Z, Bandaulf J, Herzka SZ, Bello-Bolio R, Gutiérrez-Martínez V and Muñoz-Ubando LA (2021). Learning organization as a framework for networks’ collaboration and knowledge sharing. The Learning Organization. https://doi.org/10.1108/TLO-05-2020-0089

Nuche-Pascual MT, Ruiz-Cooley RI and Herzka SZ* (2021). Effect of macronutrients, feeding regimes, life stage and habitat type on amino acid δ15N trophic enrichment factors in teleost fish: a meta-analysis. Ecosphere. 12:e03570


Ochoa J, Ferreira V, Candela V, Sheinbaum J, López M, Pérez-Brunius P, Herzka SZ and Amon R  (2021). Last decade warming in the abyssal Gulf of Mexico Journal of Physical Oceanography. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1175/JPO-D-19-0295.1.

Le-Alvarado M, Romo-Curiel AE, Sosa-Nishizaki O, Hernández-Sánchez O, Barbero L, Herzka SZ* (2021). Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) foraging habitat and trophic position in the Gulf of Mexico based on intrinsic isotope tracers. PLOS One. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0246082

Hereu CM, Arteaga MC, Galindo-Sánchez CE, Herzka SZ, Batta-Lona PG and Jimenez-Rosenberg SPA (2021). Zooplankton summer composition in the southern Gulf of Mexico with emphasis on salp and hyperiid amphipod assemblages. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 100: 665-680. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0025315420000715

Juárez-Rodríguez M, Heckel G, Herguera-García JC, Elorriaga-Verplancken FR, Herzka-Llona SZ, Schramm Y (2020). Trophic ecology of Mexican Pacific harbor seal colonies using carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes. PLoS ONE 15(1): e0225889. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal. pone.0225889

Daudén-Bengoa G, Jiménez-Rosenberg SPA, Compaire-Cano J, Echeverri-García LP, Pérez-Brunius P, Herzka SZ (2019). Larval fish assemblages of myctophids in the deep water region of the southern Gulf of Mexico linked to oceanographic conditions. Deep-Sea Research Part I https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr.2019.103181

Vidal-Martínez VM, Velázquez-Abunader I, Pech-Pool, D, Mariño-Tapia I, Enriquez-Ortíz C, Herrera-Silveira, J, Herzka, SZ,  Ordoñez-López, U, Aguirre-Macedo ML (2019). Metazoan parasite infracommunities of the dusky flounder (Syacium papillosum) as bioindicators of environmental conditions in the continental shelf of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Parasites and Vectors. 12:277. doi.org/10.1186/s13071-019-3524-6

Mohan JR, Miller NR, Herzka SZ, Sosa-Nishizaki O, Kohin S, Dewar H, Kinney M, Snodgrass O, Wells RJD (2018). Elements of time and place: Manganese and barium in shark vertebrae reflect age and upwelling histories. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285: 20181860. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2018.1760

Nuche-Pascual MT, Lazo JP,  Ruiz-Cooley RI, Herzka SZ (2018). Amino acid- specific δ15N trophic enrichment factors in fish fed with formulated diets varying in protein quantity and quality. Ecology and Evolution. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.4295

González-Medina E, Castillo-Guerrero JA, Herzka SZ, Fernández-Aceves GJ (2018). High quality diet improves lipid metabolic profile and breeding performance in the blue-footed booby, a long-lived seabird. PLoS ONE. doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0193136

Erauskin-Extramiana M, Herzka SZ*, Hinojosa-Arango G, Aburto-Oropeza O (2017). An interdisciplinary approach to evaluate the status of large-bodied Serranid fisheries: The case of Magdalena-Almejas Bay lagoon complex, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Ocean & Coastal Management 145:21-34. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2017.05.005

González-Medina E, Castillo-Guerrero JA, Herzka SZ, Fernández G (2017). Flexibility in food resource allocation in parents and selectivity for offspring: variations in δ15N and δ13C values during breeding of the Blue-footed Booby. Marine Biology. 164:38. DOI: 10.1007/s00227-017-3070-8

Oñate-González EC, Sosa-Nishizaki O, Herzka SZ, Lowe CG, Lyons K, Santana-Morales O, Sepulveda C, Guerrero-Ávila C, García-Rodríguez E, O'Sullivan J (2017). Importance of Bahia Sebastian Vizcaino as a nursery area for white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) in the northeastern Pacific: A fishery dependent analysis. Fisheries Research. 188:125-137. 10.1016/j.fishres.2016.12.014

López-Rasgado FJ, Herzka SZ, Balart, E.F., Lluch-Cota, SE (2016). Comparison of trophic niche of three mangrove fish communities from the Gulf of California, Mexico based on stable isotopes (δ13C, δ15N). Bulletin of Marine Science 92:399-422. DOI: 10.5343/bms.2015.1100

Mohan JA, Smith SA, Connelly TL, Attwood ET, McClelland JW, Herzka SZ, Walther BD (2016). Tissue-specific isotope turnover and discrimination factors are affected by diet quality and lipid content in an omnivorous consumer Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 479:35-45. DOI: 10.1016/j.jembe.2016.03.002

Romo-Curiel A, Herzka SZ, Sepulveda CA, Aalbers SA (2016). Rearing conditions and habitat use of white seabass (Atractoscion nobilis) in the Northeastern Pacific based on otolith isotopic composition. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 170:134-144 DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2016.01.016

Badillo D, Lazo JP, Herzka SZ, Viana MT (2015). The effect of substituting fishmeal with poultry by-product meal in diets for Totoaba macdonaldi juveniles. Aquaculture Research 6:1778-1789. https://doi.org/10.1111/are.12636

Romo-Curiel AE, Herzka SZ, Sosa-Nishizaki O, Sepulveda C, Aalbers SA (2015). Otolith-based growth estimates and insights into population structure of white seabass, Atractoscion nobilis, off the Pacific coast of North America. Fisheries Research 161: 374-383 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fishres.2014.09.004

Badillo D, Herzka SZ, Viana MT (2014).  Protein retention assessment of four levels of poultry by-product substitution of fishmeal in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) diets using stable isotopes of nitrogen (δ15N) as natural tracers. PLOS ONE 9(9):e107523 https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0107523

Malpica-Cruz L, Herzka SZ, Sosa-Nishizaki O, Escobedo-Olvera MA (2013). Tissue-specific stable isotope ratios of shortfin mako and white sharks as indicators of size-based differences in foraging habitat and trophic level. Fisheries Oceanography 22:429-455.  https://doi.org/10.1111/fog.12034

Fodrie FJ and Herzka SZ (2013). A Comparison of Otolith Geochemistry and Stable Isotope Markers to Track Fish Movement: Describing Estuarine Ingress by Larval and Post-larval Halibut Estuaries and Coasts 36:906-917 DOI: 10.1007/s12237-013-9612-5

Herzka SZ,  Mellink E, Talley DM, Huxel GR and Dayton PK (2013). Stable isotope ratios of egg albumen of three waterbird species nesting in the Colorado River Delta indicate differences in foraging ground and isotopic niche breadth. Aquatic Conservation: Freshwater and Marine Systems. 23: 546–563. DOI: 10.1002/aqc.2326

López-Rasgado F, Herzka SZ, del Monte-Luna P, Serviere-Zaragoza S, Balart-Paez E, Lluch-Cota S (2012). Fish assemblages from three arid mangrove systems of the Gulf of California: contrasting observations from 1980 and 2010. Bulletin of Marine Science. 88:919-945. DOI: 10.5343/bms.2011.1111

Malpica-Cruz L, Herzka SZ, Sosa-Nishizaki O and Lazo JP (2012). Tissue-specific isotope trophic discrimination factors and turnover rates in a marine elasmobranch: empirical and modeling results. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 69:1-14. DOI: 10.1139/F2011-172

Martínez-Porchas M, Hernández-Rodríguez M, Herzka SZ and Gutierrez-Millán LE (2011). Evaluation of the physiological status of the Pacific sardine, Sardinops sagax caeruleus, acclimated to different thermal regimes based on blood parameters. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 91-39-49.

Francisco V and Herzka SZ (2010).  Regulation of feeding mode by the sand dollar Dendraster excentricus in a shallow estuarine habitat. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 383-145-157. DOI: 10.1016/j.jembe.2009.11.016

López-Rasgado F and Herzka SZ (2009). Assessment of habitat quality for juvenile California halibut (Paralichthys californicus). Fishery Bulletin.107:343-358. WOSUID: WOS:000268440700009

Herzka SZ, Griffiths R, Fodrie J and MacCarthy I (2009). Short-term size-specific distribution and movement patterns of juvenile flatfish in a Pacific estuary derived through length-frequency and mark-recapture data. Ciencias Marinas. 35:41-57. EID: 2-s2.0-65749083296

Fodrie FJ and Herzka SZ (2008). Tracking juvenile fish movement and nursery contribution within arid coastal embayments via otolith microchemistry. Marine Ecology Progress Series 61:253-265. DOI: 10.3354/meps07390

Valle S and Herzka SZ (2008). Natural variability in δ18O values of otoliths of young Pacific sardines captured in Mexican waters indicates mixing during the first year of life. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 65: 174-190. DOI: 10.1093/icesjms/fsn001

Fodrie FJ, Herzka SZ, Lucas AJ and Francisco V (2007). Intraspecific density regulates positioning and feeding mode selection of the sand dollar Dendraster excentricus. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 340:169-183. DOI: 10.1016/j.jembe.2006.09.009

Herzka SZ (2005). Assessing connectivity of estuarine fishes based on stable isotope ratio  analysis. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science. 64:58-69. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2005.02.006

Herzka SZ, Holt GJ and Holt SA (2002). Stable isotope ratios as tracers of migration during the early life stages of marine fishes. Fisheries Science. Vol. 68, No. 1, pp 182-185.

Herzka SZ, Holt SA and Holt GJ (2002). Characterization of settlement patterns of red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) larvae to estuarine nursery habitat: a stable isotope approach. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 226:143-156. DOI: 10.3354/meps226143

Herzka SZ, Holt SA and Holt GJ (2001). Documenting the settlement history of individual fish larvae using stable isotope ratios: Model development and validation. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 265:49-74. DOI: 10.1016/S0022-0981(01)00324-0

Herzka SZ and Holt GJ (2000).  Changes in isotopic composition of red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) larvae in response to dietary shifts: Potential applications to settlement studies. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 57:137-147. DOI: 10.1139/cjfas-57-1-137           

Herzka SZ and Dunton KH (1998). Light and carbon balance in the seagrass Thalassia testudinum: Evaluation of current production models. Marine Biology. 132:711-721. DOI: 10.1007/s002270050435

Herzka SZ and Dunton KG (1997). Seasonal photosynthetic patterns of the seagrass Thalassia  testudinum in the western Gulf of Mexico. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 152:103-117. DOI: 10.3354/meps152103





Event:  47th Larval Fish Conference

Location and date: Huron, Ohio 12-16 2024

Oral presentation:  Sharon Z. Herzka, Jesus C. Compaire, P. Pérez-Brunius, O. Valencia-Méndez

Fate of coastal and neritic fish larvae transported to offshore waters: lost at sea or potential recruits?

Event:  Ocean Sciences Meeting

Location and date: New Orleans, Louisiana, Ohio 18-23 February 2024

Poster presentation:  Sharon Z Herzka, Guillermo Sampeiro-Ramos, Víctor Camacho-Ibar, Oscar Hernández-Sánchez, Martín Hernández-Ayón, Enric Pallas, Miguel Tenreiro, Julio Sheinbaum

Contribution of subsurface nitrate and fixed nitrogen inside and outside of a Loop Current anticyclonic eddy based on zooplankton stable isotope ratios

Event:  Ocean Sciences Meeting

Location and date: New Orleans, Louisiana, Ohio 18-23 February 2024

Poster presentation: Enric Pallas Sanz, Miguel Costa Tenreiro, Angel Ruiz Angulo, Lorena Linacre, Guillermo Alberto Sampeiro-Ramos, Sharon Z Herzka, Uriel Mirabal-Gomez, Citlali Sanchez Robles, Mariana Stephanie Larios Muñiz,J ose Edwin Morales Torres, Gabriela Yareli Cervantes Diaz, Alicia Guadalupe Uribe López, Jose Jonatan Santander Cruz, Mathieu Gentil,Amaru Márquez-Artavia, Jorge Velasquez, Marco Julio Ulloa Torres, JulioSheinbaum, Thomas Meunier, Jose Martin Hernandez-Ayon, Victor Froylan Camacho Ibar.

Observations of the fine-scale themohaline and bio-optical vertical structure in a wind-forced warm core ring

Event:  Annual Tuna Conference

Location and date: Lake Arrowhead, California. May 20-23 2024

Oral presentation: Zurisaday Ramírez-Mendoza, Oscar Sosa-Nishizaki, Mario A. Pardo, Sharon Z. Herzka, Robert Wells, Jay R. Rooker, Brett J. Falterman, Michel J. Dreyfus-León

Mesoscale activity drives the habitat suitability of yellowfin tuna in the Gulf of Mexico

Event:  27th Biennial Conference of the Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation

Location and date: Portland, Oregon 12-16 2023

Oral presentation:  Sharon Z. Herzka, Jesus C. Compaire, P. Pérez-Brunius, I. Palma-Galindo, O. Valencia-Méndez

Fate of coastal and neritic fish larvae transported to offshore waters: lost at sea or potential recruits?

Event:  27th Biennial Conference of the Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation

Location and date: Portland, Oregon 12-16 2023

Oral presentation:  Sharon Z. Herzka

A personal tale of circumstance and opportunity: my journey as a Latin-American woman marine scientist

Event:  American Society of Limnology and Oceanography Conference

Location and date: Palma de Mallorca, Spain, June 2022

Oral presentation:  Sharon Z. Herzka

Inferring migration patterns of highly migratory fishes using compound-specific analysis of


Event: Latin America and Caribbean Fisheries Congress, American Fisheries Society

Location and date: Cancun, Mexico, May15-18 2023 August 29-Sept 1 2022

Oral presentation:  Sharon Z. Herzka

Inferring migration patterns of highly migratory fishes using compound-specific analysis of


Event: 45th Annual Larval Fish Conference & 13th International Larval Biology Symposium

Location and date: Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD, San Diego, CA. August 29-Sept 1 2022

Oral presentation: Gonzalo Daudén-Bengoa, Javier Rodríguez-Outerelo and Sharon Z. Herzka

Connectivity and larval dispersal of fish species with contrasting life histories in the deep-water region of the southern Gulf of Mexico

Event: 45th Annual Larval Fish Conference & 13th International Larval Biology Symposium

Location and date: Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD. August 29-Sept 1 2022

Poster presentation: Miguel A. Martínez, Sharon Z. Herzka, Sylvia PA Jiménez-Rosenberg, Jesús C. Compaire,  Clara E. Galindo-Sánchez and Leticia Barbero

Increasing spawning ground knowledge for marine fishes through metabarcoding.


Event: Ocean Sciences Meeting

Location and date: Virtual, February 24-March 4 2022

Oral presentation: Sharon Z Herzka, OG Hernández-Sánchez*, VF Camacho-Ibar, L Barbero Isotopic measurements of zooplankton samples collected throughout the Gulf of Mexico basin reflect nitrogen sources

Event: Ocean Sciences Meeting

Location and date: Virtual, February 24-March 4 2022

Poster presentation: Gonzalo Daudén-Bengoa*, Sharon Z Herzka, Silvia Jiménez Rosenberg, María Ana Fernández Alamo, Uriel Ordoñez López, Laura Echeverri García

Distribution and abundance of ichthyoplankton species with contrasting life histories as a function of oceanographic variables in the deep water region of the southern Gulf of Mexico

Event: International Ocean Data Conference – The Data We Need for the Ocean We Want -

Intergovernmental Oceanographic Comission of UNESCO

Location and date: Sopot, Poland and virtual, February 14-16 2022

Oral presentation: Sharon Z Herzka, Saúl Delgadillo-Rodríguez, Carmina Llamas, Paula Ramírez

Novel software for oceanographic cruise planning, execution and results database management

Event: Ocean Sciences Meeting

Location and date: San Diego, California, 16-21 February 2020

Poster presentation: Cervantes Gabriela, Hernandez-Ayon Jose Martin, Zirino Alberto, Herzka  Sharon Z, Camacho-Ibar Victor F, Montes Ivonne, Sudre Joël, Delgado Juan.

A New Characterization of the Upper Waters of the central Gulf of México based on Water Mass Hydrographic and Biogeochemical Characteristics

Event: Larval Fish Conference

Location and date: Virtual, June 24-26 2021

Poster presentation: Miguel A. Martínez, Frank J. Hernández, Sharon Z. Herzka, Glenn Zapfe, Clara E. Galindo-Sánchez, Jesús C. Compairé, Sylvia PA Jiménez-Rosenberg, Leticia Barbero

Comparison of metabarcoding and morphological identification of neritic and oceanic fish larvae from the Gulf of Mexico


Event: Isotopes in Ecology (ISOECOL)

Location and date: Virtual, May 19-21 2021

Poster presentation: Herzka Sharon Z, Hernández-Sánchez Oscar Gabriel*, Le-Alvarado Meliza*, Camacho-Ibar Victor Froylan, Romo-Curiel Alfonsina, Sosa-Nishizaki Oscar, Barbero, Leticia

Isotopic measurements of zooplankton samples collected throughout the Gulf of Mexico basin reflect nutrient sources and lend insight into fish migration patterns


Event: Ocean Sciences Meeting

Location and date: San Diego, California, 16-21 February 2020

Poster presentation: Cervantes Gabriela, Hernandez-Ayon Jose Martin, Zirino Alberto, Herzka  Sharon Z, Camacho-Ibar Victor F, Montes Ivonne, Sudre Joël, Delgado Juan.

A New Characterization of the Upper Waters of the central Gulf of México based on Water Mass Hydrographic and Biogeochemical Characteristics

Event: Ocean Sciences Meeting

Location and date: San Diego, California, 16-21 February 2020

Poster presentation: Hernández-Ayón José Martín, Delgado Juan, Cervantes Gabriela, Tanahara Sorayda, Montes Ivonne, Sudre Joël, Herzka Sharon Z, Camacho-Ibar Victor F.

Increase of Caribbean Water Incursion into the Gulf of Mexico: The Need in Biochemistry Studies of a New Characterization of the Upper Waters of the central Gulf of México

Event: Ocean Sciences Meeting

Location and date: San Diego, California, 16-21 February 2020

Poster presentation: García Rodríguez Emiliano, Herzka Sharon Z, Lowe Christopher G, Sosa-Nishizaki Oscar.

Stable isotope analysis of juvenile white sharks inside a nursery area reveal foraging in demersal-inshore habitats and trophic overlap with sympatric sharks

Event: Ocean Sciences Meeting

Location and date: San Diego, California, 16-21 February 2020

Poster presentation: Hernández Oscar*, Herzka Sharon Z, Camacho-Ibar Victor F, Compaire Jesús C, Le-Alvarado Meliza*, Barbero Leticia

OB44A-03A gulf-wide isoscape of zooplankton δ15N values reflects regional importance of NO3 and N2 fixation as sources of new N in the Gulf of Mexico

Event: Ocean Sciences Meeting

Location and date: San Diego, California, 16-21 February 2020

Poster presentation: González-Rejón Joana , Perez-Brunius Paula, Sheinbaum Julio and Herzka Sharon Z.

Surface Water Exchange Between the Continental Shelf and the Deepwater Region of the Gulf of Mexico

Event: Ocean Sciences Meeting

Location and date: San Diego, California, 16-21 February 2020

Poster presentation: Amon Rainer M W, Ochoa José, Candela Julio, Shienbaum Julio, Herguera Juan Carlos, Herzka Sharon Z, Perez-Brunius Paula, Hernández-Ayón José Martín, Camacho-Ibar Victor F, Key Robert M.

Novel insights into deep ventilation of the Gulf of Mexico and its linkage to the Labrador Sea

Event: Ocean Sciences Meeting

Location and date: San Diego, California, 16-21 February 2020

Poster presentation: Contreras-Pacheco Yéssica V, Herguera Juan Carlos, Herzka Sharon Z, Bobadilla Doreny, Barradas Maria Reyna, Quintanilla Gerardo.

Elemental and isotopic composition of particular organic carbón and nitrogen in the Gulf of Mexico.

Event: Ocean Sciences Meeting

Location and date: San Diego, California, 16-21 February 2020

Poster presentation: Daudén-Bengoa Gonzalo, Echeverri-García Laura P, Jiménez-Rosenberg Sylvia PA, Herzka Sharon Z.

Characterizing the Potential Habitat of Ichthyoplankton in the Gulf of Mexico for Species with Contrasting Life Histories

Event: Ocean Sciences Meeting

Location and date: San Diego, California, 16-21 February 2020

Poster presentation: González- Rejón Joana, Perez-Brunius Paula, Sheinbaum Julio, Herzka Sharon Z.

Surface Water Exchange Between the Continental Shelf and the Deepwater Region of the Gulf of Mexico.

Event: Ocean Sciences Meeting

Location and date: San Diego, California, 16-21 February 2020

Poster presentation: Compaire Jesús C, Jiménez-Rosenberg Sylvia PA, Rodríguez-Outerelo Javier, Echeverri-García Laura P, Pérez-Brunius Paula, Herzka Sharon Z.

Connectivity Patterns of Coastal and Neritic Fish Larvae en Deep Waters in the Western Gulf of Mexico: How Ichthyoplankton Surveys Can Be Helpful to Evaluate the Reliability of the Velocity Fields Provided by the Circulation Models?

Event: 25th Biennial Conference. CERF 2019

Location and date: Mobile, AL, November 2019

Presentación: Romo Curiel Alfonsina Eugenia, López Rasgado Francisco Javier, Herzka Sharon Z, Sanchez Cruz Aline Karen, Gallegos Martínez Margarita, & Pérez Espinosa I.

Seagrass landscape relative to fish assemblages in an extensive meadow, southern Gulf of Mexico. 


Event: Reunión Anual Unión Geofísica Mexicana

Location and date: Puerto Vallarta, México, October 2019

Presentación: García-Lucero Angeles B, Sheinbaum-Pardo Julio, Parés-Sierra Alejandro F, Herzka-Llona Sharon Z.

Análisis de Sensibilidad de Derrames de Petróleo en el Golfo de México a Cambios en los Procesos Advectivos

Event: Reunión Anual Unión Geofísica Mexicana

Location and date: Puerto Vallarta, México, October 2019

Presentación: Rojo-De Anda Georgina, Pérez-Brunius Paula, López-Mariscal Juan Manuel, Herzka-Llona Sharon Z, Pallas-Sanz Enric.

Caracterización del Flujo a lo Largo de la Costa Oeste del Golfo de México

Event: Reunión Anual Unión Geofísica Mexicana

Location and date: Puerto Vallarta, México, October 2019

Presentación: Herzka-Llona Sharon Z, Delgadillo-Rodríguez Saúl, Ramírez-Preciado R Paola, Llamas-Valenzuela A Carmina, Combarro-Simón Manuel.  

Línea Base Ambiental del Golfo de México del Proyecto CIGoM: Caractarísticas, Diagnóstico y una Visión a Futuro.

Event: Reunión Anual Unión Geofísica Mexicana

Location and date: Puerto Vallarta, México, October 2019

Presentación: González-Rejón Joana Julieta, Pérez-Brunius Paula, Herzka-Llona Sharon Z, Sheinbaum-Pardo Julio.

Regionalización del Golfo de México con Base en Flujos de Agua Superficial entre la Plataforma Continental y la Región Profunda

Event: III Taller de Arqueología e Isótopos en el Sur de Sudamérica

Location and date: Iquique, Chile, September 2019

Presentación: Fonseca-Ibarra Enah Montserrat, Herzka-Llona Sharon Z, Téllez-Duarte Miguel A, Santa Rosa-Del Rio Miguel.

Oxygen Isotope Analysis Lend Insight into Shellfish Harvesting Patterns of Hunter-Gatherer-Fishers from Baja California, Mexico

Event: 70th Tuna Comference

Location and date: Lake Arrowhead, California, Estados Unidos, May 2019

Presentación: Le-Alvarado Meliza Lyn*, Herzka-Llona Sharon Z, Romo-Curiel Alfonsina E, Sosa-Nishizaki Oscar.

Trophic ecology of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the Gulf of Mexico inferred from stable isotope analysis and CSIA-AA. 

Event: Reunión Anual Unión Geofísica Mexicana

Location and date: Mérida, México, April 2019

Presentación: Cano-Compaire Jesus, Jimenez-Rosenberg Sylvia P, Rodríguez-Outerelo Javier, Pérez-Brunius Paula, Echeverri-García Laura Del Pilar, Herzka-Llona Sharon Z.

Conectividad ictioplanctónica a través de composición taxonómica y modelado numérico en la región de Perdido del Golfo de México

Event: Reunión Anual Unión Geofísica Mexicana

Location and date: Puerto Vallarta, México, October 2019

Presentación: Gaona-Hernández Aurora*, Herzka-Llona Sharon Z, Suárez-Morales Eduardo, Lara-Lara José R, Ochoa-De La Torre José Luis, Linacre-Rojas Lorena P, Cano-Compaire Jesus.

Estructura de la comunidad de copépodos calanoides en función de condiciones oceanográficas: MMF-01 y 02. 


Event: ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting

Location and date: San Juan, Puerto Rico, February 2019

Presentación: Gasca-Pineda Jaime, Galindo-Sánchez Clara Elizabeth, Arteaga-Uribe María Clara, Martínez M, Jimenez-Rosenberg Sylvia PA, Herzka-Llona Sharon Zinah, Nakamura Yosio. 

Community structure and diversity of zooplankton in the Perdido región of the Gulfo of Mexico, an approach with DNA metabarcoding.

Event: ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting

Location and date: San Juan, Puerto Rico, February 2019

Presentación: Amon, Rainer MW, Herguera-García Juan Carlos, Herzka-Llona Sharon Zinah, Sheinbaum-Pardo Julio, Ochoa-De La Torre José Luis, Candela-Pérez Julio, Pérez-Brunius Paula, Hernández-Ayón J. Martín, Camacho-Ibar Victor. 

Insights into the Deep circulation of the Gulf of Mexico and Northern Caribbean based on DIC radiocarbon depth profiles, hydrography and volume transport estimates.  


Event: Reunión Anual Unión Geofísica Mexicana

Location and date: November 2018, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco

Poster presentation: Aurora Gaona*, Cano Compairé Jesús, Jiménez Rosenberg Sylvia Patricia, Rodríguez Outerelo Javier, Pérez Brunius Paula, Del Pilar Echeverri Laura, & Herzka Sharon Z.

Caracterización de la estructura de la comunidad de copépodos calanoides del Golfo de México durante los cruceros oceanogrȧficos Malla Fina.


Event: Reunión Anual Unión Geofísica Mexicana

Location and date: November 2018, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco

Poster presentation: Hernández Sánchez Oscar Gabriel*, Camacho Ibar Víctor, Pérez Brunius Paula, Cano Compairé Jesús, Fernández Alamo María Ana, & Herzka Sharon Z.

Conectividad entre la plataforma continental y la zona oceánica onferida a partir de la composición isotópica del mesozooplancton.


Event: Reunión Anual Unión Geofísica Mexicana

Location and date: November 2018, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco

Oral presentation:  Sheinbaum Pardo Julio, Herzka Sharon Z, Pérez Brunius Paula, Herguera García Juan Carlos, Licea Navarro Alexei Fedorovish, Ocampo Torres Francisco Javier, & Peters Recagno Eduardo M. CIGOM 2015-2020: An attempt of a progress report.

Event: Reunión Anual 2018 Unión Geofísica Mexicana

Location and date: November 2018, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco

Oral presentation: Amon Rainer, Herguera García Juan Carlos, Herzka Sharon Z, Ochoa De La Torre José Luis, Sheinbaum Pardo Julio, Candela Pérez Julio, & Pérez Brunius Paula.

Insights into the deep circulation of the Gulf of Mexico based on based on new radiocarbon depth profiles, hydrography and volume transport estimates.


Event: Reunión Anual 2018 Unión Geofísica Mexicana

Location and date: November 2018, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco

Oral presentation: Cano Compairé Jesús, Jiménez Rosenberg Sylvia Patricia, Rodríguez Outerelo Javier, Pérez Brunius Paula, Echeverri García Laura Del Pilar, and Herzka Sharon Z.

Composición de la comunidad de larvas de peces de taxónes nerítico-costero en relación a procesos de transporte entre la plataforma continental y la zona de aguas profundas de la region de Perdido del Golfo de México.

Event: Isotope Ecology Conference (ISOECOL)

Location and date: Viña del Mar, Chile, July 2018

Oral presentation: Nuche Pascual María Teresa*, Herzka Sharon Z, Lazo Corvera Juan Pablo, & Ruiz Cooley Rocío.

Amino Acid-specific δ15N Trophic Enrichment Factor in Fish Fed with Formulated Diets Varying in Protein Quantity and Quality. 

Event: Isotope Ecology Conference (ISOECOL)

Location and date: Viña del Mar, Chile, July 2018

Poster presentation: Herzka Sharon Z, Nuche Pascual María Teresa* & Ruiz Cooley Rocío

Is C and N isotope turnover of amino acids a function of dietary protein and protein to energy ratios in marine fishes?

Event: Ocean Sciences Meeting

Location and date: Portland, OR, EUA. February 2018

Poster presentation: Nuche Pascual María Teresa*, Herzka Sharon Z, Lazo Corvera Juan Pablo, & Ruiz Cooley Rocío I.

Amino Acid-specific δ15N Trophic Enrichment Factor in Fish Fed with Formulated Diets Varying in Protein Quantity and Quality. 

Event: Ocean Sciences Meeting

Location and date: Portland, OR, EUA. February 2018

Oral presentation: Herzka Sharon Z, Jiménez Rosenberg Sylvia Patricia A., Daudén Bengoa Gonzalo, Cano Compairé Jesus, Pérez Brunius Paula, & Sheinbaum Pardo Julio (2018, February).  

Does a Lagrangian-Based Dynamic Geography of the Gulf of Mexico’s Deepwater Region Match the Larval Fish Assemblage Structure?

Event: Ocean Sciences Meeting

Location and date: Portland, OR, EUA. February 2018

Oral presentation: Mohan John A, Miller Nathan, Herzka Sharon Z, Sosa Nishizaki Oscar, Kohin S., Dewar Heidi, Kinney Micheal, & Wells David.

Elemental patterns in shark vertebrae reflect age and upwelling histories.

Event: Reunión Anual  Unión Geofísica Mexicana

Location and date: Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, October 2017

Poster presentation: Romo Curiel Alfonsina Eugenia, López Rasgado Francisco Javier, Sanchez Cruz Aline Karen, Herzka Sharon Z, & Gallegos Martínez Margarita. 

Comunidades de peces óseos juveniles asociadas a las praderas de pastos marinos de la península de Yucatán: uso de hábitat esencial.

Event: Reunión Anual Unión Geofísica Mexicana

Location and date: Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, October 2017

Oral presentation: Ramírez Preciado Rosa Paola, Delgadillo Rodríguez Saúl, Juárez Jiménez July Antonio, Velázquez Sánchez Ana Karen, Michán Aguirre Layla, Sánchez Torres Tonatiuh Rafael, Licea Navarro Alexei Fedorovish, & Herzka Sharon Z.

Desarrollo e implementación de un Sistema de Información Integral para las Líneas de Acción  2 y 4 del Consorcio de Investigación del Golfo de México (CIGOM)


Event: Reunión Anual Unión Geofísica Mexicana

Location and date: Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, October 2017

Oral presentation: Cano Compairé Jesus, Pérez-Brunius Paula, Jiménez-Rosenberg Sylvia Patricia A., Echeverri-García Laura Del Pilar, Rodríguez-Outerelo Javier, Domínguez-Guadarrama Alejandro, & Herzka, Sharon Zinah.  

Distribución especial, abundancia y conectividad del ictioplancton entre el talud continental y la zona de aguas profundas de la región de Perdido del Golfo de México.


Event: Reunión Anual Unión Geofísica Mexicana

Location and date: Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, October 2017

Oral presentation: Daudén-Bengoa Gonzalo*, Herzka, Sharon Zinah, Echeverri-García Laura Del Pilar, Jiménez-Rosenberg Sylvia Patricia A., Cano-Compairé Jesus, & Domínguez-Guadarrama Alejandro.  

Relación entre las asociaciones de larvas de peces y las condiciones oceanográficas en la region de aguas profundas del golfo de México


Event: Society for Marine Mammalogy 22nd Biennial Conference

Location and date: , Halifax, Canadá, October 2017

Oral presentation: Juárez-Rodríguez Maricela, Heckel-Dziendzielewski Gisela, Herguera-García Juan Carlos, Elorriaga-Verplancken Fernando R., Herzka, Sharon Zinah, & Schramm-Urrutia Yolanda,

Trophic ecology of Pacific harbor seals (Phoca vitulina richardii) in Mexican colonies: an approach based on carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes. 


Event: Coastal and Estaurine Research Federation 24th Biennial Conference

Location and date: Providence, Rhode Island, EUA, November 2017

Oral presentation: Herzka, Sharon Zinah, Erauskin-Extramiana Maite*, Aburto-Oropeza Octavio, Hinojosa-Arando Gustavo, & Cota-Nieto Juan José.

Interdisciplinary evaluation of the status of large-bodied serranid populations off the southern Baja California peninsula. 

Event: VI Congreso Mexicano de Ecología

Location and date: León, México, July 2017

Poster presentation Juárez-Rodríguez Maricela, Heckel-Dziendzielewski Gisela, Herguera-García Juan Carlos, Elorriaga-Verplancken Fernando R., Herzka, Sharon Zinah, & Schramm-Urrutia Yolanda.  

Ecología trófica de la foca de puerto del Pacífico (Phoca vitulina richardii) en México mediante el análisis de isótopos estables. 

Event: XXIII International Meeting of the Mexican Society of Planktology.

Location and date: Mérida, México, June 2017

Oral presentation: Galindo Sánchez Clara Elizabeth, Morales Pulido José Manuel, Jiménez Rosenberg Sylvia Patricia A., Ordoñez Guillén Fátima Edith, Batta Lona Paola Gabriela, Arteaga Uribe María Clara, & Herzka Sharon Z.

Identificación Morfológica y Molecular de larvas de veces del género Sparisoma del golfo de México. 

Event: V Simposio RECORECOS

Location and date: Chetumal, México, May 2017

Oral presentation: Romo-Curiel Alfonsina Eugenia, López-Rasgado Francisco Javier, Sanchez-Cruz Aline Karen, Herzka, Sharon Zinah, & Gallegos-Martínez Margarita.  

Praderas de pastos marinos de la península de Yucatán como hábitat esencial para peces óseos juveniles. 

Event: Reunión Anual 2016 UGM

Location and date: October 2016, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco

Oral presentation: Herzka, Sharon Zinah, Jiménez Rosenberg Sylvia Patricia A., Echeverri García Laura Del Pilar, Cano Compairé Jesus, & Ferreira Bartrina Vicente

Relación entre la abundancia de larvas de peces y condiciones oceanográficas en la zona de aguas profundas del sur del golfo de México

Event: XV Congreso Nacional / V Simposio Latinoamericano Simposio Internacional de Genómica de Peces

Location and date: November 2016, Aguascalientes

Poster presentation: Sanchez Cruz Aline Karen, Romo Curiel Alfonsina Eugenia, Herzka Sharon Z, & Gallegos Martínez Margarita

Distribución y abundancia de peces óseos juveniles en la vegetación acuática sumergida de la reserva de la biósfera Los Petenes, Campeche

Event: Gordon Research Conference on Cellular and Molecular Fungal Biology

Location and date: June 2016, Plymouth, New Hampshire

Poster presentation: Vargas Gastélum Lluvia Beatriz, Romero Olivares Adriana Lucía, Catalán Dibene Jovani, Rocha Olivares Axayácatl, Brizuela Rodríguez Carlos Alberto, Herzka Sharon Z, Escalante Hernández Ana Elena, & Riquelme Pérez Meritxell

Unraveling fungal diversity of deep­sea sediments from the Gulf of Mexico

Event: 51st European Biology Symposium

Location and date: September 2016, Rhodes, Grecia

Oral presentation: Erauskin Extramiana Maite, Herzka Sharon Z, Aburto Oropeza Octavio, Hinojosa Arango Gustavo, & Cota Nieto Juan José

Are large-bodied serranid populations decreasing in the Pacific coast of the southern California Peninsula?

Event: 40th Annual Larval Fish Conference

Location and date: June 2016, Solomons, MD, EUA

Poster presentation: Echeverri García Laura Del Pilar, Herzka Sharon Z, Jiménez Rosenberg Sylvia Patricia A., Pérez Brunius Paula, & Ferreira Bartrina Vicente

Variation in Larval Fish Assemblages in Relation to Mesoscale Structures in the Deepwater Region of the Southern Gulf of Mexico


Event: 40th Annual Larval Fish Conference

Location and date: June 2016, Solomons, MD, EUA

Oral presentation: Jiménez Rosenberg Sylvia Patricia A., Herzka Sharon Z, Echeverri García Laura Del Pilar, & Ferreira Bartrina Vicente

Larval Abundances in the Deepwater Region of the Southern Gulf of Mexico Relative to Oceanographic Conditions

Event: Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference

Location and date: Houston, Texas, 16-19 February 2015

Poster presentation: Sharon Z. Herzka, Juan Carlos Herguera and Diego López-Veneroni

Temporal and spatial variation in the carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios of mesozooplankton in the central Gulf of Mexico

Event: Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference

Location and date: Houston, Texas, 16-19 February 2015

Oral presentation:  Laura del Pilar Echeverri García,  Sharon Z. Herzka,  Paula Pérez Brunius, Vicente Ferreira Bartrina, Sylvia Patricia A. Jiménez Rosenberg

Larval fish assemblages associated with mesoscale structures of the deep water region of Mexico’s EEZ: a post-oil spill baseline study

Event: Biennial Conference of Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation

Location and date: 8-12 November 2015, Portland, Oregon

Oral presentation: López-Rasgado, Francisco J. Herzka Sharon Z, Balart Eduardo F, Lluch-Cota Salvador E.

Variation in isotopic niche and fish diversity in mangroves with different levels of habitat modification

Event: Biennial Conference of Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation

Location and date: 8-12 November 2015, Portland, Oregon

Oral presentation: Hernández-López J., V. F. Camacho-Ibar, S. Z. Herzka, J. Sandoval-Gil and F. Delgadillo-Hinojosa

Carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition variability of Zostera marina and Ulva in a coastal lagoon


Isotope ecology (Fall 2024)

Fisheries ecology (Spring 2025)

Marine botany (Maymester, co-taught with Dr. Kenneth Dunton). 

Teresa Bennett: Research Technician

Lauren Bomer: PhD Student

Alfonsina Romo-Curiel: Research Associate


Students who are seeking graduate studies in fish ecology or isotope ecology are welcome to apply to the program and join my laboratory. I am also interested in students with a strong background in physical oceanography that are interested in conducting interdisciplinary research. 

As part of an ongoing project, I am looking for a PhD student to join my laboratory to examine the relationship between bulk stable isotope analysis (SIA; δ13CAA and δ15NAA) and compound-specific isotope analysis of amino acids (CSIA-AA; δ13C and δ15N) of zooplankton to infer carbon and nitrogen sources throughout the Gulf of Mexico relative to indicators of Ocean Acidification (OA) and other environmental variables. The research will capitalize on sampling and measurements performed during the gulf-wide NOAA-OAP GOMECC cruises and is a collaborative effort with the University of Miami, the Southeast Fisheries Science Center, and the Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education of Ensenada (CICESE, Mexico). The project will implement a multivariate approach to identify the environmental variables correlating with micro- and mesozooplankton biomass and community composition (including larval fishes) and partition the variability. The results will support ecosystem modeling efforts on the response of the zooplankton communities and the biological carbon pump to OA in the Gulf of Mexico.

Candidates would apply to the Graduate Program in Marine Science at the University of Texas at Austin, and will be mostly based at the Marine Science Institute in Port Aransas. The student would start in Fall 2024. The deadline for admission is December 1, and decisions are made before April 1. Please see the program and admission information link: (https://utmsi.utexas.edu/academics/graduate).

If you are interested, please contact me (Sharon.herzka@utexas.edu)
